Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 228: Up-and-coming opportunities

What Xuan Xin didn't expect was that the water in the five residences of Lingnan was so deep.

Taiyi Master, the Taoist Master who knows more about it, actually has the martial arts strength of the Nascent Soul Stage.

The martial arts strength of the Twelve Profound Gates is even more solid, and the leader plus the eleven masters are all the martial arts strength of Jindan Dzogchen.

This was nothing more than Xuan Xin was not frightened.

Think about it, Beiyuan Mansion, one of the five Lingnan mansions, before the rise of Shaolin, the four thousand-year-old inheritance family was the supreme martial arts of Beiyuan Mansion.

What is the strength of the four thousand-year heritage family?

The Lin Family Patriarch and the deceased Lin Family ancestor were Jindan Dzogchen.

The other Ye family, Chen family, Wang family, three families plus three elders are all martial arts strengths in the middle or late Jindan period.

In this Golden Core Period, the difference in martial arts strength between each small realm is very large.

Not an individual, just like Jue Yuan, he can easily leapfrog the challenge like a monster.

So it seems that the martial arts strength of this Beiyuan Mansion is completely incomparable to the He Twelve Profound Sect of Zhongdu Mansion.

It's not one level at all.

There are twelve masters of Jindan Dzogchen.

Although, in the five provinces of North Lingnan Road, Taiyi is the supreme martial arts, and Taiyi is in charge of the right to speak.

But that's because Taiyi has a martial arts master who is the best in martial arts.

This is a strong man in the meta-infant stage.

Whenever the twelve profound gates are combined, the leader or any of the head teachers will make a breakthrough and reach the Nascent Soul Stage.

This combination of twelve profound gates will be able to regain the supreme status of martial arts in North Lingnan Dao.

After listening to Zhiguang’s narration, Xuan Xin could see the delicate balance of power among the various sects of the Five Houses...

Too is supported by the leader of the Nascent Soul Stage who is the best in strength.

As for the He Twelve Profound Gate, because there is no strong person in the Nascent Soul Stage to support it, it has to be too short and one end...

Once the primordial infant stage of Taiyi is gone, the master of martial arts is known to be the master of martial arts.

Or the Twelve Profound Gate, the leader or one of the head teachers made a breakthrough.

With the master of Yuan Ying period.

Then this delicate balance will be broken, and the entire five provinces of North Lingnan Province will also readjust their right to speak.

"It seems that strength is the kingly way."

Xuan Xin couldn't help it, and muttered to herself for a while in her heart.

In the five prefectures of North Lingnan Road, whoever has the Nascent Soul Stage now has more power to speak.

"So what about the Ximen Family and Yongling Temple?"

Xuanxin is even more curious about Yongling Temple, and in the hearts of the Buddhist sect Xuanxin, a heart of intimacy is born unconsciously.

Shaolin Temple in Beiyuan Prefecture and Yongling Temple in Xishan Prefecture.

Can strengthen communication and enhance communication.

Talk about Buddhism and Taoism.

"Abbot, this Simon family has completely fallen, and the family is currently making every effort to train their successors."

"The status in the Eastern Capital is already in jeopardy."

"It all depends on the old lady Jin, long-sleeved and good at dancing, supported by her ancestors' connections and accumulated hardship..."

Zhiguang's tone became a lot softer when he talked about the Ximen family.

Obviously, the friendship and relationship between this family of Simon and the four thousand-year-old inheritance family was quite good.

After hearing this, Xuan Xin nodded clearly in his heart. This Ximen family was relatively weak, and the status of the family could be replaced by a newly emerging sect or family in the Eastern Capital at any time.

It depends on the family of Simon whether it can cultivate a capable successor while the old woman is still there.

Otherwise, this Ximen family will be replaced by another family or sect sooner or later.

And the fate of being divided up...

"Yongling Temple has always been praised as the first Buddhism in Lingnan North Road."

"Respected as a Buddhist leader."

"For a long time, it has always been a clean place outside of the country, and it will stick to the Xishan Mansion, but the martial arts strength of Yongling Temple has been quietly accumulated for more than a hundred years."

"In fact, it is not much more than the He Twelve Profound Gates."

"The inheritance of martial arts is also unfathomable, and the strength of martial arts is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface."

"It is estimated that this time the new leader is selected, Yongling Temple will show its martial arts strength and heritage, enhance the reputation and influence of Yongling Temple and even have the heart to compete for the leader..."

When Zhiguang said this, he paused slightly. After all, Shaolin and Yongling Temple are both Buddhist schools, Shaolin is the supreme martial arts of Beiyuan Prefecture, and Yongling Temple is the supreme martial arts of Xishan Prefecture.

If Yongling Temple, show strength to compete for the position of the leader and the struggle is successful.

It is bound to start an incense battle with Shaolin in the future.

Fighting law and force is the same as the fire and water.

All along, Buddhism's incense dispute has been the most serious.

There is only one possibility for peace and peace, that is, Shaolin has no heart for the leader, and Yongling Temple has no heart for the leader.

The influence of Shaolin Temple is limited to Beiyuan Mansion, while the influence of Yongling Temple is limited to Xishan Mansion.

Once there is a party, the influence is improved or expanded.

One party must become a vassal.

It is like Tianbei City Wenshu Monastery, which has become a vassal of Shaolin, and the incense of Wenshu Monastery has long been occupied by Shaolin.

"The abbot, Master Ku Rong, the abbot of Yongling Temple, has been practicing celestial stunts all his life. It is rumored to have reached an extremely high and terrifying level."

"Even the Taoist Master of Yuanying Period, Master Ku Rong can also challenge him."

On the surface of the entire five houses of North Lingnan Dao, the competition between Taiyi Gate and He Twelve Profound Gates has become a fire and water.

Taiyimen and Hehe Twelve Profound Doors dominate.

The other Simon families are not worth mentioning.

The Yongling Temple is a clean place outside the Buddhist gate. But in fact, the Yongling Temple has been living for more than a hundred years.

The inheritance of martial arts, the strength of martial arts has accumulated to an unfathomable level.

The strength is very solid.


After hearing this, Xuan Xin took a deep breath, and couldn't help but announce a Buddha's name to calm the fluctuations in her heart.

This Lingnan Wufu water is not as deep as usual.

In the entire Lingnan five residences, Shaolin and the Ximen family are the bottom of the martial arts strength. This time, the election of the new leader must have no right to speak.

The most embarrassing thing is that as Shaolin abbot, Xuan Xin's martial arts strength is only the foundation of the Great Perfection.

Haven't broken through the golden core yet...

People have heard of the Taoist Chang Yuanyingqi, and the twelve profound gates and twelve golden cores have great perfection. The abbot of Yongling Temple, Master Ku Rong, has the strength to fight Yuanyingqi.

The declining Ximen family, Mrs. Jin is also the martial arts strength of Jindan Dzogchen.

"Abbot, the alliance between the five provinces of North Lingnan Road is a good opportunity for Shaolin to stand out."

"It would be better if I could show my Shaolin Dharma."

"As for the selection of the leader..."

What Zhiguang wanted to express was profoundly clear: Shaolin's new rise to become the supreme martial artist of Beiyuan Mansion.

Need an opportunity to stand out.

It needs an opportunity to show up, and an opportunity to let everyone know and accept it.

This time, the alliance between the five provinces of North Lingnan Province is a very good opportunity to show off.

As for the selection of the leader, Shaolin should not worry about it. This time it is enough to form an alliance with Shaolin to join in the fun and show his face.

It is impossible to sit on the seat of the leader.

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