Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 229: With 3 direct disciples

After understanding the strengths of the Five Houses of the North Lingnan Road, the Taiyi Gate, the He Twelve Profound Gate, and the Yongling Temple and the Ximen Family.

Xuan Xin knew how deep the water was inside.

This time the election of the leader, with Shaolin's martial arts strength, can only be used to fight soy sauce.

Join in the fun, get a familiar face, and finally make friends.

For example, Yongling Temple, which is also a Buddhist monastery, can build a good relationship.

Zhiguang made a lot of sense.

Participation is definitely to participate. Shaolin has become the supreme martial artist of Beiyuan Mansion and needs such an opportunity to demonstrate his strength.

Let people realize the existence of Shaolin.

Beiyuan Mansion is no longer the former Beiyuan Mansion, and Shaolin has replaced the supreme status of the four great inheritance families.

Become one of the five giants of Lingnan North Road.

Shaolin needs to get into the top circle of Wufu, North Lingnan Road.

However, Shaolin don't even think about the matter of selecting the leader. Whether it is martial arts strength, qualifications or prestige, it is in the Supreme Sect of the Five Houses of North Lingnan Road.

Shaolin can be said to be the bottom of the existence.

Even Shaolin didn't even have the qualifications to speak.

"You go and inform, let Wuzhen, Wutian, and Wuyan get ready, and follow me to Lingnan City tomorrow."

After some thoughts, Xuan Xin planned to take her three direct disciples to Lingnan City to participate in this alliance meeting.

"Abbot, you... bring Wuzhen, Wutian, Wuyan..."

"How about I and Zhiwen also go with you?"

After Zhiguang heard it, he couldn't help but said with a look of surprise.

He didn't expect that the abbot actually brought only three direct disciples to Wuzhen. Wuzhen was a dreadful old man who was over sixty years old, which was different from the other old monks in Shaolin Temple.

Wuzhen's martial arts are low and unmaintained. It really looks like that old farmer.

But Wu Zhen is a great disciple of Shaolin's direct descendant.

His identity lies there.

Wuzhen is the authentic tradition of Shaolin, and it is understandable to bring Wuzhen forward.

Goten's words, it was a bit wrong to take it with him, a child who was only five years old and already had the martial arts strength of the foundation stage.

It can be called an enchanting evildoer, and I am afraid that the entire Great Zhou Dynasty will not be able to find a second one.

Such a wicked Tianjiao, related to the existence of Shaolin's rise and fall, should be kept as low-key as possible, and given time for him to develop silently.

How can it be brought out to attract people's attention?

Wood show in the forest wind will destroy it.

Zhiguang can imagine what kind of storm Wu Tian will cause in the sight of the various sects when Wu Tian appears in the Wufu of North Lingnan Road.

Because everyone can see how terrifying the oppressive power such a Tianjiao who has overwhelmed the entire era will be once it grows up.

It is inevitable that some people will give birth to jealousy and destroy their minds.

There was no problem with Wu Yan taking it out.

These days, Zhiguang, in the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion, often sees Wu Yan coming over to read martial arts techniques.

He also discovered that Wu Yan was a talented arrogant with unlimited potential. Perhaps he couldn't see how sharp he was at this time, but he saw the fire-like power in Wu Yan's eyes.

Wu Yan's future achievements are definitely not low.

"no need."

Xuan Xin shook her head directly, and rejected the suggestion of bringing Zhi Guang Zhiwen with him.

"Abbot, this is... not right..."

Zhiguang immediately looked worried and put on a posture that hesitated to speak.

The abbot only brought three direct disciples.

Security is a big issue.

There is no master in the Jindan stage. Wuzhen is a terrible old man with four levels of acquired skills. Although Wutian has reached the foundation building stage, he is only five years old...

Wu Yan is only innately perfect.

The abbot also failed to break through the golden alchemy stage. Although the abbot was the reincarnation of the Buddha, he was the true living Buddha.

The body possesses supernatural powers, and the powerful Dharma strengthens the body, but...

It's always uninsurable and worrying.

Moreover, it is not enough card face and compelling standard. Shaolin Temple is a martial arts supreme of Beiyuan Mansion, participating in such a major event as the alliance of Wufu of Lingnan Beidao.

The abbot brought three disciples...

There are four monks in total...

How can there be a card face here?

And there is not even a strong man in the Golden Core Stage. Isn't it a joke that people look down on?

You can imagine what kind of scene this alliance is like.

Too one, the head teacher knows a lot about the Dao Chang Yuan Ying Ji, the martial arts strength is the best, and there are probably eight or nine Jin Dan Ji elders around him.

The entourage disciples are estimated to be no less than a hundred people.

There are a total of twelve Jindan Dzogchen strongmen in the Twelve Profound Clan, the leader and the leader, and the disciples under the Clan are at least a hundred people.

Master Ku Rong of Yongling Temple, the strong man of Jindan Dzogchen, and the monks are at least dozens of people.

The old lady Jin Dan of the family of Simon’s family, Jin Dan, is a strong person, and the many lavish guards of the house servants are definitely not small...

Such a scene and lineup, when people look at Shaolin, they are also the Supreme Sect of the Five Houses of North Lingnan Road.

Why did four monks come here?

Not to mention that the abbot is young, he still only has the strength of the foundation period. Two of the three disciples are old and young...

This is Zhiguang's worry, worrying about the safety of the abbot, and worrying about Shaolin's lack of pomp and being underestimated and making people laugh at jokes.

On the contrary, it will damage Shaolin's reputation and influence.

Zhiguang felt that even if the abbot didn't like ostentation, at least he and Zhiwen had to be taken with him.

To be honest, Shaolin is not much weaker in high-end combat power.

Zhiguangzhi heard that the golden alchemy period Dzogchen, and since he entered Shaolin, he has been baptized by Dharma and enlightened, and he has improved greatly in the martial arts.

Especially with the help of the old monk Wu Ming.

Both of them have touched the bottleneck of the breakthrough, once two of them have a breakthrough and reach the Nascent Soul Stage.

Shaolin can even compete for the position of the leader. UU reading

If both of them break through and reach the Nascent Soul Stage, then it is not allowed to take them directly, and Zhiguang Zhiwen two masters of Nascent Soul Stage will stop there.

Shaolin became the leader of the Five Houses of North Lingnan Road.

Who stands and who opposes?

It can be said that if you bring Zhi Guang Zhi Wen, there will be no problems with safety, and it can also play an excellent deterrent effect.

No one dares to despise Shaolin, no one dares to laugh at Shaolin.

"No, you and Zhiwen stay in the monastery. Shaolin's main energy is not in this alliance."

Xuan Xin shook his head, Zhiguang's worries he fully understood, and he also wanted the poker court and the cup.

But today's Shaolin conditions do not allow it.

The old monk Wu Ming couldn't leave the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Wu Yun existed in the form of a spirit body, and his fighting power was so critical that he couldn't get off the mountain.

Wu Neng just broke through the foundation building period.

Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, but also congenital perfection...

If you take them all away, what is left of Shaolin in the scene?

Take Zhiguang Zhiwen away, and Shaolin lacks high-end combat power. What should we do if we encounter major events at the critical moment?

Simply don't want to show up on the cards, just take three direct disciples with light and simple clothes.

Just keep a low profile.

The main reason is that Xuan Xin now possesses a few supernatural powers and has enough confidence and confidence.

As for Wu Tian, ​​the enchanting Tianjiao who was only five years old.

Very eye-catching existence.

What Xuanxin wants is attention, which is to attract everyone's attention and eyes. Shaolin Qiyun has become impossible to stand up and develop silently.

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