Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 230: Lingnan City, Governor's Mansion

Early the next morning, Xuan Xin went down the mountain with three direct disciples.

Go to Lingnan City and participate in the alliance between the Five Houses of the North Lingnan Road, the Taiyi Gate, the He Twelve Profound Gate, the West Gate Family, the Yongling Temple, and the Shaolin Temple...

The Governor's Mansion, the core of the Wufu Center of North Lingnan Road.

It's in Lingnan City.

It is an extremely prosperous big town.

The journey is far away, and it takes several days to ride a carriage alone.

Shaolin, as the super sect of Beiyuan Mansion and the newly rising martial arts supreme of Beiyuan Mansion, Xuanxin’s trip this time can be described as extremely low-key...

Not only was there no ostentation, even most of the disciples in the temple did not know that the abbot had left.

No one was notified.

Xuan Xin brought three direct disciples, and left the mountain early in the morning without seeing Liang.

The reason for choosing this is mainly because Xuanxin has a few supernatural powers and is more confident in his own strength, so he only brought three direct disciples with him.

Did not choose to bring wisdom, broad wisdom, and **** these two high-end Shaolin combat power.

There is no fanfare.

Secondly, Xuan Xin's purpose was not to respect the position of the leader, but to give Shaolin a chance to show off his strength.

At the very least, show your sense of existence.

Let people know that there is a Shaolin Temple in Beiyuan Mansion.

So this trip is extremely low-key.

In Shaolin Temple, most of the disciples did not know about the alliance between the five provinces of North Lingnan Road, nor did they know that the abbot had gone down the mountain and left Shaolin.

Xuan Gang Xuan Yuan, Zhi Guang Zhi Wen, Shaolin Guardian Jue Yuan, these backbone forces stayed in Shaolin.

It is to let everyone's attention be focused on selecting four generations of disciples in a month's time.

This is Shaolin's big deal.

Don't fight when you shouldn't. Developing your own strength is the key.

On the official road, an unpretentious carriage is galloping.

The driver was a man in a gray monk's clothes.

The young monk with sword eyebrows and star eyes, with a firm expression, is the third generation of Shaolin disciple abbot's concubine Chuan Wuyan.

Wu Yan drove the car, and Xuan Xin and two direct disciples Wu Zhen Wu Tian.

Is sitting in the car.

The carriage has been galloping on the official road for a day, Xuan Xin has been meditating in the carriage...

Around him, an old and a young, two direct disciples, Wuzhen Wutian also closed his eyes cross-legged, meditating in the bumpy carriage.


"Let's rest for a while."

Announcing the Buddha's name, Xuan Xin opened his eyes from the meditation and let out a long suffocating breath.

The carriage stopped on the side of the road. Xuan Xin lifted the driving curtain and saw that there was a straight, flat and wide official road with dense high mountains on both sides...

"Master, drink water."

Wuzhen took out a water bag from his baggage and handed it to Xuanxin.

"Hehe, Master will give you dry food..."

Wutian, who was only five years old, took out a pancake from the bag and handed it up.

After receiving the water bag and pancakes, Xuanxin ate the pancakes and drank water, got out of the car and looked at the official road between the two mountains and the surrounding mountains and dense forests.

Even if it is getting late, there are still an endless stream of business travelers and people on the road on this official road.

From time to time, there are sergeants, riding high-headed horses galloping past the official road.

"Where is it?"

Xuan Xin sat on the shaft of the carriage and asked Wu Yan, the third disciple beside him.

"Master, we have just left Tianbei City, and we are currently in Dongping Mountain, eighty miles east of the city..."

"In five days, it's estimated to be there."

While Wu Yan fed the horses with water and grass, he replied to Xuanxin in a charming manner.

For this trip, Wu Yan also did his homework.

"Well, keep going."

Xuan Xin nodded, then returned to the carriage and continued to meditate cross-legged.

After a short break, the carriage continued to gallop on the official road.

Not slow, but not fast.

Although the journey is long, it is nothing to Xuanxin and Wutian Wuyan, mainly considering the dying Wuzhen.

The martial art is low and low, and it is already an old bone.

Stopping and resting from time to time is mainly to take care of Wuzhen.

In a flash, several days passed.

Wu Yan drove the carriage to the side of the road.

"Master, Lingnan City is here."

Wu Yan looked excited. It was the first time for Wu Yan to travel far when he grew up.

This is the first time I have come to such a big town.

Getting down from the carriage, Xuan Xin saw not far away, about a mile or two away, a huge city with majestic high-rise walls.

People come and go, there is an endless stream of people, business travelers, so lively.

The prosperous atmosphere of the market can be felt through the distant Xuanxin.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Seeing Xuan Xin motionless, staring at the high-rise city wall for a while, Wu Yan couldn't help but ask curiously.

Xuan Xin's eyes could not help but flash with a touch of charm.

The eyebrows were frowned, and there was a worrisome expression between them.

Under the gaze of the golden pupil of Qi Luck, Xuan Xin found that this bustling and lively Lingnan City was a bit evil...

Above the city, the aura is complex and misty, covered by a strong, colorful air of desire, it looks like a city full of restless desire...

It was very evil, and Xuan Xin couldn't understand the specifics for a while.

Hua Huahong Chen is full of emotions and desires.

"It's okay, let's go to town."

Taking a deep breath, Xuan Xin had to suppress the unclear sense of ominousness in her heart.

Wu Yan drove the carriage and continued toward the gate.

After entering the city, Wu Tian was extremely excited. UU Reading drilled out of the carriage and looked around, Wu Yan also couldn't hide his excitement in the bustling market.

Even Wuzhen, who has been dying and looks depressed, can't help but be attracted by the prosperous atmosphere of Lingnan City.

I looked curiously...

Looking at the three disciples, the heart that was obviously agitated, Xuan Xin suddenly became more and more vague in her heart.

He found that as soon as he entered the city, his heart could no longer calm down.

It is difficult to be quiet and innocent.

In my heart, there is a kind of inexplicable eagerness...

All kinds of distracting thoughts burst out...

If the heart is not calm, desires will grow...


Immediately after taking a deep breath, Xuan Xin cross-legged and closed her eyes and recited the Buddhist scriptures in silence.

After the carriage entered the city, it passed through the bustling market.

Walk slowly amidst the excitement of crowds.

Finally came to the center of the city and stopped in front of the gate of the governor's mansion. As soon as the carriage stopped, the sergeant came forward to question.

Wu Yan found the corresponding documentary evidence from the package.

The interrogating sergeant immediately ran into the governor's mansion after checking it.

It didn't take long for the platoons of soldiers to be rigorous, with extraordinary murderous aura, sergeants in battle armor ran out of the Assassin's Mansion.

All lined up in a row.

A middle-aged scribe, dressed in official uniforms, with a bold and upright manner, walked out of the governor's mansion in a stride.

In his hand there is still a letter that has been opened, just finished reading...

Walking towards the carriage with excitement.

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