Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 235: Wuzhen's mentality burst

Because Shaolin is the Beiyuan Mansion, the newly rising martial arts supreme.

From an unknown mountain temple.

Suddenly, he showed an unprecedented edge and became one of the five major martial arts forces in North Lingnan Dao.

Everyone present was unavoidably curious about Shaolin.

After seeing Wuzhen, this old monk turned out to be a great disciple of Shaolin, and Wuzhen's martial arts is still so low.

It feels incredible.

It’s hard to understand. Why can someone like Wuzhen become a major disciple of Shaolin?

In the countless cold words, as well as all kinds of strange eyes.

With ridicule and doubt...

The veteran is prudent, sticks to the rules, has always had a steady state of mind, and the sharpness in his eyes flashes away...

A tinge of pain and anxiety rose in the depths of my heart.

There was a wave in his heart, and Wuzhen could no longer be calm, an inexplicable emotion rose and fell sharply in his heart.

A weird red light flashed in Wuzhen's eyes.


The director of the governor's house, with a slightly embarrassed expression, a dry cough exploded in everyone's ears.

The countless cold words disappeared.

That unscrupulous look began to converge...

"This is Wu Tian, ​​the second disciple of Abbot Xuanxin, who is only five years old and his martial arts training has reached the foundation stage..."

"The third disciple Wu Yan, who was only fifteen years old, has achieved congenital perfection in his martial arts cultivation..."

The steward of the Governor's Mansion, after seeing the people's cold words about Wuzhen, he quickly shifted the focus of everyone's attention to Wu Tian and Wu Yan on the side and introduced them.

However, he just finished speaking, a group of Tai and one family, combined with Twelve Profound Gates, a family of Ximen, and a direct disciple of Yongling Temple.

And the core disciple was fried.

The focus of the crowd immediately shifted to Wu Tian's body.

"What? I heard that right? This little monk has the martial arts strength during the foundation period?"

"This... how is this possible... this little monk really has the martial arts strength of the foundation period..."

"I'm only five years old... Only five years old... Is it the foundation period?"

"Yes, this Wutian is nearly five years old, and he is still a child. The aura on his body is extremely thick, and there is no sign of instability..."

"This is clearly a solid, solid foundation-building martial arts atmosphere..."

"He is only five years old, how did he practice?"

"Freak, the martial arts level can be cultivated at a rapid rate, and it is impossible to build the foundation at the age of five?"

"This is too enchanting, right? I haven't realized my inner qi even when I was five years old..."

"What kind of evildoer is this, it is simply a monster, this martial arts talent is too terrifying..."

"This Wu Tian, ​​the whole body exudes aura, the unique dusty breath on his body, at first glance, he is the favorite of the heavens."

"Who can compare with him? I'm all seventeen or eighteen years old, and I can't keep up with the martial arts practice of a five-year-old boy."

"Don't say it's Wu Tian, ​​the enchanting evildoer, just look at that Wu Yan. At only fifteen years old, he has the martial arts cultivation of congenital perfection..."

"Yes, even Wu Yan's martial arts talents don't have to be a master disciple."

"This Wu Yan is also a first-class Tianjiao, but his light is completely covered by the freak Wu Tian."

"This Shaolin is too incredible. The first disciple is a lowly old man of martial arts, but the second disciple is a monster of talent and evil..."

"No, the contrast between the old and the young is too big..."

"But should I tell you, why isn't this Shaolin Grand Disciple Wu Tian?"

"Shaolin has enlightenment, and will definitely become the martial arts leader of Lingnan North Dao in the future..."

"It's hard to understand. Compared with Wutian, Wuzhen is completely in the same sky and the other underground..."


In a moment, Wu Tian and Wu Yan finished introducing the Taiyi School, the Twelve Profound School, as well as the direct disciples of the Ximen family and Yongling Temple.

And the core disciples are all fried.

Each of them opened their eyes wide and looked at Wu Tian in disbelief.

One after another, the sound of taking a breath of cold breath continued to be heard.

Wu Tian, ​​who is only five years old, already has the martial arts strength during the foundation period. What is this concept?

Taiyi School, He Twelve Profound School, the eldest disciple of Yongling Temple, and the elder son of the Ximen family, were only seventeen or eighteen years old before congenital perfection.

These are all arrogant, martial arts talents topped the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

He is the top genius in the entire Beiyuan Mansion.

However, Wu Tian appeared.

Directly covering everyone's light, these originally proud Tianjiao suddenly became extremely dim.

How does it compare with other Goten?

Other Wutian, with the martial arts strength of the base-building period, has already overwhelmed everyone present.

The point is that Wu Tian is only five years old, and he is still a cute and cute child.


Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed?

Don't say it is Wu Tian, ​​it is Wu Yan on the side, relying on him alone, compared to Taiyi, He Twelve Xuanmen, Yongling Temple and Ximen Family.

The major disciple of each sect, the most outstanding genius of our time.

Wu Yan's martial arts talents will also completely crush them.

Amidst the countless sounds of shock, everyone knew in their hearts that as long as Wu Tian, ​​the enchanting evildoer, did not die, it would only take a few years.

Wu Tian can become an existence that they look up to.

An existence that can't give birth to a little courage to compare with it.

Shaolin will inevitably rise up and become a super sect above the Taiyimen, the Twelve Profound Doors, Yongling Temple, and the Ximen Family ~ a true leader, a true martial arts supreme.

This is the most terrifying.

In the foreseeable future, Shaolin will suppress the various sects without a chance to breathe...

For a while, everyone was shocked by Shaolin's potential.

A trace of panic appeared in the hearts of everyone.


At this moment, Wuzhen was breathing more and more rapidly.

The ups and downs in the heart can no longer be restrained.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Wu Tian, ​​and amidst all kinds of exclamations and praises, there were also some weird arguments.

That's the comparison between Wutian and Wuzhen.

Wuzhen, an old monk with low martial arts, is a waste of no future in everyone's eyes.

At only five years old, the martial arts talents dominate the present age. As long as he does not die in the future, he will inevitably become a martial arts strongman who everyone will look up to.

One is the eldest disciple, and the second is the second disciple.

One old and one young, this weird contrast.

I couldn't help but let everyone start to compare Wuzhen with Wutian.

Obviously, Wu Tian is more suitable to be a major disciple of Shaolin's direct lineage. This Wuzhen is not even a major disciple of direct lineage. In the eyes of everyone, he is not worthy of a handyman disciple.

It's just a waste that is old and useless.

Numerous weird arguments, especially the comparison between Wutian and Wuzhen, made Lao Cheng hold on to a consistent mentality of Wuzhen.

The mentality bursts, and the mood immediately becomes unstable.

Desire in his heart was frantic, and no one noticed the strange blood-red color flashing in the depths of his eyes.

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