Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 236: Arrogance and rudeness

No one noticed that the look on Wuzhen's face was changing drastically at this time.

No one noticed the gloomy air surging deep in Wuzhen's eyes, as well as the negative emotions surging in his heart at this time.

Take Wutian to Zhao Wuzhen.


The remarks against Gozen are extremely good.

Wuzhen didn't notice anything wrong, and his large spiritual eyes looked at everyone curiously.

Wu Yan frowned slightly.

But they didn't take it too seriously, neither Wu Tian nor Wu Yan took a look at Wu Zhen.

Didn't notice the change in Enlightenment.

After all, in the eyes of Wu Tian and Wu Yan, Wu Zhen is a mature and respectful big brother.

It is the kind of monk who never cares about it, is willing to pay for his brothers, and has a devout belief in Shaolin.

In their eyes, the observant Enlightenment will not care about the eyes of others, and will not put these malicious remarks in their eyes.

Wu is really mature and stable, and it can be said that it has been firmly engraved in their hearts.

Naturally, they would not pay too much attention to enlightenment.

"It seems that Shaolin recruits disciples, really eclectic..."

"Yes, Wuzhen and Wutian, one in the sky and the other underground..."

"Wuzhen, the great disciple of the inheritance, is not worth mentioning. What should really pay attention to is the enchanting Wutian..."

"Hey, Goten, this freak, the martial arts talent is really terrifying..."

"When I was only five years old, I reached the foundation-building period, and it has already overwhelmed me to wait for a realm. From now on, this gap in wisdom will become wider and wider."

"Shaolin has such a disciple of Tianjiao. I am afraid that I don't even have the courage to catch up with the other disciples of Tianjiao in the four provinces of North Lingnan Road."

"Hehe, you must know that Muxiu will be destroyed by the forest wind. Shaolin will expose Wuzhen to the eyes of the world at this time. Will it be able to grow up smoothly in the future?"

"Yes, if a genius like Goten does not die before he grows up...'

"Shaolin is really strange. This time the Lingnan North Road and the five provinces are in an alliance, this Abbot Xuanxin has only brought three direct disciples..."

"It seems that Shaolin is too low-key, but with Wuzhen, the enchanting arrogant talent, Shaolin can't think of not being noticed by others."

"It is rumored that Abbot Xuanxin is a monk who can communicate with the Buddha. It is the Buddha's reincarnation as the real living Buddha..."


Because of Wu Tian's existence, Shaolin became the hot spot of everyone's attention for a while.

It has also become the focus of discussion.

Various information and deeds about Shaolin also began to circulate in the conversation.

"Master Wuzhen, are you okay?"

Regarding Wuzhen, the changes in his body's breath, and the changes in expression on his face, only one person in the room might have noticed.

That is the steward of the governor's house.

This is a middle-aged man who knows his words...

Only when he noticed, Wuzhen's eyes were wrong, his expression changed drastically, his aura became gloomy...

He could feel that the breath of Wuzhen's body and the emotions in his heart became terrible at this moment.


Wu Zhen announced the Buddha's name, reducing his expression and emotions.

Take a deep breath.

"Master, let me introduce it to you."

The steward of the Assassin's Mansion had a caring look on his face, and his heart was filled with worries.

Leading Wuzhen forward.

"This is the son of Xiaoyao, a direct disciple of Taiyi, who knows more about the Taoist Master."

The governor of Shifu was in charge, leading Wuzhen to a handsome man in a green robe.

Raised his hand to introduce to Wuzhen.

This Xiaoyaozi dressed in a green robe came forward surrounded by a group of Taiyi sect disciples and core disciples.

"Tai Yimen Xiaoyaozi, I have seen Master Wuzhen."

Xiaoyaozi just glanced at Wuzhen, and it was a courtesy to make a polite call.

Then Xiaoyaozi's gaze stayed on Wutian's body.

He didn't take Wuzhen seriously at all.


Wuzhen declared the Buddha's name with a cold face. No one knew what Wuzhen was thinking at this moment.

"This is Wu Yong, the great disciple of the Jiugong Zhenren, the He Twelve Profound Gate."

After the introduction of the governor of the governor's house, Wu Yong walked forward surrounded by a group of He Twelve Profound Sects, his direct disciples and core disciples.

Without even looking at Wuzhen, he stared at Wutian for a long while.

Then he took a deep breath weakly.

He hit Wutian as the chief inspector.

"This is Yongling Temple, Master Yideng, a direct disciple of the abbot Ku Rong High Monk."

As soon as the governor's voice in the governor's office fell, a black-skinned monk with a thin body exuding an aura of death.

In the Yongling Temple, the direct disciples, core disciples, and monks walked up.

"Yongling Temple is a lamp, I have seen Brother Wuzhen, Brother Wutian, and Brother Wuyan is polite."


The monks in this Yongling Temple seemed to be much more enthusiastic, and bowed to the three brothers of Wuzhen.

Because they belonged to Buddhism, Yideng called Wuzhen a brother.

Wu Tian and Wu Yan are juniors.


Wu Zhen proclaimed the Buddha's name and called the chief inspector to meet the monks of Yongling Temple.

For a while, Shaolin and the disciples of Yongling Temple met.

The atmosphere has eased a lot.

Has also become a lot more friendly.

Especially Wuzhen, because of the meeting with the monks in Yongling Temple, the emotions in his heart became much calmer.

At this moment, the steward of Shifu was not allowed to speak.

Then a group of core disciples of the Simon family rushed up. UU reading

"My son, Ximenwang, is the son of the Ximen family."

Among the core disciples of the Ximen family, one dressed in white, with a detached temperament, was very outstanding, and proudly began to report to himself.

There is quite a domineering, superior, dismissive posture.

"Shaolin Wuzhen, I met Master Ximen..."

Because of the relaxation of his inner emotions, Wuzhen has become the principal disciple of Shaolin who is both generous and old-fashioned.

Step forward to Simon Wang and politely bow...

"Go away, my son doesn't want to share with you..."

"Don't get in the way of my son's eyes."

This Ximenwang was full of disdain, and he stepped forward to push Wuzhen away, and then stared at Wutian with scorching eyes.

This kind of rudeness and arrogance made everyone frown...

The Taiyi School, the Twelve Profound Gates, and the Yongling Temple, the disciples are all showing displeasure.


Wuzhen is a low-minded martial arts, and he is also an old monk, an old and useless trash.

But in any case, they are Shaolin's direct disciples.

Represents the face of Shaolin.

In this way, in front of others, it is really too much to not take them seriously without any scruples.

Shaolin, Yongling Temple, Taiyi Gate, He Twelve Xuan Gate, and Ximen Family are all martial arts supreme in Wufu, North Lingnan Road.

Everyone sits on an equal footing.

You Ximenwang, put on such a face and gesture.

It's really ugly...

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