Once the huge Vientiane star moves forward, it cannot be stopped at all!

As Vientiane gets closer, once its distance from other planets is less than the Roche limit, there is no need to hit it at all!

Those planets would naturally be pulled over by their terrifying gravity and slammed towards the Vientiane Star like moths to the flames!

"Boom boom boom!"

Three more stars were pulled over by Vientiane Star and slammed into the planetary shield!

All the planet fragments floating in the air along the way were all captured by the madly dashing Vientiane star and pulled over!

I saw that the planetary shield of Vientiane Star kept roaring and rippling ripples!

As if the end of the world is coming, the scene is spectacular!

And at this moment, the Vientiane Star is flying faster and faster, heading straight for the few remaining Canglan Stars!

Windsor yelled in horror:

(?mouth?|||) "Master Wenger! It's not good! The Vientiane Star has crashed!"

Wenger shuddered violently and looked back!

I saw the huge Vientiane Star ramming straight towards Canglan Star!

In comparison, Canglan Star is as small as dust!

Even the stars can't bear to bump into this thing, let alone the Canglan star!

Wenger covered his face, wow! Can you still play like that?

Just dodged a disaster, come again?

Seeing that the distance between the two stars is already smaller than the Roche limit, Canglan Star is being pulled over by Vientiane Star!

Wenger is in a hurry!

"Hold on and collide with it! It can't be created! Everyone of the Tianqi family, take away the Canglan star for me! Quick! Move! Carry the temple and run!"

At this moment, the Canglan army of the Tianqi clan also went out of their way, pulling the Canglan star and running away, trying to run out of the travel path of the Vientiane star!

The fart is almost exhausted, and this is the only way to escape the impact!

But other planets are not so lucky!

Either it was pulled over and torn apart, or it was directly blown up!

As big as Vientiane Star, there is no planet in the entire Thousand Star Region that is its opponent!

At present, its own planetary shield can withstand it for the time being, but once the planetary shield is broken!

Vientiane star is directly impacted by a star, and it is conceivable what will happen to those interstellar cities on the surface of the planet!

Tiffany watched this scene and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

(?°? Yi°?) "From the Tianchen Clan! What the **** is going on here! How did the Vientiane Star move? Isn't it the first generation of the Tianchen Clan that failed to breed? What's the matter..."

Strictly speaking, the essence of Vientiane Star is a dead embryo of the Tianchen Clan!

Since it was used as the core planet of the City of Thousand Stars, it has been jointly owned by all races!

A white dwarf spoke, and watching this scene was full of horror:

Σ???? "How do I know? This is a bad dish!"

damn it! Why is the star ancestor still moving? Damn!

Today, the star orbits of the Thousand Star Region are completely messed up, and the planets on the entire galaxy disk are like bumping balls, chasing horses flying!

Naruo said anxiously: "The back! There is a universal planetary thruster on the back! Have humans even got this thing? This is the rhythm of tearing down the city of a thousand stars!"

House seemingly endless rain? These mentally retarded robots haven't been finished yet, and the Vientiane Star Cannonball is born again?

Tiffany scolded: "How many means have Jiangnan prepared!"

"Xingxing Wanzu listens to the order, don't worry about other things, go and dismantle the propeller for me to prevent Wanxiang Star from continuing to move!"

"Otherwise, the City of Thousand Stars will be completely scrapped!"

At this moment, countless starry sky myriad races rushed in the direction of the thruster!

Even if Zhang San is perverted again and again, the tail flame of such a big movement can't be hidden!

At this moment, where Zhang San is, has become a public enemy of the whole people!

Zhang's three legs were trembling, and he quickly hid behind Wang Youzhi!

|?﹏?????) "You... don't you say that you can stop it? This is a piece of shit? If it really doesn't work, let's withdraw!"

Wang Youzhi grinned:

(?°???°)? "Afraid of a fart? If I say I can stop it, I can stop it!"

I saw the Fama Tower, and a large number of angels headed by Shaye throwing extremely terrifying skills directly at the three thrusters!

"Death to me! Energy blast! Gravity tear! Blazing feathers!"

Freya even closed her eyes, but Wang Youzhi didn't panic and snapped his fingers!

The next moment, the space suddenly shattered!

A figure of a graceful young man stepped out from the dimensional gap!

The giant sky-veiled Kun whale with its feet is full of criss-cross scars!

I saw a conspicuous glazed mark flickering between the eyebrows of the young man, slowly opened his eyes, looked up at the sky, and stood with his hands behind his back!

The clear voice echoed, and there seemed to be emotion in the eyes!

(??~???) "One dream has passed forever, I don't know what year it is today!"

On his body, the transcendent temperament that belongs to the Lord of the Times blooms, and he stares at the audience!

(??????????)? "This familiar starry sky! I, Wen Qing... come back!"

When everyone looked at this Tianqi youth, they were all stunned!

who? 80% of the culprits were removed from the Jixingzhu, right?

Who is he? Even if the King of Heaven is here today, the planetary thruster must be dismantled!

However, at this moment, Wenger and the others, who followed Wanzu, were all straight-eyed, and all the Apocalypse tribes were wide-eyed!


Looking at the boy standing on the sky-veiled Kun whale with disbelief!

Can't go wrong! Absolutely not wrong!

The ancient hero king of the Apocalypse family! Wen Qing!

Winning the Star Market War by oneself, sacrificing oneself, in exchange for victory for the Apocalypse Clan, in exchange for the qualification to step into the starry sky sequence!

He is a well-deserved master of the era, and what he is stepping on is the Sky Veil Kun Whale that was summoned during the Star Market War!

It is written in the history books, there is not a single Apocalypse family who does not know the hero Wang Wenqing!

Wenger's goosebumps go straight from the spine to the sky!

The King of Heroes is back? Ancestor! This horse is my ancestor!

Seeing that the attack was down, Wen Qing still stood with her hands behind her back, and she had no intention of defending at all!

Wenger is in a hurry!

─=≡Σ((((つ▼Ware▼)つ "Don't want to hurt my ancestors!"

I saw Wenger's atomic transmission came to Wen Qing, and his eyes were firm!

"The realm unfolds? The creator! Atomic explosion!"


A terrifying explosion swept out, resisting all attacks for Wen Qing!

The Fama and Huanlou who came over were stunned!

(?°? Mouth°?) "Wait! Wenger, are you crazy? It's fine if you don't follow along! What are you doing here to make trouble?"

Wenger stared: "This is my ancestor! I don't allow anyone to hurt him! This is my duty as a descendant!"

Tiffany was furious: "What is your ancestor? This is obviously a group with humans! It's an enemy!"

"Get the **** out of here! Otherwise, even your Apocalypse Clan will fight together!"

However, Wenger completely ignored it and turned his head to look at Wen Qing excitedly!

(???????? Mouth???????) "Yes... Is that the King of Heroes? You... Are you still alive? How many years have it been? How could you..."

Wen Qing smiled and looked up at the starry sky, her eyes full of reluctance!

(??????) "I'm not here anymore, I just made an agreement with that person, let me come back and have a look, and I'll just have a look at my unfulfilled wish!"

"I have fought all my life to step into the starry sky, but I have never really experienced the splendor of the starry sky. I am a little unwilling!"

"I thought about coming back to see, is the Apocalypse family okay? We... won, right?"

Wenger's eyes turned red, and he nodded frantically:

(*???mouth??)? "Win! Win! Our Apocalypse family is now the fourth starry sky sequence, carbon-based light!"

"And you are the starting point of everything! Without you, there would be no Tianqi clan today! I am also surnamed Wen, your descendant?"

Wen Qing was surprised. Although she looked like a teenager, her eyes were full of love, and she gently touched Wenger's head!

?(⌒?⌒?) "Okay~ good boy!"

Fama was very angry: "I don't have time for you to recognize your ancestors! Can you afford to start?"

Wenger's eyes were ruthless: "All the soldiers of the Apocalypse tribe obey the order! Follow me to protect the ancestors! No one should hurt a single hair of the ancestors!"

"Otherwise, my Apocalypse clan will never die!"

With Wenger's order, all the Apocalypse warriors came to Wenger's side as if they were in a frenzy!

Protecting Wen Qing behind him, he looked at the King of Heroes with respect!

This is a living legend. When I was a child, I always listened to the story of the hero king. Did the biography grow up?

Tiffany was mad: "Wenger! Do you know what you are doing? You are helping the tyrants! You are helping mankind demolish the city of a thousand stars!"

"How do you know that this is your true ancestor? Not a human conspiracy?"

"Don't be blinded by your stupid awe and delay things. Can you bear the consequences?"

Wenger gritted his teeth, his eyes resolute: "First of all! It's not stupid to fear ancestors! A race that doesn't respect history is even less worthy of respect!"

"What if this hero king is fake? It is also worthy of respect! The hero king has never seen this bright starry sky in his life!"

"Now his junior is powerful! He must make up for his regrets! Even if there is only one chance that it is true, I will do it!"

"All the consequences caused will be borne by me, Wenger! The big deal is to go to prison! Presumably, the star-swallowing master in the clan knows and will understand!"

Wenger is not stupid, of course he knows that the ancestor in front of him is not necessarily real, it may just be the sacrificial husk of that year!

But even if you can meet once, you will be content!

And the sky-veiled Kun whale at the foot is the dimensional creature that helped the Tianqi tribe win the Star Market War!

it appears! It means kindness!

The Apocalypse Clan owes the Hei God the favor of the Hei God!

The King of Heroes can still stand here today, which represents the black **** standing behind him!

In any case, Wenger will not allow the body of his ancestors to be destroyed, and he will not allow the Sky Veil Kun whale to die in battle!

It's just like the kindness of the year!

Even if you want to be the enemy of the starry sky, even if it will cause serious consequences! The sky is falling, and the clan swallows the stars! Scared ass!

"The ancestor of my Tianqi family! I protect it!"

Zhang San and Freya stared blankly at this scene, what's the situation? Is this what Wang Youzhi said?

Invite people's ancestors to come out as shields!

However, at this moment, Wang Youzhi looked at Wenger and other Apocalypse warriors in surprise!

He murmured, "I didn't help the wrong person back then..."

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