Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2056: Large-scale recognition site

The Apocalypse clan collectively rebelled, not only did they not help dismantle the planetary thruster, but instead worshipped their ancestors?

Olivia, who noticed this scene, almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Hero Wang Wenqing, is he really here? The ancestor of the Tianqi family, the pioneer of the times?

Didn't the Black God say that the will of the King of Heroes has long since dissipated? Only the sacrificial husk remains!

Who is this?

The biggest possibility is that the black **** used the body of the hero king to open a trumpet!

The body is that of the King of Heroes, but the inside is the Black God!

Wenger, you worship the wrong ancestor!

But Wen Qing's voice, aura, and his copywriting are all in line with his status as a hero king?

Even Olivia can't tell whether this is the return of the real hero king, or the trumpet of the ancestors of the Apocalypse family!

But this is not important, what is important is the identity of Wen Qing Hero King, no matter whether he is real or fake, it is absolutely impossible for the ancestors to be damaged!

So Wenger and the others went on without hesitation!

Tiffany was mad: (?°? Yi°?) "Okay! Today's account will be settled later! This horse is the ancestor of your Apocalypse Clan, and not the ancestor of our Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clan?"

"Since you have to protect it, don't blame us for being rude!"

Fama squinted his eyes and said, "Can you guys stop all races in the starry sky?"

Wenger clenched his teeth tightly: "You can try! It's not for nothing that we can rush to the fourth sequence!"

"The whisper of the gods!"

At this moment, all the Apocalypse Clan opened the whispers of the gods, predicting the future, the prophets do it first, and take the lead!

It can control atomic explosion, reorganization, fission, and even create things out of nothing!

It is extremely difficult to kill, it can be repaired infinitely if it is injured, it can predict the future, and its attack power is not bad!

Carbon-based has such an ability, it is really incomprehensible!

If it weren't for the poisonous chicken soup in Jiangnan, it wouldn't be good for the Tianqi tribe!

Facing the protection of the Apocalypse Clan, Tiffany led the starry sky and all the tribes to attack immediately!

As soon as they touched it, the pure white snow was turned into a battlefield, and countless white snow evaporated because of terrifying energy!

Wenger suddenly felt a mountain of pressure!

Even if Wenger and the others put all their energy into breastfeeding, they can't handle such a play!

I saw that Fama suddenly broke through the blockade of Wenger and others!

Go straight to the planetary thruster!

Freya said anxiously, "He's here!"

Wang Youzhi smiled and snapped his fingers:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Being in a panic, I will hurt you!"

The space was suddenly shattered, and a figure full of stardust was seen stepping out of the dimensional gap!

Its own gravity has distorted space!

He couldn't help but stare violently: "Unworthy descendants! What do you want to do?"

Fama was stunned for a moment, and his eyes widened:

"Chen Tianzun? Great Ancestor Xingchen? Didn't you die on the dimensional battlefield? Why..."

Fama recognized it at a glance, the Chen Tianzun in front of him, when the dimensional war broke out, he was ordered to lead the tribe to suppress it! But it's gone forever, never came back!

According to the seniority in the Stardust Clan, it was born in the initial Stardust, and is definitely a character from the ancestors!

People who have been dead for hundreds of millions of years, why did they suddenly appear!

Chen Tianzun narrowed his eyes: "Can't you just come back and take a look?"

Fama's movements began to hesitate, and then a stern look in his eyes: "I don't care if you are real or fake! My lord! Times have changed! Don't come out and mess around with dead people and cause confusion to your younger generation!"

"If you are really my ancestor, just get up and go, don't delay me dismantling the propeller!"

Chen Tianzun stared, trembling with anger:

('? Yi?) σ "Wow! How good you are, you unworthy descendants! The ancestors don't even recognize them, right? The wings are hard, right?"

"I'm not going to stand here, what can you do to me? Can you kill me?"

The killing intent in Fama's eyes gradually grew: "Don't think of me as the idiots of the Apocalypse Clan! The past is over! What matters is the present, and the future!"

"Anyone who stops me, erase it on the spot, you don't know what to do! Gravity tear!"

Chen Tianzun was angry: "You are deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors, deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors, wow you!"

In fact, the carbon-based ones are more human. Needless to say, the silicon-based ones don't care too much about the matter-type and energy-type beings!

However, Wen Qing couldn't see it, and an atomic transmission stood in front of Chen Tianzun!

Facing the gravitational tear of the law code!

Wenger:! ! !

Whoops! It rushed over directly and spelled it with the French code!

Fama said angrily: (?◣д◢) "Get out of here! Believe it or not, I even killed your ancestors?"

Wenger stared: (???)? "You dare to move my ancestors to try? Will your Stardust Clan go to war?"

However, at the moment, Wenger also felt a lot of pressure and turned back:

(?﹏??) "Ancestor! Let's discuss and discuss, can we stop here? Why don't we change the place?"

"You... don't run around?"

Wen Qing shook her head, her eyes full of coldness:

(????~???) "Sorry! I can't stand this! I must never let the act of deceiving my teachers and destroying my ancestors happen in front of my eyes!"

Wenger took a deep breath and pushed it straight up. If he doesn't go, he won't go!

I'm giving up today!

The rest of the Apocalypse warriors were also red-eyed. As expected of my Apocalypse Hero King, he was upright and righteous all his life!

Be a hero!

But even with the help of the Apocalypse Clan, they still can't resist the attack of the starry sky!

Zerg, Huanlou, Angel Shaye, they all broke through the blockade, and even Tiffany and Naruo!

Wang Dazhi gritted his teeth and snapped his fingers!

The space is broken one after another!

One after another figure came out from the dimensional gap!

I saw a head full of tentacles, with an ugly appearance and compound eyes, an eight-legged, pot-bellied female insect stepped out, and a gentle female voice echoed!

Eyes are full of confusion!

(???????*) "Are you still at war? The world war is not over yet?"

The female worm, the leader of the Zerg team, was suddenly shocked!

(????mouth????*) "The mother of spider insects! The mother of the ancestor insects? could it be you?"

"Grandma too?"

This is one of the ancestors of the Zerg, the founder of the Zerg, who fell during the time of the Universal War, and the chaos of all races!

Even when she died, the world war was still not over!

She doesn't know how many warriors she has bred for the Zerg and helped the Zerg through that dark period!

Among the existing Zerg, many are the blood descendants of the mother spider! The Zerg leader is!

Is it better for her to see the mother of the ancestors than to see her own mother?

And the other figure is an archangel with golden wings on his back, handsome, flawless, and shining!

??( ̄?~ ̄?)?? "Oh? Are there any angels? How is it? What sequence is the angel in now? Did you win it back then?"

Shaye froze in place:

??(?mouth?)?? "Big... Great Priest Lotafis! This... this is impossible!"

Back then, Lotta Fess made an unparalleled contribution to the Sequence War, and only then grabbed a tenth seat for the Angel Race, but he never came back!

He is regarded as a hero by the kingdom of heaven and admired by countless angels!

Why did he come out?

At this moment, even Tiffany and Naraku are not calm!

Because among these figures, there is even a boson!

The long and narrow glazed horn above his head is engraved with the mark of ?!

That was the original imprint of the Chuguang faction, the imprint of the first generation that had not been revised!

Tita, one of the founders of the first light faction!

One after another silhouette stepped out of the dimensional gap, and I heard the exclamations of the starry sky!

Σ(っ°Д°;)っ "Fuck? Ancestor? Dark green god?"

(*??mouth??) "Woo~ Grandpa Jiutai×n? I didn't expect to see you again one day!"

"Ancestor! It is said that you have a batch of treasures buried in the endless starry sky. At the beginning, for this batch of treasures, the clan even started the era of big star flight, and it has not been found yet. Ancestor, where did you hide the treasure?"

Ancestor: (??w???)

And... what about this?

At this moment, the originally fierce battlefield suddenly turned into a large-scale recognition scene!

The process of collecting figures from the Black God spanned an extremely long time line!

Some are recent collections, some are collections from the early days, and even the old guys before the Universal War have been turned out!

One or two is fine, but the Black God brought out a bunch of them!

Is this a fart? How to start?

Even if there are very few people who don't recognize their ancestors, but some races do?

Zhang San and Freya looked at Wang Youzhi standing with their hands behind their backs in horror!

What kind of fairy operation is this special meow?

Blocked the attack of the starry sky without blood? Immediately throw out the first-hand king fried!

Moved all the ancestors out to recognize relatives?

This time, the Black God has had enough of the addiction of being an ancestor, and the cheapness has made him a home!

When Jiangnan in the distance saw this scene, he also covered his face!

Is the Ancestor Heaven Group alright? It's the first time I've seen such a fight!

When the black **** Jie Jie smirked, Jiangnan knew what he was planning. The ancestors of Cos Xingkong Wanzu recognized their relatives?

Originally, Jiangnan thought that the Black God would just take out one or two collections for fun!

Who knew that he moved out so many ancestors!

When I collected it back then, it was not from my ancestors. After collecting it for a long time, I became my ancestors!

The Black God has found some fun!

At this moment, the starry sky Wanzu, who was about to dismantle the planetary thruster, pulled his hips!

A group of ancestral pests are here, how to dismantle them!

Some ancestors even lie on the planetary thruster, expressing that they live and die together with the thruster!

Did you take it apart? If you dismantle you, you are deceiving your teacher and destroying your ancestors!

Even Tiffany's face was darkened, and she couldn't do anything in the face of Tita, the founder of Chuguang!

"Damn Jiangnan! What does he have to do with the person in the dimensional gap? This is like a bamboo shoot!"

Naraku's expression became ruthless: "The planetary thruster cannot be dismantled in this situation!"

"Then step on the horse and blow up the Vientiane Star! Now the Vientiane Star has been accelerated to a terrifying level, and if it stirs up, the Thousand Star Region will be abolished!"

The rest of the tribes have joined in!

"I see, organize the people of Vientiane Star to evacuate!"

"If you can't remove the propeller, can't you blow up the Vientiane Star?"

However, the white dwarf of the Tianchen clan was mad and cursed!

"I see who of you dares to bomb the Vientiane Star! Whoever bombs me is in a hurry! You don't move your ancestors! Then come and bomb my ancestors?"

"Wanxiangxing is still the star ancestor of my Tianchen clan! A generation of stars! Even dead embryos that failed to conceive cannot be bombed! This is extremely important to my Tianchen clan!"

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