Orc Tyrant

Chapter 213: Quest (Part 1)

The lights have gone out.

Peggedo blinked his eyes to adjust his witchcraft-adjusted gaze, and advanced cautiously.

The channel extends underground, and the central drainage canal all the way down for at least five kilometers. Its branches are connected to the smaller sides, each leading to another brand new road.

"Did you find anything?"

Oliver's voice echoed in everyone's heart.

"There are no signs of life here."

"not yet."

Patrick added another sentence, and everyone moved on.

He, Oliver, Patrick, Samuel, and Hassan's five-member team walked slowly down the central drainage channel. Everyone could faintly hear the faint noise coming from outside. The other teams did a good job. Their attention attracted the past, but they only had a short time to act.

Peggedo activated the True Sight Gem in his hand, and saw the target location rune flickering with peace of mind.

"The third room on the right."

He said softly, pointing to a side 30 meters ahead.

The two people in the team first came to the side entrance, hidden in the shadows, watching inward, ready to get rid of any guys in the way.

After confirming that there was no problem, they made a gesture to the other three, and everyone walked into a brand new passage.

Samuel at the front of the team proceeded cautiously. Suddenly, he heard a faint hiss, like static noise.

He stopped, turned his head and asked:

"Have you heard?"

Oliver looked at him.

"Hear what?"

"It's nothing."

Samuel shook his head and moved on.

"Maybe I'm too nervous."

After walking for less than ten minutes, they reached the end of this drainage channel. This one had a gate, which was locked and bolted, just like a cell.

"lean back."

Hassan said, taking out a drop-shaped glassware from his belt, which was full of strong green acid, ancient alchemical products.

Just as he poured acid on the gate, he heard a dull sound, and then felt the stale air move quickly, so he turned around abruptly and drew the pistol from his waist.

"What's the matter"

He spoke, and a huge force knocked him against the moss-covered wall.

"Enemy attack!"

Oliver yelled, firing with a simple pistol, a flash of cold bullets smashed down the wall, and crashed on the ground with a clank.

More people joined him, firing at the darkness, and a storm of gunfire broke out in the small space for a while.


Peggedo shouted.

The last echo of the shooting fell silent, and the drain was submerged into darkness again, and plumes of smoke rose from the ravaged ground.

Oliver quickly stuffed his pistol with new bullets, ready to pull out the broadsword behind him at any time.

"What it is?"

Hassan let out a trembling curse.

"do not know……"

Patrick murmured.

"...I haven't been able to see clearly."

Peggedo glanced at Hassan who was standing up from the ground, something neatly cut his left shoulder, his robe was full of blood, thick and pitch-black.

His mind is running at high speed, thinking about what can approach such a close position without leaving any traces on his perception.

So he chose to close his eyes, a move that puzzled everyone who was treating Hassan's wounds.

"what are you doing?"

Oliver asked first, his voice sounded a little nervous.

Peggedo didn't respond immediately. He felt the hot, dusty air rushing through his face. After stripping off his physical sight, everything in his mental vision was black.

He still didn't see any signs of what had just attacked them.

Until his psychic entity caught some kind of blocking hiss.

"When everything else is useless..."

Peggedo slowly opened his eyes, reached out his hand and took out a low-intensity flares from his pockets, and set it alight.

"...Just use the eyes of your soul."

He threw the flares toward the long corridor, listening to it bounce off the wall.

It burned vigorously, projecting dark red light to the surroundings. During the short lighting time, everyone saw something black crouching on the ground ten meters away, pressing tightly against the wall. .

It is a humanoid thing.

As soon as the flame went out, the figure jumped from the wall and rushed towards them.

"Fire immediately!"

The enemy leaped towards them, galloping at a strange speed in the flames, the bullet hit it, and Oliver's fireball also hit him, but it burned and moved on.


Peggedor yelled, turning behind him, his pistol was empty.

The enemy was staring at him, and at that moment, that long and narrow face like a lizard was illuminated by the fire, Peggedo saw four pairs of blue eyes, his pupils dilated due to combat stimulants.

The blade screamed, and at the moment when the claws were about to pierce Peggedo's chest, they were the first to pierce the strange face.

An unclean scream, an animal cry, filled the drain with a dying struggle.

Peguedo fell to his knees, breathing heavily, and the others rushed to him. They stared at the twisted corpse of the enemy and then at Oliver.

The other party coughed and drew out the **** broadsword.

"what is this?"

Hassan carefully turned the corpse on the ground. He did not recognize that it was any known creature. It looked like a lizard, but there were no scales on its black skin. Instead, it had a slippery skin like a catfish.

The muscle tissue feels weirdly soft, not as rigid as a dead corpse, and not long after death, it has a strong rancid smell, like a corpse that has been left in the high temperature for a long time.

The head and skull are also abnormally soft, and Hassan is considering whether he needs to dissect the creature to find out whether it has real bones.

A broadsword interrupted his thinking, and Oliver slashed the monster's back and picked out a light blue crystal from the dark brown soft tissue like pus.


Everyone's eyes widened, and they couldn't be more familiar with this power.

Pegged sighed and looked at Oliver in surprise. Although he had noticed it, he was not sure.

"We are about to discover the truth."

He said so, holding the broad sword tightly in the palm of his hand, and walked to the side of the corroded gate.

"Then go out quickly, I have a bad feeling."

Not far away, Oliver took the lead to jump into the sewage and fell heavily one meter below the broken gate. He stepped into it and raised his gun to scan the surroundings, preparing to fire.

As he did this, he heard a bang, and Samuel fell beside him, panting.

This secret room is small, less than 20 meters square, and the ceiling is very low. The walls are rough cut from the stone. It looks abandoned and smells like a tomb.

There are many things neatly arranged on both sides of the room, made of cold steel, and freight boxes tied to one side of iron pallets. They are not very big, two meters long, one meter wide, and one meter high.

"The signal is here."

Peguedor walked to the center of the room, then turned around, his eyes fixed on one of the boxes.

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