Orc Tyrant

Chapter 214: Quest (in)

He took out four runestones, carefully placed them on the four corners of the box, and then stepped back, carefully calibrating them before starting the witchcraft.

The air in front of Peggedo seemed to tremble, with ripples on the surface of the water. He felt a burst of discomfort in his stomach. The unknown energy resisted it, crackling and bursting, twisting and twisting, accompanied by the flashing of Microsoft, and the closure failed. Up.

Hassan walked to the box, looked carefully for a while, and then drew a white detonator from the bottom of the box.

"Your prediction seems to be useful outside the gaming table."

He teased as he worked, using the power of the other two people to remove the box from the bundle of explosives. .

"I never go to the gaming table."

Peggedo replied a little helplessly, but only in exchange for a few chuckles.

"The trick of the ephemeral ghosts."

With a grunt, Hassan pulled the last light blue crystal out of the floor tile and put it into the heavy lead box.

"It's all resolved."

Samuel glanced at the pocket watch, the pointer on it jumping faster than expected.

"Then go quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, Peggedo activated the runes, and the box immediately got rid of the shackles of gravity, rising from the ground and floating at the height of his knees.

Hassan limped forward, half of his body was paralyzed by the injury of his shoulder. Oliver stretched his hands from above and pulled the box through the gap. It trembled under the support of the floating runestones. As it went up, Peguedo followed it closely.

Back in the drainage channel to reorganize, the five quickly turned back.

Samuel took the lead. Oliver was panting behind the hall. The box was floating in front of Pegudor and Hassan. Patrick walked close to the wall and raised a curtain to cover the crowd.

Hassan noticed the heavy box. He had seen such a box in the port. It was the kind used for ocean transportation—heavy, striped, and designed to withstand impacts.

"This is a weird cargo."

Hassan said, looking worried.

"What can you expect it to be?"

Patrick replied, speeding up his pace.

"We have found evidence."

"They brought this thing here. It must have some value. If we leave with it, someone will be unhappy about it."

Hassan couldn't hold it back, and smiled.

"Watch it tightly,"

Pegedo said.

"If its outer shell is damaged, the stubborn head guard may not completely believe it."

They approached the entrance where the acid was corroded.

But that place is no longer the smooth path when he came, even if it is dark, Pegged can see the deformed ghosts moving.

"Guys, it seems we need to make a way out."

Samuel's tone was calm, he glanced at his pocket watch for the last time, and it was already 11 o'clock in the night on the ground.

"I guess so."

Peggedo checked the ammunition on his weapon and drew out the stabbing sword.

The four of them emerged from the dissolving door, crouching in the darkness, Hassan held a black pistol in each hand, and the box floated beside him almost unobstructed.

Suddenly, the entire main drainage channel burned, cyan flames illuminated the surroundings, heavy smoke rose from the various vents, and sawwood-like buzzing sound could be heard in the smoke, as if stimulated to gush from the nest Bee colony.

When Hassan scanned his surroundings, he could see that the distorted aberrations were killing them. They were like creatures emerging from the most primitive and terrifying nightmare. Under the blue-gray skin, surging blue blood vessels could be seen. The raw torso moves like a life-giving doll, stiff but fast.

The screaming bullet hit the ground around him. These creatures are not only able to use pure physical bodies. Some of the extraordinarily strong individuals' forelimbs have been brutally installed with huge-caliber guns, and they have entered the range.

Hassan cursed and fired back, pressing his body against the edge of the wall.

"and so……"

Oliver gasped like a cow. He had thrown several fireballs in succession, and both his mind and body had reached a certain limit.

"...Who made them?"

Before Pegudor spoke back, he heard the rumble of the engine, the dust around him began to whirl, and he could hear the explosion of the wall being broken and the bricks being crushed.


After a second, the heavy figure swept across the wall and rolled up more smoke. Peggedo could vaguely see that this was a behemoth nearly three meters high with crab-like articulations on its lower body, and its upper body looked like It was bloated, shimmering with bursts of blue light, and the two forearms were like protruding tubes.

Da Da Da Da Da~~!

The familiar roar tore the air, and Peggedo immediately judged that some kind of heavy fire was aimed at them.

"Get down!!"

The hurricane-like bullet swept across the drain, knocking down a large area of ​​distortion, and blowing up the bricks and stones on the ground.

"Hurry up!"

The fire stopped for a while, and Samuel roared and jumped up. Peggedo and the floating box staggered to follow him, and the other teams jumped out of the cover and rushed across the smoky ground.

The aberrations staggered, their forelimbs hammered the ground with heavy force, witchcraft was released with the hiss of air, flames and lightning swept across, sweeping away the obstacles in front of the main drainage channel.

The big thing began to attack again. It aimed its fire at the suspended iron box. Peggedo could see what it looked like. It was a creature that should be cursed, and its body was stitched together by three different people. There are no extra facial features on the head, only a black crystal-like one eye, an earthworm-like pipeline pierced and pierced its skin, and cyan crystals flickered in its heart.

The huge lower body is a hexapod machine, which is spliced ​​by machinery that Peguedo has never seen before. A large number of lines combine flesh and metal like tree roots, and the two huge revolving machine guns make this Ugly creatures gained the power to kill.

But Peguedor would never allow him to destroy the evidence. He threw a bolt of lightning hard and hissed on the opponent's body, which seemed to cause a little damage.

The six-legged monster shook as if drunk, and then was hit continuously by light fire, struggling to maintain its position.


Samuel yelled, not far ahead, a lavender door was gradually opening, it was a passage jointly made by several high-level wizards.

There are more and more aberrations. They have already swung their claws to everyone. Everyone can barely block and march forward with difficulty, but the inevitable damage still appears.

Oliver was one of them. When he pulled the box behind him and was about to drag it into the door, a claw pierced him from behind and picked him up in the air.

"Oliver is injured!"

Peggedor roared loudly, leaping a sword sharply and cutting off the opponent's arm.


Oliver pulled out the paw deep into his abdomen and pushed Pegged away, his mouth gushing with blood.


Samuel roared. He was about to swing a sword to chop down an approaching monster when a string of bullets knocked him to the ground. Behind him, Hassan quickly dragged his collar and led him into the portal.


Oliver shivered with his final roar, and he jumped up, a crimson flame rose from his body, and he fell like a meteor to the densely pressed monster.

Peguedor roared in annoyance, dragged the box and ran into the portal quickly. The explosion behind him was the last sound he heard.

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