Orc Tyrant

Chapter 215: Quest (Part 2)

The huge force pushed Pegged to the sky, and then threw him back to the ground. Repeated so many times, the sense of weightlessness has always accompanied his senses.

The noise of the guns gradually faded, and the strong nausea receded like a tide. It was replaced by the smell of incense. Peggedo felt that he was accelerating and turned to enter a tunnel with colorful streamers. The iron box was always tight by him. Hold on tightly.


He fell heavily onto the soft blanket, panting, and his mind was empty for a while.

This is a very ordinary meditation room belonging to Peggardo, but now it has a strange sense of strangeness.

In the original five-person team, only four escaped. The survivors lay wearily on the blankets, their eyes were not triumphant, and the air was silent.

In the middle of the meditation room is the mission target. The box was unscathed and was not hit by a single shot. It stood among the crowd, dark and heavy, like a huge coffin, with light shining on its undulating surface to make it It looks provocative.

Peguedor stood up and walked over staggeringly.

"what are you doing?"

Samuel asked, his voice hoarse and weak, although the blood had stopped, but the bullet was not taken out, the blood on his body messed up the white blanket.

Peggedo began to remove the seal and chains of this thing.

"We died for this thing."

He said coldly.

"We have to see why he died!"

Peguedor reached for the lock pins, and they could easily be pulled out after breaking the seal.

Samuel and the others didn't say anything, and cast a curious look at this place, because at first they thought that Peguedo knew what it was.

Pulling out the last lock pin, Peguedor reached out and opened the lid. The upper board covered the entire box and was as thick as his palm. He reached down and gently pushed it away.

At the same time, he smelled the stale dust rushing out of his opening, and he suddenly felt uneasy.

He pushed the lid back. There was a humanoid thing in the box, wrapped in something that looked like a coarse cloth bag.

He drew a dagger from his boot and started cutting.

After a while, he saw the contents inside, but didn't stop his hands. He didn't stop until every piece of fabric was cut and removed, just to confirm.

Finally, he stood up straight and stared down at what he had just taken apart.

He felt nauseous and dizzy, and reached out to stabilize himself by the edge of the box.

"what is that?"

Samuel asked.

Peggedo didn't answer immediately, a painful sense of remorse flooded his body, jamming his words.

When he finally said it, his voice was sad and low.

"Nothing at all……"

His eyes were scattered and he muttered to himself.

"...There is nothing in it."

Samuel stood up, walked to the box, looked inside, and saw what Peguedo had seen.


He screamed and took two steps back.

Inside the box was a twisted corpse, perhaps a human, as they had seen in the drain, filthy under the light.

It occupies most of the space inside the box, curled up like a baby, it looks only one meter tall, with slender skinny on one side and mottled, rough muscles on the other. It may have been a long time ago. A boy may be a girl, but now he can only hold the twinkling diamond-shaped cyan crystal in the form of a monster.

It is like a rotten apple with a dagger beside its head. They all know this dagger...

For a long time, Samuel said nothing.

"They knew we were coming."

He finally spit out a word.

Hassan nodded.

"We were fooled. It was from the very beginning."

"I killed him..."

Peguedo slowly fell to his knees, closing his eyes in pain, and the childish and alert face appeared in his mind again.

"Toothpick" Dimit, a 14-year-old kid who often petty theft in order to survive, sheltered many young orphans, and was also the first friend Pegudor met when he came to Cusconar.

In order to track a batch of suspicious goods, Pegdo commissioned him to put the beacons into those goods. He was very familiar with the port. Originally, Pegdo thought this should be a simple task, and the other party was also very happy to help him. busy.

However, after that, he never saw Dimit again...

"The war has begun..."

An old voice came from the direction of the door, and the figure that suddenly appeared stretched out a scrawny hand from the hem of her sleeve to reach for her hood, and lifted the fabric back.

An old face appeared, deep wrinkles, dry skin, bones protruding under the haggard flesh, like a long-term hunger, but her eyes were full of vitality-deep, like torch, almost like bird eyes Generally sharp.

Jacqueline, one of the two remaining legends of the Crow School.

"...Even now, I can feel the vicious eyes looking at us, pressing on my heart like a sharp blade. I heard the conspiracy in the dark. I remember what they were like before. Every one, whether it is fantasy or reality, I have witnessed what they are now. The withering of their souls makes my heartache. They released powers beyond their control... They were deceived, not just by the enemy, and witnessed this. My heart is broken."

Peggedo didn't know how to listen. Suddenly, he fell into deeper grief, because he had understood what the elder said.

"This shouldn't have happened."

"But this can never be guaranteed, is it? Even the strongest person has his own flaws. This is the tragedy of our race."

Jacqueline looked at Peggardo, her eyes so strong that they felt a little bit painful.

"With all due respect, Master Jacqueline, this evidence is enough for us to expose the sinister conspiracy to the public."

Unexpectedly, Jacqueline smiled, like all her gestures, it was a contradictory movement, and it showed pain and happiness at the same time.

"The Dean of the Royal Arcane Academy Greenus and I had a debate."

She looked at Samuel.

"After debating for a long time, his wit is so powerful. Although a bit dull, it is undoubtedly strong, and, occasionally, there is a sense of humor—a sense of humor in some form. Do you believe it?"


"Our debate is like this-I believe that the ruler’s task is to make himself obsolete, so that when his people are mature enough, he can replace it. He disagrees with this. He feels that we will never be mature enough. He I believe that only a strong enough force can unite human beings forever, even temporarily."

Samuel looked at her, thinking, he could only understand a small part of the prophet's words.

"So, we..."

"Do your best."

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