Orc Tyrant

Chapter 216: Stupid

Chief Supervisor Mark raised his head. He had an old and pale face like a corpse, which was very common among arcanists.

In the darkness of Ruo's icy tomb, his face was illuminated by a blazing brazier, and his eyes were reflected in blue flames.

"I read a letter from Tyre Observatory..."

He whispered to the silent audience.

"The letter says... I was attacked by the dead. They climbed up my armor with bone claws and made deep cuts in the blessed metal, but they couldn't pierce my sacred flesh and blood. I started Reciting the oath of the stone, slaughter the ignorant and the liar, and they should know the truth of the forgotten words."

Mark clenched his fists, and the flames around him whispered as his body tightened.

"My flame burned out their bones, so that they could no longer be an enemy to me, but their numbers are simply too much."

"Calm down, Chief Supervisor."

The flesh and blood apostle roared, and the voice was like the tomb itself being given words, and the incredible deep bass echoed between the calm tombstones, deep into the dark secret room, and every word was slow and calm.

In the open metal coffin, a semi-mechanical artifact like a poisonous scorpion slowly walked out, and eight mechanical legs with claws slid across the floor smoothly without leaving a trace of scars on it.

If you look up from the waist, you will mistake it for a warrior in steel armor. Its posture is calm, with four arms folded across its chest, and its body is covered with a blue-gray carapace, just like the legendary gods appearing.

In the past, the Fleshman was a famous arcanist who fought side by side with the other greatest spellcasters of all time. He also served as a professor at the Arcane Academy. Mark also studied each of his papers and diaries. Each article is a perfect masterpiece of rhetoric and knowledge, full of the pursuit of true knowledge.

In addition, its ability to shape and change is equally impressive, but he died one day, a very ordinary and ordinary morning, like a weak old man, he walked into the embrace of death, only 42 years old.

"You are too resistant to those changes. Change is the essence of knowledge. You should accept them with gratitude as knowledge in books."

In Tyrol, the remaining limbs of this wise man were buried in the iron coffin in front of Mark. Even though his body was completely decayed, he continued to live in the tomb made of the new shell and became the messenger of flesh and blood today.

Although most of the other flesh-and-blood messengers have gradually succumbed to madness and insanity, Tyrol is still largely sane. The Supreme Supervisor Oriba once said that it is precisely because of his belief that Tyrol will not be Fall into the darkness.

"Yes, respectful elders."

The frustration and anger on Marduk disappeared, he smiled slightly, and the face that had looked confused and distorted by anger returned to calm again, and his black eyes shone with light.

"Pray for enlightenment, but don't be impatient."

Tyrol continued.

"Knowledge and power will be given. As long as you continue to walk on the path of devotion, you must take the initiative to embrace the true embrace, and they will support you. Only in this way can the fog in front of you be lifted. Only in this way can you understand those classics. The implication is that you don’t need to be afraid of change, because you are changing yourself."

Suddenly, Tyrol raised its huge robotic arm, his joints emitting steam hissing.

"My weapon is eager to destroy ignorance."

The terrifying killing machine roared.

"Has the dawn today come?"

"Not today."

Mark said in a low voice that he suddenly realized that the elder's sanity had also begun to be a little abnormal. He should have expected this situation a long time ago.

"What about the Eternal Capital? Is it going well? Have we overthrown the cowards who left behind great knowledge?"

Speaking of the Eternal Capital, Mark felt a tingling in his heart. He yearned for liberation. The upcoming victory seemed unquestionable, but the memory in his mind was still vivid, and the anger, hatred and righteous anger in his body were still burning. .

The wizards, as well as the minions of the corrupt nobles, still tried to obstruct them.

"The Foolish Emperor is still sitting on the throne of the Purple Palace, elder."

Mark whispered bitterly.

"But his end is not far away..."

"Very good! We will bathe the dawn!"

Tyrol's arms crossed, and there was a sharp metal crash, followed by more echoes.

Surrounding the huge secret hall, circle after circle of metal iron coffins are piled up and arranged around the upwardly extending dome, just like the dome of honor where the Arcane Academy placed the life crystal of the dead arcanist, but the number is even more terrifying people.

Now, those iron coffins that had been deadly silent seemed to be activated, one after another banging sound, as if the dead were struggling to return to the world, echoing in the dark hall with a sense of horror.

Ding Ding~~

Suddenly, a bleak, slow and continuous ringing passed through the nave, and silence followed, and even Tyrol lowered his raised arms and stood silently.

A huge being walked into the hall with heavy steps. It was wearing a huge and gorgeous ancient armor, hissing mist from the joints, passing through the dark gate, and the fine iron frame on its back was decorated with many ancient The flag, the twisted icon and a thick book, the spikes of the fence are covered with pale skulls.

Fedetek, the Lord of Flesh, the oldest, the closest to the existence of the Eternal City, is said to have been there.

"Chief supervisor, you almost messed up things."

In the frosted voice, Azmodan came slowly, with a warrior's grace in his footsteps. He walked through the dark and musty hall, and his armor showed a deep, bruised blood. The blue-gray color, the edges are inlaid with bleak matte metal, this is the display of his outstanding ability, every piece of heavy metal plate is perfectly integrated with his strengthened flesh.

"Sorry, Lord Fedtic, I just want to check the status of your elders for future actions."

"Hmph! They are all good! You can dedicate yourself to the truth without hesitation at any time, kid! Instead, it's you. Move faster. The signal from the starry sky is clear. We have no time to waste!"

"Of course, respectable elders, but after all, we are in the realm of mortals and we need to be careful in everything."

"Don't try to defy their will, boy, they are the masters who never forgive, and you and I should be the most loyal and honorable fighters. Don't let your negligence become your own ruin."

"Understood, then I will leave first."

Facing the mountain-like giant, Mark bowed humbly, and slowly withdrew from the hall.

As the brazier went out, silence and darkness shrouded again.

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