Orc Tyrant

Chapter 252: Deadly Dawn (22)

"I think you need to come and see this."

Before Nutans saw the emperor, Francis approached him. As the leader of the Dark Sword, he naturally became the leader of the secret guards currently gathered in the Purple Palace, but he paid special attention to Nutans who had escaped from the dead. , The first time he took him to the cratered lawn outside the palace.

"A prisoner?"

Silas asked suspiciously.

Most of the enemies fled in front of the destructive offensive of the Citizen Temple, and many people resisted and fought to the end, but this guy was willing to be captured.

He was standing on the lawn next to a broken fountain, surrounded by no less than ten secret guards and wizards guarding him.

Nutans sent Silas back to his post, and then walked to the captive guy.

This is a gray-haired arcanist. His indigo robe is covered with blood and scorch marks. His face is also smeared with scarlet, and his waist is bent overwhelmedly. This is what Nutans has so far The only living arcanist seen so far.

He looked at Nutans almost as if smiling.

"first name."

Nutans asked in a very formulaic tone, which was the tone of interrogation of the prisoner.

"Hill, Hill Mopol."

That arcanist answered like this.

One of the secret guards showed Nutans the weapon he had when he was captured.

An oddly shaped pistol, a dagger made of cyan crystal, and a slender chain wrapped around the handle.

This dagger is very curious. It looks more ceremonial. It is not so much a weapon as a status symbol.

"Are you the highest-ranking officer?"

"I am the commander."

Arcanist admitted very simply.

"Is there any reason for me to keep you a dog, beast."

"You still follow a creed, prisoners will not easily die in your hands."

"I thought these were all forgotten by you, very good, we will treat you well."

"You don't have so much time."

Hill corrected, his tone unbearably flat.

"Why do you do this?"

Nutans glanced at Francis, but the other party didn't seem to intend to interfere with his questioning.

"Is it because of previous grievances?"

Hill laughed.

"It's the iconic conceit, it's the layman's mindset. Yes, we did vent our dislike of you today, but this is not the reason why we attacked the empire."

"Then why?"

"This world is already in the flames of war."

Hill didn't mean to cover up at all.

"A war that started in the past, we follow the trust."

Nutans didn't speak, he couldn't understand these obscure language, but all the seemingly illogical must be referenced by many unimaginable events that happened today.

He glanced at the dagger again. It was very beautiful, but its shape and style made him feel embarrassed. He believed that the traitors also had similar weapons.

"You said the world is in the flames of war?"

Francis finally spoke.

"Yes it is."

"with who?"

"Many, many enemies come from your side, from the past and the future."

Hill looked very solemn, as if quite proud of it.

"By our side?"

Hill nodded.

"What you have always relied on, always regarded as allies, is the real threat."

He said lightly.

"You will regret it soon, maybe you won't, you people won't, the entire empire won't, accept the reality, mankind is running out of time and must make changes."

"If you volunteered to be captured just to threaten us..."

MacArthur walked to them and said coldly:

"...Then you are an idiot."

"I'm not here to threaten you."

Hill shook his head.

"I would rather die, but as a commander I have a duty. I will come to negotiate terms with you."

MacArthur drew his weapon.

"I have to shut up this human traitor."

"and many more."

Francis stopped him, and he looked at the arcanist, his expression contemptuous and confident.

"We also need to extract more information from him."

Nutans also stood up.

"Even if he mocks us for this, mocking our creed and principles, if he only knows this trick, just do whatever he wants."

After that, Nutans added another sentence.

"He thinks it's an insult? We have humanity and he doesn't?"

Hill looked directly into Nutans's eyes, a Guge smile appeared on his face.

"Your adherence to humanity is admirable, the emperor's secret guard."

"We may be full of blood, but we are different from you."

"Don't get me wrong, we have always admired you, and have always been like this. The secret guard has a lot to admire. Your determination, your sense of responsibility, especially your loyalty, these comments are not sarcasm... I am very sincere, but The things you represent are filthy to us, so we rose up to resist, and we will never stop before it falls and perishes, but this does not prevent us from admiring your strength in fighting for it."

Hill looked back and forth between Nutans and MacArthur.

"Everything in you is something we could not achieve, but the truth has been revealed to us, so we realize that everything in you is something we shouldn't achieve."

"His nonsense makes me tired."

MacArthur said to Ventanus, raising his pistol again.

But Hill didn't stop his words.

"You can understand the terms. That's why I didn't go to death generously, but chose to experience this humiliation. I'm here to negotiate terms with you."

"You have one minute."

Nutans's face was gloomy, but still full of patience.

"I failed to capture the palace and destroy you, so I disappointed my commander. The Purple Palace was identified as the primary target. Do you understand what I'm talking about, secret guard? You defeated my troops, but you couldn't stop the others. The arrival of people, when I was captured, Master Fedetek had already led his troops to march here... They will not be too far away, the Lord of Flesh will crush you, you just barely repelled my troops, He has twenty times as much force under him, and he is an indefatigable existence, not the kind of existence you understand, surrender now, surrender to me, and I will guarantee you...you and you are here All troops can survive."

"What is the purpose of living?"

Francis sneered, expressing his disdain.

"It's better not to have a life recovered under these conditions."

Hill nodded.

"I understand, and I expected it to be the same. It is no longer possible to reconcile between us. We have too many blood feuds."

"So what do you expect? You expect us to surrender? Stand with you, and the arcanist, and follow... If you are telling the truth, Trust? What to fight against?"

"Of course not, but maybe I do expect you to at least listen to our truth. It is different from your imagination. It is beautiful. Your understanding of the world will be completely changed. A change of perspective. Surprised, you will find that they are never meaningful."

"Hill Moble."

Francis said very solemnly.

"I heard your condition and your request, and I officially reject both."

"But you will die."

"Anyone will die."

Nutans said and turned around.

"This is not a glorious way to die."

Hill shouted behind him.

"Without glory, this will be a sad and miserable ending!"

"Don't worry, your death is also miserable."

"Fedetic will punish you! He will punish you in ways beyond imagination! He will trample your flesh and blood into the dirt!"

"Just ignore him."

Nutans said to Francis.

"Just like we did to your emperor!"

Hill yelled hoarsely.

"We will make you scarred and bloodless, just as he was slashed! In the end he begged for death, begged! He begged us like a coward! He couldn't stop crying! He begged us to let him die and end his pain! And we just laughed and spit into his heart because we knew he was scared."

Francis couldn't stop him, and Nutans was like an electric flash.

Hill's body was cut open with a sword from his left hip to his throat, and the blood-stained tip of the sword was embedded in Ke Hill's chin.

Blood spilled from the old body, his body swayed, black blood gushing from the wound, dripping along his legs, and flowing along the blade to Nutans's arm.

Hill also spouted blood, his mouth was half open, and Nutans could see the sharp blade embedded between the two teeth.

Hill was laughing.

He muttered something, but was choked by the blood and his throat was sealed by the blade.

Francis pushed Nutans away, holding the hilt, preparing to pull the blade out, giving the arcanist a clean relief.

"at last……"

Kerhill murmured:

"I've been thinking about how to..."

Before Francis had time to draw out the sword, Hill fell to his knees, and the blood gathered on the dry ground beside him, spreading around like a purple mirror.

Nutans stared at the scene, cursing that he could not control his anger.

MacArthur clapped his hands suddenly.

"No! That emperor is in danger!"

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