Orc Tyrant

Chapter 253: Deadly Dawn (Twenty-three)

"His Majesty?"

The chief **** lifted his head slightly, his face as smooth as an eggshell full of doubts.

"what does that mean……"

Menech III sat on his throne and tapped his fingers lightly on the table. He had gone through the initial panic, and now he was thinking about the problem and the dilemma he was facing in the most calm way.

The surviving empire’s important officials gathered in small piles in every corner of the main hall to discuss the current situation in a low voice. The center of the empire did not suffer too much damage. The emperor took the ministers the first time the disaster occurred. Summoned to the Purple Palace, except for the Secretary of War and

Apart from the Minister of Transportation, they were assassinated before they came.

He looked at the torn sky through the bright dome.

"Even if it really started with a mistake or accident, it is now completely unforgivable."

Muttering to himself, Menech III recalled Grenas Lebizon, the man he once respected most, an arcane master who had served the empire for many years.

The feeling of being betrayed was like drinking a pot of poisoned wine, which made his heart cramp very much.

Then, Menech III summoned the **** with a gesture, and Grenache Lebizon left something before he disappeared. Half an hour ago, the other party was still using it to talk to himself, trying to get him to talk to the entire empire. yield.

He reached into the opened box and picked up something similar to a microphone.

He hesitated, thinking briefly, then raised his head and spoke to the microphone clearly and smoothly.

"Grinus Lebizon, you should hear the following clearly. First, I completely withdraw the previous solemn ceasefire proposal. Once it is revoked, I will never raise it again, whether it is to you or to the wild **** above you. Second, you are no longer a member of the human race, I will find you, I will kill you, and I will hang your dirty corpse at the door of the Arcane Academy."

Then, he threw the microphone to the ground and trampled on it.

Menech III led the Chief of Staff and several other senior officers to the strategy room.

"In the absence of a communication network, we need to use the wizard's telematics and the sealed instructions submitted by the secret guard to coordinate the troops."

He rarely gave any guidance on the military, but this time he grasped the key point of the problem-communication. The entire empire was like being hit by a huge force in the cervical spine. The brain and body are still alive, but they have lost contact. No amount of wisdom and strength has its effect.

"Your Majesty, I have drafted a... hastily tactical plan, using all existing expedients, to convey precise orders to the Fourth Guard Division, the Seventh Infantry Division and the Atter 1st Cavalry Division. We want Achieved the tactical intent within an hour to retake the Duolun train first

Station, and then use that area as a fulcrum to transport armored train troops near the city, first suppress the enemies around the palace, and further increase the capacity of our troops, the number... at least still on our side. "

The chief of staff's tactical report was heard very carefully by the emperor, and his vision kept moving on the map.

"That's our goal?"

"Expected goal, Kaimon... the church is indispensable. Our ultimate goal is the fallen city."

Menech III raised his eyebrows.

"So, do we have a chance to drag those **** out of their den?"

He made no secret of his killing intent.

"We will destroy them."

The chief of staff looked at the emperor with a firm tone. Many of his family members were also killed in the disaster. Everyone here is totally different from those villains.

"Very well, you can command this operation with full authority. Remember to be clear-headed and plan detailed. We can't stand any more failures now. This battle is to be fought with our heart rather than our head. Those **** must die, those Bastard!"

"His Majesty!"

They turned around, and the **** walked in pale.

"A projection, Your Majesty, it's...Grinus Lebizon."

Menech III nodded.

"He ignored me when I called for a ceasefire, and he immediately contacted me when I called him to hell, where is it?"

"My Majesty, here..."

Menech III walked past him, without him speaking, the emperor had already seen those images, right next to his throne.

Menech III returned to the main hall, the light bends and surges in front of him, and the formation of many images disappears, reappears and fades, just like patches of light on film.

After that, Glinus suddenly appeared there, the same size as a real person, facing Menech III.

His face is still shrouded in shadows, but his projection is extremely real, and other figures are squeezed around him. It is a mass of mutilated phantoms, and it is impossible to distinguish whether any one is his servant or something.

"My Majesty, have you lost your temper?"

In Greenus' voice, the smile was obvious.

"I'm going to crack you up."

The muscles on Menech III's face twitched a few times, and he glanced at the ground as if the projection came from a stomped microphone.

"You lost your temper, the great, noble and foolish emperor finally succumbed to anger."

"I will open your mouth, I will peel your skin, I will chop off your head, I promise."

"Ah, my majesty."

Greenus whispered softly, as if it was not a threat, but a greeting between old friends.

"Now and here, I finally heard you speak in a way that I like."

"You controlled a lot of people. According to my estimation, you controlled them at least a few years ago. You controlled the ship. You arranged all of this. You directed this atrocities. Greenus, you let it. It seemed like a terrible accident to take advantage of our sympathy.

You let us stand still and watch you indiscriminately killing the innocent. "

"This is called betrayal, Your Majesty, it's very useful, what do you think?"

"After finding out what the shipyard was hit by, we traced the route of the Queen of Sin. When you saw its trajectory, the thought of seeing all this as an accident became ridiculous."

"It's as ridiculous that you think you can hurt me."

"We have nothing to argue with, you maggot, you treachery bastard, I just want you to know that I will pull your heart out. And what I want to know is why, why? Why? If you are just naive Turn out the old grudges, then you are the saddest soul in the entire world! Sadly, our ancestors should have let you and your deformed predecessors die early, and he should feed you to the court!"

Greenus raised his head slightly, and Menech III could see a smile on his shadow-shrouded face.

"This has nothing to do with grievances, Your Majesty... Except that it gives me the opportunity to avenge those absurd mad believers, it is just an added benefit. No, this is the dawn, and Cusconar is the dawn. This is brand new. The dawn of the universe, a brand new order."

"You're talking nonsense, bastard."

"The world is changing, Your Majesty, it will be turned upside down, so mortal kings will roll off the throne, the old world will fall, and no one can make it reborn."


"Listen to me, Your Majesty, you think you are very smart and wise, but this has already begun, it is already going on, the world is changing drastically, you will die, your children will die, and others will die, because you are all Too stupid to see the truth."

Menech III took a step towards the holographic shadow, as if he was about to knock it to the ground, or break the opponent's neck.

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