Orc Tyrant

Chapter 256: Deadly Dawn (26)

The No. 1 Killing Squad was wearing a sealed armor and rushed out of the exquisite arch.

MacArthur has the interim command, and the interim commander of Lehrles personally handed over this responsibility to him, although the captains of the other two teams were willing to accept this honor.

The squad moved along the winding road of the Purple Palace. This killing squad should have twenty-five members. They carried plasma rifles and melee weapons, and three teammates carried anti-vehicle weapons, but in the previous battles They lost two players, which was a heavy loss. Although their equipment had been recovered, their long training experience was inevitably lost.

The huge and solid structure of the Purple Palace is like a maze, and the cloisters built in all directions are the size of a temple's vault.

However, MacArthur could see the severe damage it suffered. A dark brown spiral cloud covered part of the palace, and other areas were covered with bruises like damaged fruits, the walls were seriously misplaced, and the arc-shaped shadows like dividing lines. Among them, the outer palace is dotted with bright orange-red spots, like hot coals on the grate.

He kept advancing and broadened his vision. He could see the orbital platform that landed shining with wild energy, and he could see that the fallen satellite closest to the palace was charred and full of craters.

The starlight is cold, as if this dawn is an extremely bright, sharp and cold night.

All the shadows were sharp and deep, and there were either scorching lights or dark shadows around him.

All the soldiers killed were trained to fight in absolute chaos, but strictly speaking this is not the case at the moment.

Strictly speaking, they failed, the emperor died, and the most important goal was not kept. Although MacArthur had no good impressions of the dictator, he was not an object of dislike in the current situation.

Without him, the huge empire would fall into chaos, unable to gather strength, and would give the trust council a chance.

They have just landed, just like newborn babies, still very weak, just when they can gather their strength and destroy them in one blow.

But when the emperor died, his empire would die with it. The most important fist that mankind has lost, although it has many shortcomings.

The new orders of the Supreme Council were quickly issued, and the empire could not collapse yet. At this time, the advantages of the monarchy became apparent-there is always no shortage of blood heirs.

They came to a certain safe area deep in the Purple Palace for the first time and brought out the empire's crown prince. Their mission changed.

Send the crown prince safely to the Abyss, he will be crowned as the new emperor, and then put all the power of the empire into the cause of destroying the trust council.

Now, they have completed half of the task, and the crown prince and queen are under their protection.

But the other half needed more assistance. From the rumble of cannons, they had a foreboding that the defenders outside the Purple Palace were about to be unable to support them, and that they would fall here at any time.

However, killing teams No. 2 and No. 3 should have arrived here from other attack positions long ago as planned, but MacArthur did not see them.

How long does he wait?

He glanced at his deputy Antro.

He shook his head, indicating that there was still no good news from the communicator.

It's not a good idea to stay here. MacArthur is determined to walk to the shore by himself, so they rushed forward along a wide passage and walked in deep shadows.

Suddenly, a secret guard poked his head out of a nearby arch. From MacArthur's perspective, he seemed to be spying on something.

He chose to fire without hesitation, and the bullet rushed out with a trembling tail like a blowtorch, making no sound.

The bullet exploded on the secret guard's breastplate, his torso exploded into a fireball, shrapnel and blood spread around, and the powerful impact made him twitch and roll back.

MacArthur rushed over alone, passed by the spinning corpse, and opened fire again.

His third bullet missed, silently digging a crater in the ground.

His fourth bullet took away the face of a secret guard, causing him to be thrown out in a clump of flames and sparks, blood pouring from his unrecognizable head, shaking and shaking in the muddy environment.

The killing squad all opened fire, they passed like a formation of bombing fighters, and the hidden guards were killed under the impact.

The corpse rolled and fell apart. Some of them left, releasing cloud-like drops of blood, rippled like mercury.

A secret guard leaned against the wall when he died, so it still maintained the posture of standing on the ship, with only his arms hanging down, like a group of statues, or a drowned person hanging heavy objects and sinking into the sea.

This area was suddenly full of fluttering blood masses, they slammed into MacArthur's body, burst into smaller blood beads, and slid along his armor.

Within a second, his goggles were completely covered, making him completely out of sight.

He stopped abruptly and moved in the opposite direction.

He just regained his sight when he saw a secret guard rushing towards him.

The secret guard's sprint action was exaggerated, almost ridiculous.

He also fired with a weapon, and a bullet passed by MacArthur, but the opponent just casually launched a counterattack.

The silent and swift bullet interrupted the enemy’s right leg and tore the shoulder armor on both sides of him. This shock suddenly changed his direction of travel violently, turning his charge into a backward tumbling and spinning. Hit the base of a statue and bounced out along another angle.

MacArthur turned around and avoided a sword swung from the dark place by a few millimeters.

He killed the enemy with a bullet, blasting him from the shadows into the light.

But two more appeared immediately, and they both attacked him with melee weapons.

MacArthur held his electromagnetic long sword tightly, drew the sword out of its sheath, and first sent two bullets into the chest of the secret guard holding the double knives, and raised a fluttering drop of blood.

Then he turned to face the cold piercing sword.

MacArthur used the length and sharpness of the blade to the extreme. He cut off the high-purity sword body and the arm that held it with a single sword.

Blood was gushing from the broken arm, he struggled back, MacArthur turned and kicked the enemy's chest.

The secret guard turned and floated away, his body smashed into the flowerbed, becoming difficult to look directly at.

At the same time, MacArthur was shaken to the rear, and all the sensors on his armor failed in an instant, and all he received was a crackling noise.


Two grenades exploded beside him, and he tried to lock his legs and regain his footing.

The light of the explosion dissipated.

MacArthur quickly assessed the fighting situation.

Within the visible range, the killing squad had no loss, and the secret guard had been defeated, and there were smoking broken corpses all around.

He didn't want to meet these allies who once had the same hatred and hatred, but they did not approve of taking away the crown prince. This is a difference in position, sad and helpless.

"Captain! It's contacted!"

Without the adjutant's reminder, MacArthur looked up.

A pure black night owl transport plane appeared silently from the sky, and the air flow from its abdomen blew away the dense fog. This is a high-tech relic with invisibility. At present, only one remains in the entire Citizen Temple. It still works perfectly.

MacArthur opened his mask and looked around at the dead secret guards. After taking a deep breath, a breath came out from his nose.

This **** day is finally over.

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