Orc Tyrant

Chapter 257: Deadly Dawn (27)

There was a dull boom, as if his ears were blocked, as if everything was covered with mist.

It was as if the blood vessels on his forehead were jumping wildly.

A blast of noise, a rustling noise.

It's a communicator, the communicator in his arms.

What does a piece of communication information say?

Nutans tried to answer, but his mouth was numb and stiff, from head to toe.

He can smell blood, his blood.

What does that message say? What information is it? So faint, so distant, so dull.

He struggled to listen, but it became louder and louder, sweeping through the curtains that made it dull, like a sound coming from underwater, until it was finally clearly audible.

"Nutans, report the location! Report the location!"

"Who is talking? Who?"

Nutans swallowed the blood that was about to overflow from his mouth.

He was lying on his back on a **** made up of rough rocks and broken lawns, and he was lying in the palace courtyard.

Slowly standing up, he saw two dead guards next to him, one being scorched and one being cut in half.

Nutans remembered, he remembered MacArthur's changes.

It was another despicable betrayal.

He looked around.

Silas was not seen, nor Francis.

There was a gunshot not far away, and Nutans had a terrible pain, but he didn't know where he was injured. Maybe his ribs broke a few in the explosion, maybe his internal organs were torn apart.

But these are far less than the pain of betrayal and the shame of negligence.

Today is a complete failure in his life. He failed to protect the emperor, nor could he protect the blood of the empire.

But he still wanted to fight and died right here.

He staggered, and when he passed his pistol, he bent over to pick it up. This action caused some blood to ooze from his abdomen.

He probably didn't have much blood to shed.

The communicator in his arms was completely silent. This precious device used to be the deepest secret of the secret guard, but now when the world changes, it seems to be worthless.

He walked to the broken inner wall of the palace, where there was still fighting, but he saw despair, or the concrete product of despair.

A very large demon.

It has a body wrapped in pure metal and walks like a bat with its wings folded. It has four arms, each holding a deadly weapon, a giant sword, a heavy axe, and a luminous large-caliber gun.

It was launching an attack on the palace. It tore the walls apart and spewed a turbulent flow of bricks and plaster towards the collapsed wall.

The remaining secret guards and imperial soldiers continued to retreat and fired at it with all weapons, but the rain of bullets hit the thing’s ugly metal body and could only burst out weak sparks. It seemed that it did not feel the damage it was taking. Still striding forward.

Nutans could hear it in his ears.

"I am Fedetek! Lord of Flesh! Our slayer!"

Nutans saw Silas, he was with Feigduo and other wizards, covering someone with a pistol and witchcraft, and that person Nutans also knew.

Samuel was rushing towards the demon with a sword.

Nutans stepped forward, and he tried to run.


The other party turned a deaf ear and seemed determined to become a hero. In the process, his whole body was splashed with sparks, stepped on the collapsed wreckage and jumped up, slashing hard at the filthy flesh of the thing.

Fedtic seemed to have finally noticed the figure preparing to attack its back.

It waved its arm gently like a fly.

Then it continued to move forward, not paying attention to the bullets that kept hitting its flesh and blood, and soon another section of the palace wall collapsed.

It seems that there is a more specific goal, and it does not want to entangle the defenders here.

Nutans came to Samuel, his body was beaten into the lawn. The smoky scorch was leaking blood, but it was quickly absorbed by the soil.

He dragged him out, Samuel was still alive, and the wolverine exercises saved his life, but he was seriously injured and many bones were broken.

Nutans heard a roar and rolling sound, and another flesh and blood messenger rushed into the palace courtyard.

It came from the other end of the bridge, knocked down the gate and squeezed in. It destroyed the gate that the rebels had failed to capture after hundreds of lives.

The monster rumbled across the broken lawn and overthrew some of the bunkers built by the soldiers. It raised its arms with large-caliber weapons, and Nutans could even hear its iconic moan when it was charged for firing. .

A flash of light, a blazing beam of light, it hit the flesh and blood messenger's body, but the scorching bright light seemed to deflect on the opponent, being covered by its blue flames.

Dark gas wafted from the creature's body, but there was no obvious damage.

It turned to the wizards who had just attacked him.

"Dodge! Hurry up!"

Nutans started running again, crossing the torn lawn, passing by the many corpses that had died under the hands of the rebels, and rushing towards the palace wall.


The arms of the Flesh Messenger opened fire suddenly, and the sound was like thunder in a clear sky, but what it shot was not bullets, but two tumbling cyan flames.

Those wizards who had just released witchcraft couldn’t dodge, and were swallowed by flames in the blink of an eye. After a short scream, they turned into a pool of soft tissue fluid that was difficult to identify, and was completely evaporated in the subsequent high temperature, fusing with the soil together.

The slaughter continues.

Nutans rushed up a **** made of gravel, then leaped hard and landed on the flat top surface of a garden promenade.

"Are you still alive? I thought you were dead!"

Silas had been waiting there for a long time. He took Samuel, who was in a coma, and looked at Nutans with surprise in his eyes.


"what should I do now?"

When Silas said this, he glanced at Francis, who lowered his head in silence, as if still immersed in the shadow of failure.

"It's time to retreat. It can't be held here anymore, and all the troops in the Citizen Temple have also withdrawn.

After Pegudor had expressed his opinion, he took Samuel from Silas. Obviously he did not intend to confess his life in this place. If the secret guards did not leave, then he would leave by himself.

Nutans looked up and saw that the line of defense no longer existed, monsters everywhere, rebels everywhere, dead bodies of loyalists piled up like a mountain, and the former glory of the Purple Palace had been reduced to hell.

But the question is, where should they go?

"Something is coming! Soon!"

Like a flash of lightning, a certain omen suddenly passed through Pegged's dark mind, it was a voice.

"Everyone, all gather to the Church of St. Elena, I am the Shadow Prince, repeat, I am the Shadow Prince!"

This voice was also caught by Nutans, and even he found the source of the sound, and his sight caught a vague shadow.

It was running wildly along the wall, turning over a broken part, and then leaping again and jumping onto the roof of the palace.

It continued to run, and it was close to the walking flesh and blood envoy on the ground, almost higher, and the opponent was destroying a soldier's bunker, just like digging out a rabbit's nest.

Nutans could vaguely see its dark green carapace, which was similar in appearance to humans, and he could also see its head, with two poisonous spines on both sides of the absurd oval shape.

It began to accelerate, and stretched out its hand and drew its sword.

It is two handles staggered behind it, like something like a saw.

He pulled them out, held them with both hands, with the tip of the knife down, and then jumped up from the roof with his arms raised above his head.

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