Orc Tyrant

Chapter 258: Deadly Dawn (28)

The roaring chain sword passed over the head of the Flesh Messenger and hit its shoulder.

In an instant, he cut deeply into the filthy flesh of people, and released a strong tremor to destroy everything inside.


As one arm fell to the ground, the Flesh Messenger roared loudly, and the other arm and six metal legs danced wildly, trying to disperse the thing that hurt it.

But the other party had already expected this. When the withered arm passed in front of him, the scorpion jaws on both sides of the helmet opened fire.

A torrential rain-like crystal thorn flew in, directly smashing that arm into pieces.

Then, he took the lead in attacking again, piercing the naked abdomen of the Flesh Messenger with a straight sword, and jumping into the air in an astonishing round, swinging and slashing into an arc.

Almost half of the Flesh Messenger's body was removed, and it lost its balance and leaned to the side.

After landing, he naturally drew an arc with the sword and drove himself to make a circle, and then raised the blade of his left hand slightly during the second rotation, and slid perfectly over the neck of the Flesh Envoy.

A few seconds later, the monster that was still aggressive, was neatly cut into quarters, and the corpse slowly slipped into his own stinking pool of blood.

All this made everyone in Nutans look stupid.

Who is he? Why are you wearing such a weird armor? Where does he come from? Which side are you on?

There are many problems, but time does not allow them to think.

Because the other party put away the chain sword, after a few breaths, it came to them like a cloud of smoke.

Behind the cold black eyepieces, there were two colder eyes.

"The emperor."

Francis could feel the gaze focused on himself, like a knife hitting his throat. He had already heard who this slightly familiar voice was, which made him feel more regret and guilt.

He wriggled his throat a few times and wanted to say something, but he just couldn't say a word.

"I ask you the emperor."

"Your Majesty... Passed away"

His last word was slapped back by an oncoming slap. The opponent's strength was so great that he was slapped up and fell three meters away.

The moment Francis slapped this slap, Silas and Nutans both subconsciously twitched their shoulders, and they both recognized who this man was hidden under the armor of the Guge.

The two lowered their heads at the same time.

"Trash! What did I tell you before I left! Could it be that you have already had the illusion that you don't need to bear any responsibility for failure."

The angry voice came through the helmet but did not produce any strange feeling, as if the helmet did not exist.

"I, I know I am guilty!"

Francis quickly got up from the ground, then drew the pistol from his waist and pressed it against his temple.

But in the next second, Diego's cold slap covering his armour hit his face again.


"Dead! Does it work now!"

Although Diego was furious, he did not lose his mind.

He had never expected that arcanists would do something like this before. Although he was aware of the other side's small movements, he subconsciously classified them into the "acceptable" range. After all, every organization in the empire, every All forces have "little actions", and it is not easy for anyone to blame others.

But in the final analysis, he still doesn't want to have a lot of right and wrong, his attention is all attracted by Oak, and he doesn't want to waste too much energy on other matters.

However, the result was terrible.

Oak did not immediately destroy the empire, but his negligence almost destroyed the empire.

Speaking of responsibility, his responsibility is actually greater than that of Francis. This is also the source of his anger, not because of others, but himself.

Francis looked at the shot that was shot, and after a few seconds of pause, he finally choked.

"Sorry, Lord Diego, I..."

"What are you crying! The secret guard will not cry, don't let fear and anger crush you!"

Taking two deep breaths, calming down the restless heart, Diego glanced at Peggedo and the man behind him.

Two wizards, one of them is from the Scarab Guard.

"Where is the prince, have you protected it."


Nutans and Silas turned their heads to look at each other slightly, and finally Nutans stood up.

"Master Diego, the crown prince... was taken away by the Citizen Temple."

This time Diego was not angry, because he had already considered this possibility when he came on the road.

The Citizen Temple, this ancient and mysterious organization has always been his focus. He has been collecting information about this organization since two hundred years ago. Although there are very few things, he can still see one or two things.

Since the era of unification, the relationship between the empire and this organization has not been good. They have mastered almost mythological technologies, but they have kept them like a miser, as if using those technologies would destroy mankind.

After the split of the empire, the relationship between the successive emperors of Eastern Kenia and the Citizen Temple became worse and worse. In particular, the Citizen Temple required the prohibition of all witchcraft, which made the emperors feel the threat of manipulation.

Decisively, the Eastern Kainia Emperor separated the Kaimon Church and the Citizen Temple that he could control. This was the real reason for the great schism between the Eastern and Western churches.

Since this time, the Citizen Temple has completely lost contact with the Empire.

But did they really give up control of the empire? Obviously, Diego thinks not. They have been looking for opportunities to overthrow the empire and build a society they need. They are a group of idiots who claim to be progressive and civilized, and nerds who follow the book.

But now they took the initiative to stir into this muddy water, the purpose is naturally self-evident, Diego was prepared in his heart, so when he really heard the news, he was not shocked.

"Got it."

His answer made both of them raised their heads in surprise.

"Where are the two princesses? Are they placed in the Church of St. Elena."

"Yes, in accordance with the emperor's previous request, we have moved the two princesses to where, and sent a hundred secret guards and two thousand soldiers and wizards to protect them, as well as the blood lily armed nuns, and the universal patriarch is also there. there."

"Go and inform everyone where to gather right away."


Although the order did not come from the emperor, Nutans finally had the urge to live, and his existence had value again.

"Come on you too."

This sentence was addressed to Peggardo.

"I just came from Wuqiu, the offensive there has temporarily stopped, but you can't get out like this."

"They also attacked Wuqiu?"

"Sorcerer, use your smart head to think about it, why don't they attack there?"

"Uh, let me take the liberty to ask, what about after I get to the church? We are now in a heavy siege."

"At that time you will know."

After speaking, Diego walked toward the depths of the Purple Palace. Peggedo glanced at him and Francis who was following him, and put his unconscious partner on his shoulders and chased him.

Tomorrow this story will come to an end. Don’t worry, everyone!

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