Orc Tyrant

Chapter 267: Blood and Sand (1)

Buck lay on the dry ground, mud and blood gushing from his cracked mouth.

He raised his head to look at the tall body of the war leader, and saw foam in his mouth. This huge European warlord Kr was on the verge of an explosion, making Buck wonder whether he should speak or sneak away.

If you say something wrong, you may be trampled to death. If you don’t say anything, you may still be trampled to death. After all, Boss Grak is a famous violent maniac.

Although all Oukes are violent, but Grak is definitely one of the best.

"Shut up! You idiots! We go now!"

Grak yelled, slapped the **** on the head with his huge arms, the **** grumbled with sobs, and glanced at his high master from time to time.

"Don't you need to wait for other legions?"

One of the boys frowned and asked.

In the next second, the steel plate that Glak had nailed to his forearm hit the opponent's smelly face.

The kid flew backwards, finally hit the wall, fell to the ground and started roaring.

"Lao Tzu is the biggest Ouke here, which means that Lao Tzu is the head of your bad guys! I waited and waited to fight Xiami, and we will trample them down! To achieve this goal, we It needs the strength of all the boys, not just the weak force formed by the gunfire guys!"

Grak spit out his words, stretched out his hand, grabbed the fallen kid's face, lifted him up and shook him to all the others.

"We are Ok! We are born to fight! Fight and win! So use your brains."

Then, Grak clenched his fists and squeezed the hapless head into a pile of ticking, **** rotten mushroom sauce.

The boys retreated in fear, and no one had just mentioned what was waiting.

They are now on the north bank of the wide river. Yes, Archimedes’ plan succeeded. They really built a canal. The energy exploded from the work of millions of boys day and night is extremely amazing. of.

With the erection of the pontoon, there was nothing to hinder the advancement of the Ork army, but Beruf asked the three legions to stay on the north bank for a while.

Because his army had a lot of heavy equipment, these simple pontoons were not shipped, and a stronger bridge was needed.

And this takes a lot of time.

Grak was naturally unwilling to continue waiting when he had already crossed the river.

In addition, compared to the other two legions, the Grak warlord who is fond of melee combat and his boys have a more distinctive Ocque style. They don’t have much heavy equipment, and they don’t have too many long-range weapons (not counting pistols), so they The firepower is slightly weaker, but the reliance on logistics is also the lowest. Relying on a huge amount, even unarmed can roll up a flat sandstorm.

Some guys call it primitive, but Glak prefers to call it ‘power’!

There is no need to resort to any weird things, Oak should be able to beat the dried shrimps with a pair of fists. It takes time and effort to bring those big iron bumps in his opinion is a stupid behavior.

He is not stupid, so he simply doesn't bring it.

"Go! Let's take it easy! Let them stay behind and eat ashes! Waaaagh!!!"

Just do it, and Glak didn't even say hello, he took his own legion and started out mightily. This made Beruf and Shabal very upset, but there was nothing he could do about him. After all, Guk was already down. Order, let them act quickly.

The blood axe legion that moves is like a storm, noisy, wild, and unstoppable.

After a period of rest, this once crippled army returned to its original size, or even better. Glak selected the most ruthless and most capable kid from various **** arenas, and established a brand new one. The old David team【Bloodfang】.

Every Bloodfang is a champion of the local arena. They are ferocious, violent and undisciplined. Killing is their only means of entertainment.

They are as blood-smeared as Grak, and each bloodfang needs to slaughter a hundred stinks before joining. These stinks are all sold to the wasteland by the golden teeth.

The armor on the bloodfangs is very small. They regard defense as cowardly. The huge and savage size is their most powerful weapon. Generally speaking, the size of the bloodfangs is no smaller than the general bosses, but their fighting skills are far better than the bosses. .

Now these cruel butchers are gathered around Grak. They are walking along the wreckage of the railway left by humans. Although the shrimps are very clever to tear down the railroad tracks, Grak knows that as long as they walk along the stakes. , You can definitely find dried shrimps.

Yes, he doesn't have a map, and he doesn't even know where the shrimps are, but it's like the songs Ouke often hums.

Where is this, I don't know, let's talk about it when we get there.

Act first, think later, this is the attitude that Oak should have when dealing with things. Sometimes Glak even feels that his boss has become ‘slow’.

After walking like this for two days and two nights, Grak finally came to the first human gathering point he met.

Unfortunately, this small border town was completely abandoned after the end of the Second Aswan Battle. The empire moved most of its residents, and only a few people who were reluctant to leave their homes remained in this place.

It is not that they are not afraid of Ok, but they believe that Ok is not capable of crossing the chasm that Father Kaimon descended. Although the scouts of the Empire have warned them more than once, Ok has begun to cross the sky, but they still turn a deaf ear.

Now, they have paid a heavy price for their stubbornness.

"Oh, Ok is here!"

"Run! Get in the carriage! Quick!"

"Where is my child? Who saw my child!"


The panicked cry was quickly submerged by the roaring sound. In front of the mighty green tide, this small town was like a stone on the path of the flood, which was submerged in a flash.

No one can escape. The boys riding Skug have surrounded the outskirts of the town, and more powerful drag racing gangs continue to raid the town.

Only ten minutes later, this small town where nearly 10,000 people lived was completely erased from the map, and there were hundreds of residents stranded in the town.

When the Blood Axe Legion was back on the road, there was only a little smoking wreck left behind. The boys moved everything that could be removed, and Glak planned to do this. He used to follow Guk. When fighting in the desert, you don't need to think about these ghosts at all. You can use whatever you grab, and Ok should fight like this!

Occasionally, he would take a look at his freshest trophy, a shrimp head that was decomposing and smelling.

Originally, he didn't even have a little hands-on interest in those weak shrimps, but this guy is a bit special, obviously he can't do it, and he is desperate to protect the shrimps who are smaller than him.

what is this?

Glak didn't understand, he was curious to use a finger, just a finger, to push the opponent to the ground, and then smashed his bones bit by bit from head to toe.

He hadn't heard such funny calls from shrimps for a long time, especially when the shrimps he was protecting were chopped into pieces by blood teeth, the sound made Glak especially happy.

This is much more interesting than watching a fart being chased and bitten.

Looking forward to such a scene happening again, Glak sat on the Skug beast, biting the **** leg bone in his hand.

Farther away, a small gray city was faintly visible.

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