Orc Tyrant

Chapter 268: Blood and Sand (2)

The big gun in Grak's hand spit out anger, and plunged into the frenzy of black flesh and steel.

A muscular black shrimp rushed towards him. He threw down his big gun and swung his battle axe to make a low cut, cut off the opponent’s legs by roots, and then strode forward, using iron boots to make a low cut. The head of the fallen shrimp stepped on a pool of mud.

The Bloodfang Guard embraced him, and the red executioners formed a wedge-shaped offensive, quickly cutting a path in the resistance formation.

Grak led them, he was the embodiment of these elites.

In the battles that Grak fought with countless kinds of beasts and countless kinds of enemies, only the **** fight with humans can make him fully immerse in and release himself.

Like an endless boy surging forward, roar and roar impacted his senses;


The spear bit the armguard, and the machete smashed the shoulder armor.

Grak frankly faced the attack of the bullet rain, and did not dodge or avoid allowing those humble attacks to hit him, bullets, bows, and spears. He seemed completely unaware of all of this, his movements were not deformed, and the efficiency of killing the enemy was not slight Less.

The surface of his simple armor was showered with foul-smelling organs, and with the hiss of the battle axe and the roar of the big gun, more dirty liquid was sprayed on him.

He especially likes this feeling.

This small city, which is being ravaged by extreme violence, is called Jima, which is the southernmost imperial administrative district of Aksum Province, and it is also the property of King Zun.

Although this city has a resident population of only 20,000, its administrative area is one of the main producing areas of kaffir beans. It is the only area outside of the yellow sand that can grow this kind of cash crop. The city gathers all over the world during the harvest season. Businessmen everywhere, especially in this period when the price of Kafele is steadily rising, no one wants to miss this business of sitting on the ground for gold.

Because of this, according to the agreement signed between the Empire and King Zun, the manager of Ji Ma City is nominated by King Zun and appointed by the Empire. At the same time, Kafele’s trade channels are managed by the Empire, and King Zun can get 30% of it. Profit.

This source is almost half of the income of the Zun royal family. So when the empire issued a warning of Ouke’s invasion, the Zun king did not mean to give up here. Instead, he sent more warriors to build a higher wall to try. Resist the possible "harassment" of Oak.

Due to the special status of this city, the empire has no way to send troops to assist the defense, and can only let King Zun build those ridiculous fortifications with mud here.

When Glak rushed to the city, the first thing he did was knock down the thick mud wall.

King Zun has stationed 5,000 tribal warriors here, but they have never seen an invasion of this scale.

The boundless, howling of the Ouke's army that rolled up the dust in the sky is almost a natural disaster in the eyes of many people.

Most of them are brave, but they have little effect. They only have crude swords and spears, a few rifles, and no artillery at all, let alone machine guns.

One of the chiefs of the Zun people fell, and a huge half-human mace was deeply buried in his shoulder.

An Ouke leader drew the mace from the shoulder of the collapsed chieftain, then rounded his arm, and flew the seven or eight Zun warriors around the attachment, setting off a **** mist.

A certain ancestor made a shuddering scream only in a nightmare, his abdomen was pierced by a crude sharp knife, the laughing green skin lifted him high in the air, watching his limbs struggle irregularly, and then Twisted his wrist back, hung the opponent's whole person on the antler-shaped trophy holder, and then turned to look for the next victim.

The poor guy didn't die until the blood on his body ran out. Before that, two more compatriots were stacked on him.

The slaughter did not only happen in the city, but also in the manor and plantation outside the city. The scattered Ouke war gang burned, killed, and robbed like hungry insect swarms.

Some of the manor owners who tried to protect their property were **** with ropes by the Oak cavalry, and then dragged back and forth on their own land that was scorched by the flames until only bones were left, and their family members The end will not be better, and the **** heads behind Ouke and on his waist have become medals for them to show off their strength.

The dense smoke obscured the entire city, and the scorched aroma of kafila beans was filled with the air. Some caring boys noticed this weird plant, and they have preserved some in the hope of being able to exchange something good from the tooth market.

In addition to killing, the most important thing is looting.

The Ouke boys who rushed into the human homeland had robbed everything they could see, and took away those who knew and didn't, so that there were some funny scenes of boys with women's skirts hanging on their bodies.

Then the scavengers who followed followed the principle of no rubbish, only baby, and removed everything from fences to bronze bells.

However, Ouke’s desire for destruction is often greater than their desire for looting, and there are still more things being burned and trampled.

Schools, libraries, theaters...

Although Ji Ma is a small city, there is no shortage of exquisite buildings and entertainment venues because of trade.


The burgundy door was kicked open heavily, and a beastly Grak strode in with a **** battle axe, the sharp serrations of the battle axe still hung some visceral fragments.

The expensive woven carpets were messed up by the mud and plasma on the soles of his shoes, but no one dared or wanted to complain about it.

This is the Dahlia Song and Dance Hall, and the largest wind and moon field in Quarter Horse City. It is even famous in the entire Axum. There used to be two Zun princes who were jealous here, causing a lot of trouble. It is also a lot of business people discussing business. A good place for people, after all, wine and women are the best agents for facilitating transactions.

Glak took a deep breath. The smell here made him very uncomfortable and disliked it.

The men all ran away, and even the bodyguards ran away cleanly. There were only a group of women who were shivering and trembling in the place of drunken music and dance.

They have only heard of Oak from the men’s teasing, but the guests just describe them with all kinds of stupid jokes, such as "the unsullied man", "green eunuch", "muscle girl cannon" and other words. They are guests. They are mentioned most often.

But today, they really understand that Oak is never a joke, their killer is a butcher.

"This, this..."

The lady boss of the song and dance hall reluctantly moved her legs and walked towards Grak. She almost mustered all the courage in this life to make this step.

Kaimon is on, and under the gaze of such a monster, she has been able to prove that she is the bravest woman in the quarter horse without fainting.

Glak stared at her, this weird shrimp, she reminded Glak of the bird that Gu Ke often brought.

But he doesn't like birds.

In just over ten meters, the lady boss felt as if her life was as long as her own life. Now, instead of her legs trembling, she was trembling all over, and her teeth were trembling, making her unable to say a word.

Finally, she moved to the front of Grak, but did not dare to look up at him, because she found that she was too scared.

Glak sniffed, and he smelled a smelt, like the smell of **** who had been beaten up by him.

Sweeping his eyes down, he saw the pale yellow liquid dripping from the white and tender legs of the shrimp.


Before everyone could react, Glak waved his arm.

He didn't try too hard.

The remaining dancers widened their eyes and watched their'mother' slowly slipping from the wall, her eyes bulging up, like a dead goldfish, like a mound of mud, dragging long Blood stains.

After a few seconds, they finally couldn't help screaming.


The harsh sound made Grak even more impatient. He turned around abruptly, threw a string of blood from his armor, and walked out of the ballroom.

Then, a group of grinning Bloodfang Guards filed in.

The scream subsided quickly.

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