Orc Tyrant

Chapter 297: Cannibal King marches on Sess (Part 2)

A rocket with tail flames across the sky and detonated above the position. Sharp shrapnel flew around, tearing more than a dozen militiamen to pieces.

"They are here!"

A wizard shouted, rushing back to his place.

Three huge figures were advancing in the smoke, and their roar was like the roar of an engine.

Entrained in a large group of dust and flames, three huge Skug beasts rushed into the battlefield, followed by more Ouke, and hundreds of guards in battle armor formed a wave of sharp blades and bullets. Howling kept approaching.

Among the many greens, there are some colorful figures. The weapons in their hands have long black handles and flashing electric arcs.

Groups of salivation jumped and rushed on the street, their sharp teeth hung with rags and flesh and blood residues.

The surviving militiamen opened fire on the enemy, and a storm of bullets was suddenly raised on the gentle slope. The ear-piercing roar of the guns was covered by Ok's howl. Electrolux snapped his fingers and twisted a jumper in half.

Bullets and cannonballs smashed the armor and knocked a few Oukes to the ground, but these war-fighting Oukes were quite good at using cover to charge, so there were very few casualties.

The heavy artillery projected extremely bright and hot light spears in the distance, causing the sky above to flash unstoppable, human fronts exploded, roaring artillery shells constantly shaking their positions, heavy shock waves spreading across the block, such an attack Let all fortifications become trivial.

The northern part of Sess has been plunged into a sea of ​​flames, the pungent black smoke rushes into the sky, the stench is mixed with the pungent smell of tar, rubber and metal burnt, thick clouds hang low over the city, and black dust falls like rain.

Hundreds of civilians are being evacuated. Their convoy is evacuating towards Arkham through the roads in the southwest. The streets are covered with broken classics and broken sculptures. The stone statues of the former heroes of the college once overlooked the city, but Today, only a handful of statues are lingering amidst the enemy's artillery fire, and their expressionless heads and forward-pointing arms are scattered on the stone road.

The defeats of a few defenders will be mixed among the civilians, and the wounded soldiers covered in blood will retreat, and the fire from the sky will make them dizzy.

So now responsible for blocking the first wave of enemy lines of defense, only these terrified survivors around Electrolux are left.

He stretched out his arm, clenched his fist, and focused his attention on the leading Skug.

Electrolux withdrew his hand abruptly, tore off the side-mounted weapon on the left of the giant beast in a burst of scorching light. The behemoth twisted to the side and slammed into the other giant beast, and the Oke between the two was torn off. All crushed.

He smiled rare.

"You didn't expect what you would encounter, right?"

He said to himself like this, but the next sentence got stuck in his throat.

The convulsive pain twisted his internal organs, as if someone was grabbing his intestines and pulling up. He tasted the bitterness of bile and felt that his whole body was covered with an inexplicable cold sweat.

Another giant beast crashed to the ground, and a dazzling spider-web-like arc spread on its external armor. The wizards under Electrolux threw fireballs on its front armor, trying to kill it in the shortest time.

However, the other two giant beasts continued to advance and opened fire, pulverizing priceless books and sculptures into powder with their sturdy legs. Electrolux himself stood on a collapsed stone statue, weaving white lines like a conductor of a symphony orchestra. Hot flames.

Lightning danced between the Ouks, blasting their bodies wrapped in their armor, the neighing flames melted the earth, and the void shield absorbed most of the opponent's counter-attack fire. The sight of the wizards letting go made some people laugh. , Their full potential finally got rid of the shackles, and now there are no more rules and regulations, they can vent their power of destruction wantonly.

"this is……"

Suddenly, a chill made Electrolux's heart suddenly startled. He felt a ghostly touch deep in his mind. He had experienced this feeling before, but before he could remember it, an orange jumped. Pounced through the flames.

Its skin burned, and Electrolux raised his arm to throw it away with a gesture.

In the next second, nothing happened.

The chubby little monster swooped up and knocked him to the ground. It bit down, sharp teeth carved deep scratches on his scepter, and yellowed claws tore at his side.

"Damn it!"

Electrolux snorted and felt his own flesh and blood cut apart. The monster frantically wanted to eat him, and he tried to keep it away from his throat.

The beast suddenly changed its target. Its huge mouth slammed into his shoulder, but before it could close its jaws, Electrolux quickly drew the pistol from its waist and fired several shots at its stomach. .

Boom boom boom boom!

The bullet broke through the ribs, crushed the internal organs, and broke its spine. The light in the monster's eyes suddenly dissipated, and Electrolux threw its body away with disgust.


He stood up and looked at his hands in horror. He summoned the power to flow into it, but he could not feel anything, there was no connection with the vast ocean, and no trace of its flame.


Painful screams sounded around, and he was not alone in such a predicament.

A huge machine appeared in his vision. It was like an active altar. The colorful metal shell was decorated with many mysterious bones. The huge turret was turning slightly, and a masked Ok was standing on the bones. There was a loud roar between the pillars.

Electrolux could feel a trace of familiar breath from this machine, but more, it was the wild unknown energy.

Is this energy blocking the connection of the vast ocean?

Electrolux had to make such a terrible assumption, just when his brain was in chaos, the rotating turret finally found its target.


The ground trembled with a huge bang, and with a long roar from the mask Ok, the shiny arc from the muzzle plunged into the improvised fortification.

Razor-sharp fragments and burning waste were ejected from the explosion site. The dry wood around was quickly ignited. Electrolux was blown away by the force of the shock wave, crashed through the bookshelf of a burning tent, and threw it away from the shelf. Among the fruits scattered inside.

Then the frame fell apart and merged into a burst of sweet rain, which fell on him.

"What the **** is..."

Electrolux struggled to get out of the wreckage, but the burning pain in his legs and chest made him lie down.

He took a deep breath and lowered his head to check his injury. His leg was pressed under the collapsed ruins, and an iron bar penetrated his abdomen like a spear. His action just opened the wound, and blood came from Spouts from his ruptured spleen.

Even if he could use his power, he couldn't make up for such a rapid blood loss.

The scarlet liquid spread on the ground, and Electrolux was surrounded by dead or dying wizards, their bodies being torn apart by flying fragments, or burned beyond recognition.

He raised his head and watched the shining shards scattered around the collapsed tower, like a crystal waterfall. Electrolux stared at the heartache sight. The falling glass shards slowed down in his eyes, and he saw it. One white reflection.


He murmured, but no voice answered him.

A faint rubbing sound rang in his ears, and he turned around to call for help, but before he could speak, he saw a black figure tilting his head and staring at him.

Her feathers are dark and shiny, her features are intoxicating, and her figure is dazzling.

"what do you?"

His vision is becoming blurred, he is not sure if he has hallucinations and can usher in such a beautiful death messenger.


A gruff voice said, Electrolux turned his head and saw a giant, the other party's winter-like armor gleaming, as if covered with a layer of frost, Electrolux saw only in the body language of this giant Pure violence.

The banshee fluttered with a whisper, and stopped on the opponent's shoulder.

This giant is holding a long knife that exudes heart palpitations. The huge mechanical claws keep scratching the air. More giant Oukes rush into the city wall behind him. They are dressed in silver or gray armor, and huge guns are spewing out in their hands. Neighing orange tongue of fire.

"who are you?"

Electrolux groaned. He tried to summon the tide of Hanan to knock down the **** invader, but there was no power to respond to him. This powerless influence pierced his chest with heartbreaking pain, making him almost dizzy.

"I'm not sure if you know my name, but after today, you probably all know it. My name is Guk."

"Guk? The King of Oak..."

Electrolux hissed hard, his eyes widened in his epiphany.

"It's you...it's really you."

He tried to grab his scepter, but it was lost in the devastating impact, and he tried to get his leg out again.

"Don't struggle."

Guk leaned over and said.

"This way you will die more comfortably."

"Why are you doing this? Think about how much knowledge you will lose if you do this."

Guk straightened his waist and waved his hand to signal more boys with flamethrowers to move forward. Electrolux could hear the gushing flames torch the knowledge accumulated by countless generations, and tears appeared in the corners of his eyes.

"This is the purpose."

After speaking, the behemoth turned and left the dying wizard. Electrolux's world slowly became dark. The only thing that echoed in his ears at the last moment was the kind of howling that belonged to Oak.

For a long time.

"Seth is over, completely over."

While Harden was discussing with the presidents of various wizarding guilds about blocking Ok's march, a reckless voice rushed into the meeting room.

A young wizard, with sweat and tears on his face, tightly clutched a newspaper in his hand.

"They slaughtered Seth!"


Harden got up from the chair with a chuckle, and the faces of the others changed suddenly.

"Didn't they have been notified to evacuate?"

"Ok's advance is too fast, and there are some civilians and cultural relics stranded in the city. The teachers of the Sers College voluntarily stayed to stop Ok's offensive, they..."

The man behind was sobbing, he put the newspaper on the table, in the same position, with different main headings and subheadings.

"The Cannibal King Marches on Seth! 》

"612 kilometers! Arkham is in danger! Essex is in danger! The Republic is in danger! 》

A lot of support from everyone who has votes! ! !

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