Orc Tyrant

Chapter 298: The slaughter enters Veronica (Part 1)

The thunder was so low that the earth trembled, rumbling in front.

The huge siege weapon poured hellish flames on humans, and the light when the cannon was fired was even more dazzling than the anger contained in the clouds.

Guk still remembers that when the troops were assembled in the wilderness, he once reviewed all the legions on the back of the Great Black Mountain. The green that completely squeezed his sight made him truly aware of the power he had in his hands.

It is true that most of the connections between him and other legions rely on neuroboys to complete, but it is also very important for the boss to appear in the eyes of the boys.

In order to accomplish this goal, he chose the deep center of the team instead of the frontmost position, and the green fortress of Mogdrogen was chosen to replace him.

It is also very outstanding, a perfect weapon, a war machine unparalleled in the world.

But what is not quite consistent with its name is that the "Green Fortress" does not use any of the common paintings in the Ouke group, instead it is replaced by a dark red like pus and blood.

Mogdrogen summoned the concept of power in the form of material from the head of the gluttonous prince and placed it in a metal form. On its front hatch it even grew a large tooth with sharp teeth. Mouth, when Guk stood there, he could feel the power surging in the engine and the metal.

When Mogdrogen vented his power on the hatch, Guk could feel the raging fire in his body, very excited.

Now Guke is staring expectantly in the direction from which the gunfire is coming. Although the Great Black Mountain is covered with a lot of thick steel armor, it is not strong enough to be used as a battlefield vanguard as a flesh and blood body. Many times just use it as a transportation tool.

At this moment, it was agitated by the fierce atmosphere on the battlefield, and its huge mouth kept biting out of thin air, making the surrounding kids as far away from it as possible.

"Where is this?"


Liya's answer seemed listless. She has been like this since the destruction of Seth. Guke couldn't understand her thoughts and didn't intend to understand. He found a lot of fun in the war. This is enough. As for others, she can't find it. Getting it is not what he cares about.

From the time they attacked the first town, Ouk’s army has never stopped. They advanced day and night, and in a very short period of time they broke through more than 40 human gatherings, large and small, with only more than 100,000 people. A small number of them were lucky enough to escape, most of them fell under iron hoofs, and a few were captured and sent to the concentration camp of the harpy.

Such a speed of advancement is contrary to human military common sense. This is also the biggest trouble for the Arkham defenders. All their plans and plans are prepared for mankind. In the face of such a swift and fierce offensive, they are in addition to The respective defense areas were helpless sitting on wax, unable to come up with any solution.

"Veronica, weird name."

Guk looked at the small city that was already burning in the distance. He saw that the city had no external walls and no special buildings, just that the place was a little bigger than before.

Then he beckoned to a perverted kid.


"Tell Bucktooth, finish it quickly, don't waste time."


The black smoke covering the sky poured into the surrounding streets, and the thunderous explosion was like the footsteps of a drunkard, rampaging through the city, the roar of guns and screams intertwined, mixed into a messy symphony of hell.

Phil hid behind the collapsed ruins and replaced the bullets of his pistol. A burst of intermittent fire ripped through the walls of the garden. One hundred soldiers in his company were stationed on this line of defense. On the two wings were another two hundred. The enemy had already Three times broke through their organization's defenses and left most of them.

The soldiers under Phil are very familiar with this area. They were born and grew up in Sri Lanka. When the news of the invasion of the Ork army came, the Veronica militia formed by them temporarily assumed the responsibility of the queen.

Most of them have only received simple training and are far from being a soldier, but at this time sacrifice is a matter of course, with the same robe by their side, and their hometown behind, this is their burial place.

The corpses were scattered in the streets, and both the enemy and the enemy were damaged, but overall human casualties were greater.

Blood was splattered on the white walls, and scarlet streams ran through the cracks in the road. Phil had already fired thirty-six rounds of ammunition. Their weapons were able to continue firing entirely thanks to the volunteers who kept delivering ammunition.

"Be careful!"


Another explosion opened the wall beside him, and the convulsive pain suddenly twisted his internal organs. The inexplicable weakness made him groan and convulse his whole body.

He tried to get rid of that feeling, swallowing the pungent mucus in his throat, and getting rid of the blur that suddenly appeared in his vision.

The blazing explosion opened their front lines, and he blinked hard to eliminate the bright afterimages.

"Pay attention to the right!"

He yelled, the thirteen comrades guarding that position had been torn to pieces by storm-like bullets.

The unique dull sound tells Phil that it is beyond the reach of ordinary weapons, and the giant Ok, wearing heavy armor, is walking through the ruins with a heavy shotgun.

The streets between the bazaar and the residential areas have changed beyond recognition. The former prosperous avenues and rustic huts have turned into a wasteland full of flames and gravel. The stench floats from the fire, and the sky is roaring endlessly. Countless wealth is being burned, all kinds of strong smell mixed in the dry hot wind.

Veronica is a distribution center for agricultural products. Farms and pastures in the entire Arkham district will bring their products here, and then provide them to industrial cities with growing appetites by middlemen.

In a sense, Veronica is Arkham's esophagus.

But now, it was smothered by a big green hand.

The scavengers under the buck-toothed scavengers walked through a smoldering ruin carelessly. This old farmer's market was stocked with a large amount of food, which is now the coke under the iron hoof of the invaders.

Phil felt anger surging in his body, and the other side's atrocities incited his violence. He took a deep breath and controlled his emotions. The anger was not helpful at this time.

"Everyone prepare!"

He hissed and everyone raised their guns.

There are not many enemies, only a dozen, and he intends to make an unexpected ambush to give these arrogant monsters a good look.

But the next second, another wave of bullets gnawed at the broken wall they were covering, and Phil Thoren hurriedly avoided the gradually dissociating wall and rushed to a collapsed stone arch to find cover.


Part of the wall suddenly overturned, pressing at least ten soldiers under tons of rubble, raising a cloud of dust.

Immediately after the wall collapsed, the invaders erupted with a sharp howl.



Phil yelled immediately, bypassing the collapsed ruins and firing at the enemy, shooting bullets at the rushing green beast.

His soldiers followed closely, filling their designated shooting angles with dense bullets. Some enemies were hit, but that was not enough. Phil estimated that they would need at least a hundred bullets to kill an enemy.

They are wild barbarians, without the discipline and restraint that a soldier should have. Their armor is covered with charms, skulls and fur. They are simply a barbaric tribe worthy of extinction.

But they are strong enough to withstand the most serious fatal injuries.

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