Orc Tyrant

Chapter 309: Loyal Arkham? (on)

Arkham is destined to cease to exist.

When he was young, he liked to explore the quiet and winding old streets, when they had turned into ashes and rubble.

The people who have not yet escaped carefully walked through the smoldering ruins. Thanks to the "excellent" performance of the Gordon Fortress, the original plan to stick to the three-day defense line was lost within three hours. This is fashionable and there are nearly 150,000 civilians. There was no time to evacuate.


The distant horizon is covered by heavy dust clouds raised by artillery fire, and it is difficult to distinguish. A fluffy yellow fireball and a low metal roar tear the clouds, leaving more areas of his beloved city to be wiped out in the fiery explosions that shake the earth. .

Wayne stood on the spire of the city church and witnessed the fall of Arkham. So far, Oak has not entered the main city, but it is only a matter of time.

He gripped the handrails of the balcony, and shed bitter tears for the memory of the lost city and the end of it.

The outskirts of the northern part of the city were turned into a scorching hell. Large tracts of residential houses burned and landscaping turned to ashes. The transfer station to the south was a dark stain on the horizon. All the buildings there were razed by the massive offensive.

He could see the few militiamen and policemen in the west of the city, fighting among the hastily piled up fortifications. Harden and the sheriff named John Reid stood by his side.

Wayne knew that most of these brave people would soon die, because all that was left behind Ouke was desolation and death, which made him feel sad.

To the east, the main station of the city has fallen into chaos. Oak cut off the railway in the first place. Everyone in this city became a prisoner, and even if Oak did not cut off the railway, Wayne knew that no new train would arrive. Now, the Ministry of National Defense is about to abandon this city. They want to organize a new line of defense, a position that is more conducive to defense, instead of putting limited power into hopeless rescue.

What Wayne couldn't understand until now was why Gordon's Fortress, which everyone had high hopes for, was tragically annihilated at the start of the raid?

Weak energy surging in his body, eager to be released between the enemies.

Wayne controlled it, and the flames of the vast ocean impacted him, calling through the veil between the planes like the most tempting drug addiction.

He is not a wizard, he knows the danger of this power.

Wayne wanted to step into the streets of Arkham, repel the invaders, and show them his anger.

He clenched his fists and restrained his thoughts.

He could hear those helpless people screaming and begging him to join the war. They hoped that the black knight would appear to guard the city, but he turned a deaf ear.

This is the most difficult decision he has ever made.

"I will never forgive, godfather."

Wayne gritted his teeth and stared at the green tide surging in the distance.

"I will never forgive."

Harden put his hand on his shoulder and said softly:

"This is a disaster that we all need to face together. I know you are angry, but now is the time to build up strength."

This words seemed to affect Wayne's wounds, and he couldn't help but recall his failure. He had a chance to stop all of this, at least he thought he had had so many opportunities.

But he did not grasp it, and instead let himself be unable to move freely in a short time.

"Don't blame yourself."

A voice echoed in Wayne's mind, sharp and sharp, as if it were the sound of a crystal.

"This is your darkest moment, but it is also your triumphant moment."

The sound came from a distance, broken like cracked glass, Wayne heard this sound through the receiver in the auricle, and he knew who was talking to him.

"I invite you again, Bruce Wayne, and invite you to join the Shadow Blade, to contribute to the protection of this world."

Wayne glanced at Harden, and the other nodded. He also heard the voice.

"Who is the connector."

"His name is Moberty and he is waiting for you in Port Van Geely."

"To understanding."

"Welcome, Black Knight."

The voice faded away, and Wayne looked at the city he was guarding for the last time, just as a wave of sound like a tsunami of mountains swept from the east.

"Ancient!!!!!! Grams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ancient!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grams!!!!!!!!!"

"I will be back, definitely."

The government personnel are almost all gone. The military commander will either die or flee. Most of the people who stay in Arkham are the poor and workers who are "not too late" to buy tickets. They are stranded in this city that is about to fall, looking desperately at Okay. Approaching from outside the city little by little.

The so-called defenders are just a few militia regiments. No one would expect anything from them. The only good news was that Ouke did not immediately attack after the siege, which gave the rest of the people a short time to deal with it. .

A small factory owner, a gang leader, a union leader, and a priest.

This is the current composition of Arkham's interim council. The four of them were quickly pushed to the front desk to make a choice for the life and death of these more than 100,000 people.

"I heard they cannibalize."

The tattooed boss scratched his bald head, his originally hideous face, but now he was at a loss for the future.

The cannon body rumbling in the distance, even in the church in the center of the city, you can feel the slight tremors of the earth.

"Then what do you do, or do you take your little brother to fight with them and buy us some time?"

The greasy union leader grabbed the delicate cup and drank the liquid in one gulp.

"Do you really want to surrender? Will it, they guarantee our safety? Property or something..."

The blessed middle-aged factory owner spoke while taking out a handkerchief and wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Hey, priest Figg, what do you think the old man Kaimon would think of him?"

The gang leader kicked the ball in front of the priest who had been keeping his eyes closed, and the opponent betrayed his mood with his slightly trembling hands counting the beads.

Hearing the call to himself, the priest opened his eyes.

"Even if you change your faith falsely, you can regret it in the future. Kaimon will forgive us."

"His old man is reasonable."

The other three people all laughed suddenly, although they all had bitter smiles.

"Then go ahead, it's all death anyway, it depends on whether Guk has some conscience."

The brief meeting ended quickly, and the people who had been waiting for a long time got the answers they had been waiting for. As an almost undefended city, they didn't have many options.

On the outskirts of the city, after smashing the Gordon Fortress, Guk finally led his direct army to the outskirts of Arkham, but besides the eager warlords, there was a message from Morana waiting for him.


Guke frowned, a little bit unable to understand the whole lot of words the other party said.

Morana paused for a while. She knew that what she was talking about was too complicated, and there was no need to talk about the useless rules of human war with the King of Oc. So after a simple review of herself, she said straightforwardly:

"Lord Guk, Arkham is willing to surrender."

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