Orc Tyrant

Chapter 310: Loyal Arkham? (in)


Guk hesitated first, then began to laugh.


Naz stood on the side, his mechanical prosthetic eyes gleaming with bloodthirsty red light, and the new chain saw machete in his hand hummed hungryly under his grasp.

"We can get in right away!"

Guk glanced at him, turned around and walked three steps in front of him, and the mechanical claws slammed his neck and lifted him from the ground.

"Remember, I am the head, I have the final say."

Facing the gaze of Guk and the increasing pressure on his neck, Naz hurriedly nodded, and later the mechanical claws released, and he directly sat on the ground.

After teaching Naz, Guk turned and looked down at Morana on the ground.

"Are they many."

"No, most of the people in Arkham have already escaped. There are only less than 150,000 civilians left. There are basically no soldiers."

"Ha, dried shrimps are dried shrimps."

After laughing, Guk had to think about a series of problems that he didn't care about, but he could murder brain cells in batches, after accepting these human surrenders.

He walked a few steps back and forth with a little annoyance. All the Ouke and the Harpy who were present focused on him, waiting for him to make the final decision. The heavy artillery unit assembled in the rear had already stuffed the cannonball into the barrel, the rocket They are all ready, and he can turn the city into scorched earth with a single order.

But a super garbage dump is not what Guk wants.

This place is far away from the abandoned city. The replenishment of subsequent equipment and materials can no longer rely on that distant place. This place can be seen by the naked eye with many smoking factories. The smell of rust in the air is unmistakable. Tell Gu Ke, this is a place where you can make a lot of great things.

Thinking of this, Guk stopped.

"Where are they."

"The delegation is waiting for your arrival on Zuniu Avenue."

"Go, take me there."

After speaking, Guk turned his head aside, staring at Naz, who had just gotten up, and roared:

"Tell all the boys to give me a stop. If I see a spark, you know the consequences."

"I, I understand, boss!"

Guk stood on the black beast, behind him were rows of elite direct guards. He was walking on the main road of Arkham City, which leads directly to the central square of the city.

This is a wide avenue that is enough for three trains to run in parallel. The ground paved with high-quality concrete shows no cracks even under the weight of the giant beasts. On both sides of the road are three to five-story small buildings. Various signs are hung on the walls, and the sky above the street lamps is densely packed with electric wires like a net under a spider's cloth.

Arkham is a fairly modern city, and the wave of electrification has already begun here, but the pedestrian-like streets are now empty, and only the sound of Ouke’s iron boots trampled on both sides of the street echoes.

Guk looked at all this curiously, like a barbarian who had just rushed into the civilized world.

Harpy banshees also lined up soaring in the sky, some of them have long strips of flags on their feet, which are branded with Ouke standards, and some of them hang green banners on both sides of the road. , In order to declare Ouke's occupation of the city.

Among them, sixteen female demon nobles in colorful clothes soared over the left and right sides of Guk. They carried flower baskets and kept dropping fragrant petals.

Of course, such a literary idea could not have been figured out by Gu Ke. Evely designed this set of rituals that seemed a bit silly in Gu Ke, but he was too lazy as long as he didn’t bother himself and love what he did. Take care of these.

When the team was about to enter the square, a huge white banner in the distance attracted Gu Ke's attention.

"What's written on it?"

Looking in the direction of Guk’s fingers, Liya and Evely took a look and said at the same time:

"Welcome the noble Majesty Guk to his loyal Arkham today."

Guk froze for a moment, then laughed wildly.

"Interesting, interesting! Shrimp is so interesting!"

The closer you are to the square, the more flags and banners with slogans like this. Although many of them are temporary and very rough, they are more in line with Oak's style in a sense.

When he stepped into the entrance of the square, the sight in front of him really surprised him.

The round square was densely packed with people. They were crowded together, with only fear and confusion on their faces. When Guk appeared in their sight, the original noise came to an abrupt end, and tens of thousands of people gathered in the square. The last time was silent.

Four people stood at the front of the crowd. Although they tried their best to restrain their emotions, their bodies were still trembling instinctively when faced with the terrifying behemoth and its more terrifying master.


Suddenly, Okna's unique roar came from all directions accompanied by earth-shaking gunshots, intertwined barrage began to appear in the sky, and at the same time, tattered and dirty battle flags appeared at all commanding heights in the city.

It was because the boys who entered the city couldn't suppress their inner excitement, and began to fire their guns in the sky. If it weren't for Guk's order, they would probably have fired.

But such a scene still makes many people feel desperate-the city has completely fallen, and no matter what the result is, they will all become prisoners.

"You want to surrender?"

The moment Guk came down from the Great Black Mountain, everyone bowed to their knees and looked at the mighty King of Ouke with awe and fear. Some people had tears in their eyes, while others were full of surprise. They had never thought of this. Beasts can even speak human language.

Maybe it was because he didn't react from the shock for a while, and no one answered Gu Ke's words.


Hearing Gu Ke calling himself, the guard chief immediately walked up, trembling all over, staring hungrily at the humans in front of him.

Guk also longed to step forward to slaughter these weak people to death, but he knew that these people had better uses, and the demon killer trembled in his hands, looking forward to more killings.

"Go and find them."


When the guard leader left, Guk turned his gaze to the four people in front of him.

"Who among you speaks for all?"

Hearing these words, the four looked at each other, and finally the gang leader stood up and stepped forward cautiously.

"It's me, my lord."

The man said, raising his head.

In the next second, Guk pulled out the pistol and fired directly at the man's face. Skull fragments and brains splashed all over the body of the other three kneelings.

"Now, who is here to speak for you all?"

Guk repeated the previous words again.

The priest in black robes stepped forward and lowered his eyes.

"It's me, my lord."

He answered in a trembling voice.

"Why are you surrendering?"

Guk said in a dangerous voice, while flicking the trigger of the pistol with his fingers.

The priestess shook in silence, and Guk raised his pistol and pointed it at her head.

"Because of your strength, we are unmatched."

He responded quickly.

Guk's pistol was still pointed at his head, but there was not so much danger in the voice.

"Your name is?"

"I don't have a name, my lord."

The man answered immediately.

"If you don't have a name, how do I call you?"

The priest hesitated for a moment, and suddenly realized that the muzzle of the pistol was less than one centimeter from his forehead.

"Your loyal servant..."

"speak louder."


The sweat from the priest's forehead dripped from his chin to the ground like raindrops.

"For you, my name is a slave, my lord."


Guk put down his pistol with a satisfied smile on his face.

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