Orc Tyrant

Chapter 323: New president

The Red Palace has been the power center of the New California Republic since its completion.

It is a solid venue, a veritable palace, and a white sandstone building in neoclassical style.

It covers an area of ​​more than 70,000 square meters and consists of the main building and the east and west wings.

The main building has a width of 51.51 meters and a depth of 25.75 meters. It has four floors, including the ground floor, the first floor, the second floor, and the third floor. The ground floor has a diplomatic reception hall, a library, a map room, a porcelain room, a gold and silverware room, and a management office.

The diplomatic reception hall is oval in shape. It is the place where the president receives foreign heads of state and envoys. It is covered with a sky-blue background and an oval patterned carpet, embroidered with signs symbolizing the founding of the 13 states, and a huge circle depicting the landscape is hung on the wall painting.

The library is about 60 square meters, and the indoor tables, chairs, bookcases and lamps are all classical. There are nearly 3,000 books in the library, including masterpieces by famous writers of various periods.

In addition, there are still relevant information about the previous presidents. On the wall next to the book storage closet are several portraits of people. These are members of the local tribal delegation that the first president met at the Red Palace.

There are five main rooms in the "Republic Building" that you enter from the main entrance. From west to east, they are: State Banquet Room, Red Room, Blue Room, Green Room and East Room.

The East Room is the largest room in the Red Palace, which can accommodate three hundred guests. It is mainly used for large-scale receptions, dances, and various commemorative ceremonies. Many important events in history have occurred here—seven people once parked here. The remains of the president. Many weddings of the president's daughters have been held here.

Now, the reception hall of the East Room is full of diplomats from various countries, reporters from well-known newspapers, presidential staff, and defense ministers. They are waiting for the new President William McKinley to release his speech.

William McKinley was burly, with a rosy face and a loud voice. He was an admiral of the Navy. His fat body was wrapped in a uniform with silver braid.

He walked out from the side of the podium and came to the position without hurries.

"I am sure that my compatriots expect that when I assume the presidency, I will speak to them frankly and decisively as the current situation in our country requires. Now it is Dan Bai who bravely speaks the truth and speaks all the truth. At a good moment, we don’t have to be afraid of the head and tail, and face our country’s current situation honestly. This great country will continue to live as it has always been, and it will rejuvenate and prosper! Therefore, let me first express my firm belief: the only thing we can’t do What does not fear is fear itself-this kind of inexplicable, irrational, and unfounded fear, it will vanish all the efforts needed to retreat into progress! Whenever there is a clouded moment in our country, The frank and energetic leaders have received the understanding and support of the people, thus preparing the necessary conditions for victory. I believe that at this critical moment, everyone will give the same support again!"

With thunderous applause, the new president’s opening remarks conveyed to many people his confidence, or the responsibility of being ordered in danger.

William Joseph Donovan was the only person who was unmoved. He wore simple and monotonous black clothes, which did not show the effect of that.

The fact is that he may at any time pay more attention to what he looks like than others, and what his image reveals is more than that of clowns and politicians.

Their actions were publicly displayed to win public support. Donovan's actions were only for the convenience of the spies who were always around him. He performed it for his opponents and showed them that he wanted to show them. Something to see.

What kind of him will they see going to the meeting?

He is of medium height and of medium build. He is dressed in black, with greasy black hair in the style of a clerk on top of his head. His skin is pale because of being in a dark room with no view of the sky all year round, and he hardly has any conspicuousness. Signs, except for his dark eyes with high interpupillary distance and a duel scar that stretched from his mouth to his chin on his left cheek like a valley.

Donovan never wanted to talk about that duel. The only thing he wanted to say was that it happened when he was a young man, before he took up public office, and he regretted it, not only regretting the scar, but also He shouldn't have used a rapier to solve problems in a face-to-face duel, but rather he should stand behind his opponent with a dagger, and his opponent still doesn't know anything about it.

He likes to kill things, he likes to kill things as efficiently as possible, the easiest way to kill things, and he only kills things when he has a reason.

A good reason, a persuasive reason, death is the pure solution to the biggest and most complex problem in life.

This is why there are so many other bureaucrats and agencies that do not seem to understand the old intelligence bureau. It is not an old-fashioned killing machine, hiding in the dark under the mercy of some uncertain directors, spreading chaos and disorder.

It's not that a little bit of poison is placed here, two knives are inserted there, and the whole body feels uncomfortable without bleeding.

It is a necessary evil, it is the last resort, the terminator of mouth kung fu.

It is hope, it is salvation, it is the noblest and purest of all institutions.

The founders knew this, which is why they created the Intelligence Agency and kept it running. Everyone knew the need for covert methods.

This is why other officials are afraid of him. They all think that he will give them two spine knives. They always forget that he is their tool. They have the right to vote on whom he should investigate or kill. They Should spend more time on business.

The long speech is over, and he is about to rush to Congress, because there is another speech by the new president, a short but more important speech.

He spends less time to kill and more time to protect, but this is his duty, there is nothing to complain about.

"Good day, the nineteenth."

When he walked out of the east hall, he greeted his subordinates cordially, so as to continue walking towards the main hall.

The soldier in shiny and perfect armor slowly turned around and nodded slightly to Donovanche.

"Good day, Chief."

His voice came out of his helmet like the whisper of a volcano, his left fist held a decorated spear, and his right fist held a shield with prayers.

Donovan felt it was a pity for the brothers in the Security Division. They were known for being the most outstanding and the best and most capable in the Intelligence Agency.

But for the sake of ceremonies, ceremonies and honor, they are destined to stay here for life. They are the best among the best, but they waste their huge potential here, and waste their time in this place that will never be visited again in the war.

They didn't even have a name, they just patrolled in the perfectly painted armor day after day, night after night.

Donovan paused and looked up at his cold and unpredictable eyes. The light behind his pupils was like coal burning.

"Do you expect anything, the nineteenth? Do you expect a chance to kill?"

"With every trace of my soul and every second of my life, yes, Chief."

The other party replied.

"But this is my assigned duty, so I will do it wholeheartedly."

Donovan thought he should say something, but he couldn't think of anything suitable, so he nodded, turned and walked into the dark corridor.

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