Orc Tyrant

Chapter 324: Declare war

The air here is full of smoke.

In preparation for the Japanese-Chinese Congress speeches, the servants have lit up the incense burners in the upper corridor and entrance hall, as well as those in the niches next to the Heroes Trail.

The huge lead windows in those niches have miraculously survived the rolling cannons of the suzerain country, and they have been gazing at the majestic courtyard behind the Freedom Gate for eight epochs.

The Capitol is a solemn venue, a veritable amphitheater, with a podium in the middle and seats for members of parliament, and there are rows around it for lower-level bureaucrats and clerks, as well as various other people such as citizen representatives. When the seats are fully occupied, it can accommodate three thousand people.

At first, the Capitol was just an ordinary local parliament building in the colony of the thirteen states. It was damaged when the Kingdom of Castile punished the betrayal colony, but it was restored first and foremost.

A huge statue of a militia was erected on the east side to commemorate the blood of the unyielding free men defending here.

This was not the idea of ​​the parliamentarians, but Connor Kenway, the first president of the Republic, ordered this statue to be carved.

"My brothers are defending the fire of freedom in our darkest hour."

He said so to the congressmen at the time.

"And they should guard the parliament from today."

In the center of the thinking room, there is a large patterned wooden table, and then the table is big enough to fit a few chairs.

Only the leaders of the majority party and the minority party, plus the supervisor, can sit there. Inferior bureaucrats, such as Donovan, can only hide in the shadows or just find a seat by the wall.

In Donovan's view, this is nothing but a game of power, an expression of childishness.

The library next door has a nice room with good facilities and a great atmosphere. As long as you open the window shutters, you can show a magnificent view, and you can look straight to the door and the edge of the city. Donovan often thinks this room can be made. Excellent study or office.

But that's not a good place to run a country, it's too small, too vague, and too amateurish.

It is a secret room, only suitable for secret ideas and insider trading. It is not a place to rule.

When Donovan entered the hall, the clerk silently recorded his attendance.

The senators were seated, and he nodded to the Director of Intelligence of the Department of Defense, who was his only true ally in this circle.

Then he stood next to the wooden bench under the east window, and the members of the House of Representatives and the secretary sitting next to him greeted him as if he was one of them.

But he is not.


The head of the Senate slammed the small hammer in his hand, and the scene quickly calmed down.

"Now, welcome our President, William McKinley, to deliver his speech!"

There was no foreplay this time, which surprised Donovan. Originally, he thought he would have a long discussion, or endless debate and voting, but obviously the new president did not like the complicated situation.

A military-born president fits the current situation very well.

William McKinley stepped onto the much-anticipated podium, his hands empty and he did not prepare any manuscripts.

"Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate and House of Representatives, 22 days ago, in the 26th year of the 22nd Era, February 8th-this shameful day must be remembered forever. The New California Republic suffered This was the sudden and deliberate attack of the Ok family! Before this, we and Ok were in peace, although the two had never had any formal talks."

This is a bit of an official article. In Donovan's opinion, Oak has never been a peaceful creature. At this time, it is not meaningful to overemphasize his own justice, because everyone knows what virtues those green skins are.

But overall, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Actually, just an hour after Oak devastated Jeffersontown, the diplomat of the Benedict Empire submitted a report that contained hints about the war and Oak's armed attack, but we ignored that report!

History will prove that this attack was carefully planned after many days or even many weeks! During this period, the Ork tribe has been deceiving us with false silence.

Sixteen days ago, the attack on Fort Gordon and Arkham caused serious damage to the Army troops. I regret to tell you that many citizens have lost their lives! In addition, it is reported that the high seas between the Republic’s ship Van Gili and Tyre were also attacked by unidentified armed forces!

Twenty-two days ago, Oak launched an offensive against Essex.

Twenty-one days ago, Oak's army attacked Jefferson Town.

Twenty days ago, Ouk’s army attacked Lena.

Nineteen days ago, the Ouke army attacked Sess.

Eighteen days ago, Oak destroyed Veronica.

Seventeen days ago, Oak attacked Nuwara.

The Ouke group took a sudden offensive across the Essex Great Plains. In just one week, we lost 1.0211 million square kilometers of land, accounting for one-seventh of our total land! At the same time, we have lost 230,000 compatriots forever, 150,000 compatriots have become captives, and nearly a million people have been displaced. The material loss is initially estimated to be around 230 billion, and there are more precious wealth that we cannot measure. Up.

The two hundred-year-old Lena Cathedral.

The 150-year-old Sers College.

There are many, many...

The facts are self-evident. The people of New California have formed their own opinions, and they are very clear that this is related to the safety and survival of our country.

As the commander-in-chief of the army and navy, I have instructed all the armed forces of the Republic to take all measures for our defense.

However, our entire country will always remember the nature of this attack on us! No matter how long it will take to defeat this premeditated invasion, the people of New California will surely win absolute victory with their own righteous power.

I now predict that we will not only do our best to defend ourselves, we will also ensure that this form of atrocities will never endanger us again.

When I say this, I believe it expresses the will of the Congress and the people.

Hostilities have already existed, and there is no denying that our people, our territory and our interests are in serious danger.

Believe that our armed forces, relying on the firm determination of our people, we will achieve an inevitable victory, and may Father Kaimon help us!

I ask Congress to declare that since the unprovoked and despicable offensive launched by the Okerites on February 8th, the New California Republic and the Oker Kingdom have been at war!

For a while, Congress was boiling, and both the senator and the House of Representatives raised their fists, and their words were only two words.

"Vengeance! Revenge!!"

Donovan is one of the few people who didn't speak up. He was not just pure cold-blooded. He just understood that slogans are always worth putting into action.

But at least the speech of the new president is still significant in his view.

On this day, the Senate voted 82:0 and the House of Representatives voted 388:1 to declare war against Oak. The only person who voted against it was Congresswoman Betty Friedan, a pacifist.

But all this has nothing to do with Donovan, because he is having a secret room meeting with the new president.

"The shadow prince of the Benedict Empire hopes to strengthen cooperation and communication between the two countries in intelligence, Donovan."

William took a deep sip of the cigar roll, spitting out thick clouds of smoke, his face looked cloudy in the dim light.

"You are an expert in this area, do you think he is a trustworthy partner?"

"Trust? Of course not."

Donovan, who was sitting across from the desk, smiled.

"We never trust anyone."

"Yes, the qualities an intelligence expert should have."

William also laughed.

"But I recommend working with him. He is a mysterious person with many aspects worth trading and exploiting, especially for Ouke."

"Then who do you think is suitable to negotiate with him?"

"Just me."

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