Orc Tyrant

Chapter 335: Stubborn enemy (middle)

It will be dark in half an hour.

Jinya paid a lot of money to learn one thing, that is, the smelly guy at night is a bit more dangerous than the day.

He wants to move his troops to another outpost before the sky is completely dark. The entanglement with the stinky guy just delayed for a long time, and drove those guys out of this area, as if from hand. It's like pulling out a wooden thorn-simple and a little troublesome.

Jinya's troops looked very imposing as they moved forward with their heads high.

Compared with other Ork regiments, Golden Tooth prefers to arm itself with marine combat specifications. The inner layer is inlaid leather armor, and the outer layer is plate chain armor, which is more portable than the overall armor.

There are various ornaments on the hard leather armor with fur trim. The boys also carry light backpacks with bullets, long knives, and double grenades.

The standard weaponry is a large-caliber pistol and a short serrated sailor's knife. There are also some guys dragging blasters or small rockets. Each of them is a strong big guy. Jinya always adheres to the principle of "elite" because he always has One day you have to return to the boat, and the kid that a boat can take is limited.

The bright red or bright yellow spiked helmet glows in the setting sun, dotted with fur, skulls and other decorations.

The Oukes arrived at the outpost an hour later. This ancient fortress made of masonry was a strategic location that was snatched from the beasts two weeks ago, only five kilometers away from Wutan Mountain.

This outpost is part of the noose with gold braces around the enemy fortress.

"Head, that's it."

After Golden Tooth arrived, the boys took out the bodies that had been attacked and died.

Not surprisingly, as before, the fatal injury was on the head, and there were many lacerations around the body, but it was slightly different than before in that there were marks of sharp cutting.

This wound has been extending from the shoulder of the corpse to its waist, and its depth can see the internal organs covered by skin and muscle tissue, and the incision is flat and smooth, and it is not caused by something like claws.

But this makes Jinya even more confused. What kind of weapon has the ability to almost divide a kid in two?

Ok's battle axe can do it, but he doesn't think the stinks can afford such a weapon. They are timid and weak, and only use sneaky daggers and poisonous arrows.

"Did you find anything?"

According to the leader guarding here, he shook his head with a dazed expression. Jinya knew that he couldn't ask anything.

At this time the sky was completely dark, he planned to stay here for a few days, and then waited for the heavy artillery from the rear to be transported up, he could give the smelly guy a flame bath.

He also heard about the attack on the abandoned city, but he thought it was just a little trouble. There are so many boys and guards in the abandoned city. There is no need for him to put down his feats and go back to solve some problems. thing.

So he didn't pay much attention to the request for assistance from the guards. After all, he was also a quasi-warlord. If a guard leader could call him casually.

What do you guys think? Do you want his boss's face any more?

That night, as always, he drank and reveled with the bosses, and by the way, he pulled out a few stinky guys and let them have a fight with Jump.

"Bite him! Bite him!"

"Where is the wine!? Fart! Where is the wine!"

"There is a kind of you climb along this fire!"

"I, I'm not stupid! If you suddenly put out the fire, didn't I fall down..."

There was a loud noise that almost lifted the brick roof. The stinky guys in the venue were almost torn to pieces by the jumpers. Only one guy was still at large, but he had only one leg left, and he probably couldn't escape. Too long.

Jin Ya was not very happy when he drank. The corpse and those wounds lingered in his heart like a ghost, making him feel very uneasy. This feeling only appeared once when he was ambushed by a human fleet.

"Head, what's the matter?"

The first officer leaned over, and he was clearly aware of the abnormality of his boss.

Jin Fang put down the skull goblet and whispered:

"I don't feel relieved, go and inform the boys, to pay attention tonight, I always feel..."


Suddenly, a bright flash illuminates the entire hall, and a low explosion echo follows.

"what happened!?"

Jin Fang immediately ran to the door. In the dark night outside, he could see a flash of light blooming on the other side of the outpost. The sound of violent explosions and heavy impacts rumblingly came, and the shock wave distorted the air and sound. .

Behind him, the bosses hurriedly got up, huddled around the door and windows to look out, the scene was chaotic and noisy, and every Ok wanted to take a look.

The next moment, the whole world fell apart.

In the first few seconds, Jinya thought he had plunged into a **** of hail. Thousands of light spots with shining trajectories fell into the outpost from the night, like fire from the sky, or A burst of meteor shower.

After each light spot hits the ground, it explodes into a fiery fireball, and the huge impact force knocks the boys to the ground. The flames exploded in all directions like grenades, making him unstable in the hot wind.

In the chaos, he saw that the three cannons in the outpost were hit by the hot and strange bolide. They trembled, and then exploded into a group of shrieking fragments.

This is not a **** of hail! This is a raid!

The technological level of the lycanthrope is a few levels lower than that of Ouke. They have guns, but they prefer blades. They should have been smoothed easily.

But this war has shown from the beginning that the lycanthrope possesses some other things, some things that Ouke did not fully understand.

Such as witchcraft or magic.

It was these magics that allowed the lycanthropes to successfully resist the Ork Expeditionary Army for a month, and made many Ork war gangs disappear in the jungle forever, so that Oshan could not be captured, and let everything through air strikes, artillery and rocket bombing. Attempts to destroy this place by airborne were completely unsuccessful, and Jinya was finally forced to use the most conventional means to launch an offensive.

And now, it is the first time that Jinya has directly tasted the suffering of the legendary "magic".

A shock wave caused Jin Fang to fall to the ground, his mouth was full of blood, and there was sand in his nose.

He propped up his body and saw a kid lying curled up beside him, his scorched body was smoking, and in a string of bright explosions, he saw a lot of corpses scattered around, and the sand under them melted. Up.

The hall behind him was collapsing, and the first officer rushed out of a flash of light. He was yelling at Jinya.

Jin Ya could see Lang's mouth moving, but couldn't hear anything.

It wasn't until the other party pulled him up that his hearing gradually recovered, but all the voices were intermittent.


"What? What did you say?"

"...Many...all...to...that... idiot!"

Just like when it came, the hail of flames suddenly stopped.

Jin Fang blinked and looked at the mess around him. In this sudden silence, he heard a lot of noises—the crackling of flames and the howling of the wounded, but everything was interrupted in his half-deaf ears. of.

"Smelly guy!"

The first officer shouted, his voice suddenly terribly clear.

The lycanthrope rushed over.

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