Orc Tyrant

Chapter 336: Hard Enemy (Part 2)

The infantry of the lycanthrope emerged from the gradual darkness, poured out from the shadows, and swept toward this land of flames.

They are not the same as the stinky guys that Golden Teeth met before. They have a slender face like a certain canine creature, tall and strong limbs, and the whole body is ominous scarlet, just like the bare muscles after being stripped of skin. Organizational.

They were howling and running, the red mane growing along the spine dancing with the wind, and their bright eyes reflected the fire.

They wield weird long knives, and some of them carried flags that floated in the air like kites, with patterns of water plants and eyes painted on them, which were the emblems of the royal court of beasts.

Besides the weird long knife, it is a weapon that looks primitive and savage, but is shockingly effective. , About two and a half meters in length, looks like a variant spear, like the blade of a sickle being straightened.

The lower part is the handle, and the upper part is the barbed blade with a slight curvature, which is extremely sharp.

When the tall beasts ran, they swung their long revolving knives like a flail and rolled up a gust of wind on the ground. The Golden Teeth finally knew what the weapon that almost cut off a kid was.

The enemy rushed out of the ravine in the basin, and the boys who first encountered them were harvested like weeds by the slender rotating blade, arms and heads flew up into the air, and plasma came out of the arteries.

The broken body fell to the ground and several guns fired, but that was not a resistance at all.

Jinya finally reacted, and he started rushing forward, shouting at the chaotic boys.

"Wake up!"

He roared.

"Tell them down! Take your guns! Take your knives! Give the stinky guy some color!"

But the other party had already rushed over, the muddy ground was full of Ouke's corpses and remains, and there was a fine blood mist floating in the warm air.

Jinya's hearing was completely restored, and his ears were filled with the hiss of the massacre, the sound of a long knife slashing, and the screams of his men.

But he didn't stop, he fired with a gun in one hand, and drew his knife with the other.

A beast-born swordsman rushed towards him, and the golden tooth shot his face off with a shot, and the guy immediately turned his head and flew out.

Another long knife swung over, Jinya drew sideways, kicked the beast to the ground, and stabbed his head with a knife.

His first officer knelt down on one knee, flattened the heavy revolving machine gun, the gun frame was placed on his knees, and aimed at several enemies who were charging.

Da Da Da~~~!

After a series of sparks, they were knocked down, and the long knife in their hands flew up when they fell backward.

More boys began to counterattack, constantly killing the enemy with fierce shots. Their bullets traversed bright trajectories in the air.

"Cannon! Cannon! Where did the cannon die!?"

Jin Ya shouted while firing.

"Boom for me! Immediately!"

"Yes, boss!"

He heard a boy's voice answer.

"hurry up!"

Suddenly, a kid next to Jinya fell down suddenly, was split in half from his waist, and blood suddenly sprayed in all directions.

He turned around and saw an orc swordsman turning his long knife to prepare for the next attack, and the golden tooth swung his knife, trying to parry the enemy's weapon.

The blade of the long knife was just a blue phantom in the dark purple twilight, passing through the base of his thumb, cutting off his thumb, and knocking his weapon away.

The knife was so swift that Jin Fang didn't feel any pain at first, he staggered back, watching the tiny blood flow out of his ruined hand.

The long knife swung back again, leaving a shining trail in the air.

But it did not fall.

A battle axe blocked it, the blades intersected, and the long knife that had been slashed was bounced away.

A shining figure flashed, killing the beast swordsman with an explosive shot.

The newcomer is a big man in heavy armor, his head and shoulders are wrapped in layers of armor plates, he is holding a roaring tomahawk in one hand, and a large-caliber pistol in the other.

He looked down at the golden teeth, the silver horned helmet gleaming in the firelight.

"The overlord has orders."

He said so in a very cold tone.


Jin Ya asked in a low voice, he couldn't think that the guards would appear at this time.

"Wait first."

The big guy dropped these words, then turned back to the battlefield, professionally dancing the tomahawk in his left hand.

He did not come alone.

As the Pain Kid bandaged Golden Tooth's hand, he saw more than a dozen mysterious figures joining the battle, emerging from the shadows like ghosts.

Each one is unusually tall, with a face hidden in the shadow of a helmet, with a gun and battle axe.

Their actions are swift beyond common sense, and their attacks have terrible power.

Within a few minutes, they had completely wiped out the attack of the Orc Swordsman, their pistols roared like thunder, blasting the flesh and long knives into **** fragments.

Especially the guard who saved the Golden Tooth, he created a series of lightning and whirlwinds between his gestures, turning piles of beastifications into smoking coke and tiny pieces.

This guy turned out to be a nervous boy!

When Jinya was still in a trance, the other party returned to him again, still in that cold tone.

"The overlord has an order and wants you to go to Van Gili Port immediately and take over the human fleet."


Lilin watched the outpost sinking into flames from behind a window of the Wushan Fortress. From time to time, a building exploded, spewing out a cloud of flames.

The rising smoke obscured the clear sky at night, and every explosion made his attendants frowned and exclaimed.

But not long after, a big scarlet beast descended behind him, then knelt on one knee, and said in a deep voice:

"My king, the raid failed, and I couldn't kill the chief Ouke in the first time."

"what happened."

Lilin didn't turn around, but there was no anger in his tone because of failure. Perhaps his anger had burned away as early as a month ago, and now only pure calmness remained.

"Guk's guards appeared."

Lilin's hand trembled slightly, but his tone remained unchanged.

"he came?"

"It doesn't seem to be the case. The leader of Ouke left with the Guk guards."

He turned around now, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"You did a good job tonight. It proved that we can face Ouke head-on."

"I, Wang Yingming."

"Go to the cultivating room and have a look."

Accompanied by the attendants, Lilin came to a huge room deep in the fortress.

It was filled with painful groans and screams, and the air was filled with a strong stench.

As the iron door was opened, Lilin stepped down the stairs, his eyes fixed in the huge glassware on both sides of the hall.

There was no liquid in the vessel, but a swollen body. Those human women whose torso swelled like a balloon to more than dozens of times their original body shape, with blue-gray veins all over the tan skin Above, you can see their appearance only by looking at their heads.

Under these huge "balls of meat" is an organ that is constantly squirming, and the animalized people around are constantly grabbing some red monsters from those organs with pliers.

They started screaming after landing, waving their claws, and only by holding their necks with pliers can they calm down.

This is the incubation room of a monster.

"Too few... these are too few, we need revenge, we need more!"

Lilin looked at the hellish scene, but his eyes were hot flames.

"Evil beast descendants, this is the hope of our race!"

Hearing his words, a figure standing beside him in a red robe shook slightly, and then quickly returned to its original shape, and gently stroked the five gold threads on his shoulders with his hands.

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