Orc Tyrant

Chapter 339: Plans and changes

Suddenly a voice came from the bunker behind him.

"Colonel Yushkin? Is everything all right?"

It's the wizard again, Yushikin guesses he is still holding a cup of coffee with a smirk.

"All good, soldier."

Yushkin said sarcastically, but suddenly realized that he had muttered silent anger.

"Everything is fine"

"Need coffee? Colonel"

Ered laughed out loud, as he expected.

"No, thank you, Ered, I'm fine"

When the opponent walked into the bunker and rejoined him, Yushikin shook his head again.

He didn't know where the anger came from.

He threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it with his boots. This is his decision. They are the most loyal fighters, the best young men, carefully selected from tens of thousands of people, and they have gone through almost harsh The training, their courage and glory are beyond reproach.

But the crux of the question is, what right does he have to let them die with him?

When he made this decision, he never asked them if they would like it or whether they could make it.

It's just a momentary impulse, some kind of passion that belongs only to young people, or simply want to boast of your courage in front of everyone?

Yushkin also didn't understand his state at the time. He just vaguely felt that only he and his soldiers could do this. This was their mission...

"Nothing happened, right?"

The wizard looked at Yushijin a little nervously, but he shook his head and took a sip of the water in the wide-mouthed glass—just pure water in it.

In the dim light, they could barely see each other's faces.

Yushikin tightened his coat tightly, and suddenly had the urge to have a cup of hot wine, but there could be no more hot drinks for a foreseeable period of time.

The logistics report revealed a terrible fact that their supply of non-essential goods has been reduced to a minimum, so even this small adjustment has become a precious resource.

When thinking about these problems, Yushijin sipped his warm water, and drinking water carefully can make the hungry body better drink water than sprinkling a lot of water.

"Not at all."

He put down the cup, and his gaze into the distance became erratic.

"In fact, everyone understands that your decision is not a bluff, because our regiment is the best to fight."

Erede said so, and raised his wrist in a manner. During this time, he has completely integrated into the first group, and even the bookish air on his body has faded a lot.

"That's not a bluff."

Yushkin didn't want to prove this in his heart.

"I don't know if I made the right decision."

After all, he took another sip of the lukewarm liquid, ignoring the faint metallic smell in it.

Through this conversation, Yuhijin relaxed a little, and then he and Ered went to check the defense work, deployed the position of the sentry, and used the binoculars to ensure that the sentry were staying where they were supposed to be.

The terrain of the entire defensive position cannot be said to be bad. There are steep peaks on both sides, with an average height of nearly two hundred meters. Although there are rubbles, there are no more bunkers to use. The defensive width is about 2 kilometers, and there are not many groups. Many can get stuck.

But the point is that they are not facing a human army, but Ouke!

Moreover, position 19 is not so perfect. Because of the arid climate, there is basically no vegetation cover on the position. At the same time, the frontal **** is also very small. It takes only 10 minutes for an adult to climb at a constant speed from the bottom of the **** to the top of the slope. It doesn’t even take half the time for Oak.

The pressure is not unimportant. Yushkin began to carefully arrange the fortifications two days ago. He carefully tested every machine gun firepower point, and he repeatedly confirmed every gun firing coordinate-he now has the command of the division's artillery. .

Before the morning came, Yushkin returned to his command post for a short nap. He hadn't slept for a whole day.

But within ten minutes of lying down, a quick knock on the door came from behind the wide double-open door of the command post, and Yushkin immediately sat upright, his uniform did not even take off.

"Come in."

Lieutenant Ogg Phillips walked into the room cautiously, his army boots making a clicking sound every time he took a step on the wooden floor.

Holding a piece of paper in his right hand, he looked worried.

"What's wrong, Marlow?"

Yushikin asked, getting up and putting on his coat.

"You look like someone stepped on your tail."

"The latest battle report, sir, from the division headquarters, has just been received in less than a minute."

Ogg walked across the table and handed the paper to Yushkin, and the colonel immediately opened it and scanned it.

After Ered and the regiment priest also walked in from outside the command post, Ogg gave them a meaningful look, indicating that this was not good news.

After reading it quickly, Yushkin cursed lightly, then re-tied the paper, sat there and began to tap the tabletop with his knuckles.

In the end, the wizard ran out of limited patience, and he coughed slightly.

Yushikin raised his head and looked at the others.

"The situation is not good."

He said so.

"This news points out that Ok's main force has entered the mountains. To make matters worse, they carry a large number of heavy weapons, and the cavalry is under attack by certain high-speed machines. The general said that he has done his best to lead the enemy here. However, due to the dispersion of the Ouke front, the pressure on other defense areas was very high, and he had to allocate more people to help defend the outer positions.

"That also means?"

Ered asked a question that he felt stupid afterwards.

"We have to hold on for longer."

Yushijin got up and glanced at the map. The dotted red marks on it represented all the troops participating in the ambush, but in the front, they were all alone.

"Desperate to death... Order, gather everyone!"

Finally, there is no need to break hands to index the days, and now they can only rely on themselves to bear the burden of the victory and defeat of the entire battle.

"Yes, sir!"

The deputy saluted Yushikin and then turned to leave, thinking carefully about how to organize the next defense, but just as he was about to walk out of the door, half of his steps stopped because of the sound of falling into the house.

Oh woo woo~~~~~~~~!

At this moment, the air was filled with terrible screams, and the penetrating sound sounded like a thick stone wall as thin as paper.

The things that have been worrying about are finally here, a voice that heralds things that can't be worse.

"Intrusion alert!"

The shout of the messenger overcame the noise, and he rushed into the command post all the way.

"Green Skin is here, sir!"

Then the entire mountain line of defense was shrouded in ear-piercing sirens. Finally, the scout's report broke the bank.

The main force of Oak was swarming through the ambush ring from the east, and now it has reached the entrance of the valley. The Rangers did not expect the main force of Oak to suddenly turn around. They are still drawing the enemy to the west according to the original plan. There is a dense minefield there.

But now, the first kill line is perfectly avoided by Ok, which means that more green skins will rush into the "pocket", and may even break the pocket.

In short, the group is in trouble.

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