Orc Tyrant

Chapter 340: Blood Flag (1)

As early as when the first regiment entered the position, Yushikin carefully formulated a combat plan to deal with the enemy's surprise attack.

Of course, those plans were made based on the original plan time, so in this case the effect of the plan is worth doubting. Compared with his past experience against Greenskins, Yushijin now has a very small group in hand.

According to Yushikin's view, the biggest advantage of fighting greenskins is that they are easily tempted, and this recognition has prompted him to shoulder this burden.

Compatriots in the cavalry division are now working hard to implement this opportunity, and they are ordered to introduce the approaching orcs into the predetermined ambush.

Yushkin, Lieutenant Phillips, Ered and several staff members stood together around the table, on which was covered a huge and tattered map.

He never expected that he could stay here for a long time, but the current situation may force him to do so. Fortunately, he still has something to rely on. The small highland overlooking the entire valley from the east is in his arms. The rock above is very strong, and the heavy rock mass can provide considerable cover for the soldiers guarding there.

If Oak is smart, he will attack there, so he has to reserve a reserve team to cope with this possibility.

The wireless signal is noisy, and this new instrument is still very unstable. The sniper team is always reporting the whereabouts of the orcs. The rangers are also keeping in touch with Yushijin during the process of attracting the orcs. The divisional artillery is on the ground All the artillery was assembled on the rear side, and now Yushikin’s command post has the highest command authority of the entire army.

This is the only support that Prokhov can give him.

He tapped the map with a gloved finger, turned his head and said to his deputy:

"The reserve team is in place at the assembly point, ready to make reinforcements at any time. We have set up machine gun positions here, here and here to contain the enemy's shock waves, and we have deployed sniper teams at these locations, right, Captain?"

"As you wish, Colonel."

Phillips nodded.


Yushikin finished speaking, and then drew along a straight line to the front of the position.

"When they reach this position, they will enter the field of vision of the people we have arranged here. I want them all to wait for my order, and don’t fire until the greenskins are all passed. Oke can’t chase the bait. To be disturbed, we want to make sure that nothing distracts them from the ambush site."

"Understood, sir."

Everyone nodded at the same time, but Ered hesitated for a while and still said what he wanted to say.

"But there is no disrespect, sir, we can't expect to drive them all into traps like cattle. I think... we must consider the trouble that the green skin outside the ambush ring might cause."

"That's not what we are thinking about, Captain."

Yushkin buckled the tabletop lightly.

"We must believe that the friendly forces can take care of these scattered green skins. According to me, these accidental factors can only appear at any time and can be resolved at any time, but at present we must give priority to how to establish a perfect cross-fire power. This is where we are here. The only feasible way to cause the greatest damage at the minimum cost of the squadrons is that we have to withstand them long enough until our general achieves his goal."

From outside the empty window frame of the room, Yushkin heard Greenskin howling and firing. The decoy team reported in the wireless communicator that Greenskins shot indiscriminately while chasing them.

After a while, the front also reported the same situation. Although the situation has changed, the two teams still introduced the green skins into the trap of the Axum Army step by step.

Yushkin glanced out the window, the sky was brightening, and the snow on the top of the mountain around the position was shining brightly.

Green skin hasn't come into sight yet, everything in the morning is so peaceful, like a landscape oil painting.

Yushkin is familiar with this feeling, the tranquility before the storm, just like the two gazes in front of the Aswan fortress.

These experiences made him understand that these old human opponents must not be underestimated. The Ouk race is a disease that the empire may never really understand.

In the past, the Ministry of Military Affairs deliberately weakened the power of Greenskin in flyers, which caused many people to underestimate them, but those who actually face Greenskin on the battlefield will soon have mixed hatred and respect for these cruel and ruthless enemies. New impression.

Once the greenskins have gained a foothold in a certain area, it is almost impossible to drive them away without deploying devastating forces. According to a certain scholar, no one in Pacha’s world is a fight against Europe. Prepared for a full-scale war in Croatia, their rise is almost a torrential rain on a sunny day, which makes people too late to react.

Yushkin is not a pessimist, but the huge consumption of the empire's resources by the war makes it unlikely that the rear will send an additional soldier to help defend this line of defense, just like Aswan did.

It is frustrating to think of this fact. No matter if they can win or not this time, Greenskins will make a comeback, and how many times can they persist? The long war will create many problems for human society, such as economic recession, famine, riots, riots, etc...

Lieutenant Phillips suddenly raised his gaze from the map and raised a hand on the communication device in his right ear. He received a remote message.

"It's the decoy team, sir!"

Through the earmuffs of the communicator, Yushkin immediately heard the report of breathlessness inside. The two teams were about to enter the expected ambush area, followed by Greenskins, a huge and terrifying force. .

He moved under the window frame, raised a finger to adjust the channel of the communicator, cut into the command channel, and then pressed the send button and said:

"Everyone is in place, now! The decoy team will immediately enter the ambush area, with Greenskins behind them, all the teams, ready to listen to my orders to fire!"

Confirmations from all four battalion commanders came from the communicator.

On the east side below the position, the two teams rushed into their sight. When they swayed their arms and rushed forward, the golden cockade reflected the sunlight here, and the heavy breath that they exhaled formed a string of mist behind their heads. .

At this time, the two teams merged into one and climbed straight up the gentle **** of the position.


Just a few seconds later, roars, laughter, and the sound of shooting guns in the air surged, and a huge team of green skins poured into the position. It is impossible to guess the exact number—they are thousands, maybe even tens of thousands. !

When they reached the center of the ambush zone, Yushikin held down his call button and shouted:

"All fire!"

For a moment, the entire silent line of defense roared like a lit firecracker, spreading from near to far.

First, the volley of light weapons, then the roar of heavy machine guns, and finally the rumble of cannons, the whole world seemed to be turned upside down.

The ambush area below has been filled with them. Green skins of various shapes and sizes are constantly being pushed and tripped against each other under the desire to kill. Thousands of green skins are still trying to move forward, but they are coming. Said that it was impossible to avoid the ambush here, and even their sides were raided.

Yushkin watched this all start to play out as he expected, and in his military career, he has witnessed them making the same mistakes time and time again.

Greenskins can't control their strong desire for battle. Even if the world they descend into is a lifeless stone ball, sooner or later they will merge internally.

From the high and low levels of shelter, a group of soldiers fired at the enemy again and again. The dense firepower almost formed a heavy rain. The green skins were so crowded underneath that almost no shot was missed. The green corpses carried them. The burnt black bullet-mark pillow lay on the ground.

In just a moment, the soldiers killed thousands of green skins.

The heavy artillery exploded the flowers of death among the herd, throwing the stumps and blood plasma into the sky, and spreading the dirty seeds all over the ground.

The new water-cooled machine gun is the most efficient killing machine. Although it can't kill the greenskins without hitting the key, it can make them difficult and become targets for artillery fire.

Everything seems to be going very well.


But a new wave of green skins rushed up again. They stepped on the body of the former, stared at the bullet rain on the bedding, and roared and charged toward a group of guarded highlands.

The casualties did not hit their morale, but aroused their desire to attack. More and more greenskins are rushing in through the valley opening. They seem to have found their favorite target and completely forgot all plans.

Yushkin has been looking through the binoculars. He is looking for something. Only when that thing appears can they prove that their chance is successful.

"Why didn't you come? Is it difficult to see through?"

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