Orc Tyrant

Chapter 352: Blood Flag (13)

After everything was ready, the perverted boy began to whisper unnatural syllables, a kind of words that no one knew.

Shabal stared at him with wide eyes, and did not fear that he suddenly "exploded" like other boys, because he knew he would cut off the opponent's head before the accident happened.

In addition to singing, he began to spin, his legs flapped in strange dance steps, and the huge machinery roared with the shining aura on him. The strong tremor caused many untwisted screw caps to burst out, but they didn’t. Who dares to approach that machine again.

The air gradually resonated with a strange resonance. Okimid knew that the time was known, and he quickly greeted Shabal to gather the boys together. Within the range he delineated, hundreds of people were crowded together by the heavily armored Ok.


Suddenly, the abnormal kid uttered a stern cry, and then his head burst open like a smashed fruit, colorful things scattered all over, and even an eyeball hung on Shabal's helmet.

In the next second, the headless body unraveled and was melted by the final sound.

Shabal whispered and felt an immensely huge and unfathomable force pouring into his body, which exceeded the carrying limit of a normal physical body. However, when it swept over, the Black Fire Warlord suddenly knew his purpose. achieve.

In all Ok’s breath-holding silence, a terrible moan shattered the dead silence, the backbone of the world was deforming, and the crazy voice tore through the basic structure of reality, like a god’s death before releasing an immeasurable Extraordinary Weili.

The surface of reality was distorted, and Shabal felt a terrifying dizziness, as if the whole world was turned upside down, and as if he was falling in an endless tunnel.

In the blink of an eye, the world suddenly disappeared and was replaced by total darkness. This seemed to be the moment when all living things turned into dust.

But this darkness is not silence, it is filled with countless howls, as if hunting beasts are wandering in hidden corners.

Are there many boys here too?

The impenetrable lightless void was suddenly replaced by a turbulent vortex of light and color, and those dazzling visions contained hellish despair and unfettered bliss.

All the reciprocating changes in an instant, along with the nightmare, extended indefinitely.

Shabal felt that his grasp of thinking was gradually loosening, and the fragile reality on which his body relied was bursting one after another, and his mind was bombarded by countless pictures in turn.

However, this is not over.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing on a broken rock.

The transmitted burst burned every molecule in their bodies like an electric current.

Strictly speaking, this is an extremely risky action-a long distance, huge energy, mass transmission, plus a completely unknown target area.

Shabal knew that he would hate teleportation from today. It felt like squeezing through the fine mesh of a power grid. There would be a loud noise, as if a nuclear bomb detonated in his mind, and there would still be left in his mouth. A bitter taste of bile and ashes.

But this is necessary again.

More Black Fire Guards appeared.

Some of them lost their balance and staggered, and some of them simply fell to the ground.

Suddenly, Shabal heard a scream.

Taking into account the many risk factors and the terrible error level, this teleportation can be regarded as quite successful. The 112 members of the Black Fire Guard appeared behind the front position on the west side of humanity together with Shabal.

But at the same time he also lost five fighters.

Two of them merged with the rocks under the feet, and part of the skin, hand armor and knees stretched out seamlessly from the yellowish-brown.

The other two were mistakenly reorganized and turned into a pool of sticky blood, spreading on the ground on the right side of Shabal.

The fifth fighter, an arena champion that Shabal is quite optimistic about, Kus, is from the waist down into the ground, that is, he is screaming, he can't be pulled out, and now he is integrated with the inorganic matter.

Hearing such a screaming scream from a companion is quite disturbing. According to O'Kimede, teleportation overlap is the most painful kind of pain.

Shabal walked up and hugged his head, quickly ending his life and suffering.

"Go ahead!"

He gave the order coldly, no time to think, no time to rest, no time to get rid of the tingling and discomfort of teleportation.

The Black Fire Guards determined where they arrived according to the most conspicuous markers.

It was a military flag fluttering in the wind, a ball of flags, with a dark blue background and a very provocative sign-an Ok's head pierced by a dagger from top to bottom.

This battle flag was lifted by a high flagpole in the air more than ten meters high. It can be clearly seen from any corner of the battlefield. Shabal’s goal is it, because he understands that humans are the same as them. The boss must There will be the most conspicuous battle flag.

Human beings want to destroy him, so he will in turn eat the human head!

One hundred and twelve black fire guards were ready to go. One of them took out a retractable metal pole, tied the well-preserved flag on it, and held it high—on a dark green background, there was a black arm around it. Ouke skull in flames.


Shabal raised his huge long-handled warhammer high and let out a deafening roar. This weapon was tailor-made for him by Ojimed. It can create terrible energy shocks and currents at the moment of hitting an enemy, even if it is a history. The Guge behemoth couldn't stand a blow either.


The black fire guards responded with the same roar, and then they started a terrible charge.

The third battalion was defending this place, but most of the companies were distributed at the front to fight against the charge. When a vote of heavily armored beasts suddenly appeared, everyone was dumbfounded. Originally, everyone thought that the friendly army had launched an offensive. Victory is in sight, but the current situation has suddenly turned the victory into an unknown.

In desperation, the battalion commander of the third battalion reported the emergency to Yushijin, and at the same time organized forces to intercept it.

But he doesn't have so much power on his hands. Even if he pulls the attendants together, he can't make a connection. Without preparation, it is obviously unrealistic to block the impact of the elite Ouke of Baidu.

"It appeared suddenly again..."

Yushkin sat on the chair, pinching the peanuts in the plate with his fingers, lost in thought.

Phillips on the side is constantly communicating with the legion command in the distance with a loud voice. Their regiment is now at the end of the battle, but the expected counterattack and support have not arrived.

"Yes, yes, I will tell the team leader!"

He put down the communicator, turned around and said helplessly:

"General Prokhov said that the enemy's offensive was very fierce, far exceeding expectations. They could not use much force to counterattack from the back of the ambush area. I hope our regiment can cooperate with the counterattack..."

In the last few words, he said very vaguely, because this is simply unrealistic.

"We got it."

Yushijin looked as usual.

"Ok warlord has come in, but he must have left all the elites outside. When we concentrate on preparing to eat it, it actually designed a bigger opening outside, which in turn wants to eat all of us. People... are really good mouthfuls."

After that, Yushikin laughed instead.

"What should I do now? The third camp... seems to be unable to hold it anymore. Will the reserve team move?"

Yushijin was silent for a moment, and inadvertently crushed the peanuts with his fingers, then he stood up again and walked back and forth a few steps.

"No, the reserve team...not moving!"

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