Orc Tyrant

Chapter 353: Blood Flag (14)

As for his gun, he was thrown away before the teleportation, because Okimid did not recommend carrying unstable ammunition for teleportation, but this did not prevent him from becoming a deadly killing machine.

No sword can injure him, and no bullet can penetrate his armor. His actions are clean and neat, and every action can kill the enemy, smashing the sharp knife into Xiami's battle line deeply.

The flames and noise of war surrounded him, the collapsed fortifications were filled with smoke, bullets, artillery shells and rockets were intertwined in the air, explosions were endless, screams and blood filled his senses, thousands of lives on the chaotic battlefield Fight as a group.

Even in a frenzy, Shabal still saw that a dazzling victory was beckoning him.

After this battle, everything will change. The two idiots Beruf and Grak will understand what they have missed. The overlord Guk will also look at himself with admiration. He will become the premier warlord.

From this day on, Xiami will fear us, and they are right to do so.

Shabal thought so.

Suddenly, he heard cheers and shouts coming from behind, although their meanings were able to penetrate his killing frenzy after a while.

He smashed the head of a Xiami warrior with his knees and turned to look at the scene that delighted many humans. A unit of infantry and cavalry was launching along the ridge towards the Ork troops trapped in the valley. attack.

He watched as the enemy’s front line was spreading, but he never worried that these people could kill the kids below. Although they were a group of guys who were not very good at fighting, they were still Ok, and more than humans if they could not be hit. Stronger and greener fighter.

And those dried shrimps? Shabal never suspected that they had been exhausted by the fierce battle, and the pace of their charge seemed to falter.

Such strength is so weak that it is not worth mentioning.

"Let those dried shrimps enjoy themselves!"

After smashing the upper body of a soldier with a warhammer, he shouted:

"We have a good fight!"

Shabal and his black fire guard rushed through the broken ruins of the defense line, the black armor with scars and blood stains from the enemy, the advance was so ruthless and unstoppable.

The defense line organized by the third battalion in a hurry was pierced like paper, but they still did not give up, using guns to block them, and even jumped forward to start a hand-to-hand battle with Ouke.

The cost is that less than three minutes after receiving the enemy, the third battalion commander was killed first, followed by the deputy battalion commander, then the chief of the battalion, the commander of the guard platoon...

Although they had the opportunity to retreat, they did not do so. In the absence of reinforcements, they planned to use their lives to smash these enemies.

At the last moment, the remnants of the third battalion still organized a counterattack around the battalion command post, which was not far from the regiment headquarters.

Then he came to them.

Then he started the killing.

"Keep up with him! Keep up with him!"

A black fire guard shouted, they rushed up, and Xiami's remains flew over his head or hit the surrounding ground.

When they came to the warlord, Shabal had already killed more than a dozen enemies, his breath roared, and the explosion of his warhammer steamed away the smeared blood.

When destroying the last resistance of the third battalion, they only lost five fighters, but they have penetrated into the core area of ​​the human defense line and left corpses everywhere behind them.

The real battle awaits them ahead.

"Three camps are over..."

Hearing what Phillips said, Yushikin didn't say anything. He buckled his pistol on his waist, took his command knife from the wall, put on his coat and hat.

"This is our last chance."

In the communicator, severe static electricity washed away all sounds, but every sound was extremely clear.

Oak has already rushed to the battlefield.

Another company commander died.

There were only a few people left in the position.

There is also the voice of prayer.

And the final explosion.

But no one asked for reinforcements, because Yushkin had called everyone a few minutes ago that he would lead the reserve team to meet the Ouk warlord and even eliminate it.

Maybe it’s too late to do this now. The deterioration of the situation does not seem to be solved by killing an Ouke leader, but Yushikin firmly believes that this is the only thing he can do and the only opportunity for victory.

The reason why he did not support the third battalion was because he knew that he would not be able to reverse the situation. He knew the terrain of the command post of the third battalion was not conducive to defense. He had a better choice, one that could really give up his life. Opportunity.

As for the rest, leave it to the Almighty Father.

Yushkin turned off the communication channel, turned and walked out of the command post. Eight hundred soldiers were waiting for him. Their long broad-bladed sabers were shining in the scorching sun. They told him with pride that they would obey any orders he gave. , No matter fighting, or going to hell.

"What we need to face next, I don't think I need to say any more. I have fought in many places. No matter what kind of enemy it is, it is at least for something, but here, there is only unprovoked violence, like Entertainment is the same."

Yuhijin straightened his chest and let his voice reach far away.

"Since they want to play! Then we have fun with them!"


With a scream, the long knives were unsheathed one after another, forming an awe-inspiring forest of knives above everyone's heads.

Yuhijin also drew out his own knife. This knife once drank Ok's blood in Aswan, but now it will be washed away by those dirty liquids again.

He turned around and pointed the tip of his knife in the direction where the gunfire gradually rose.

"A ball! Go ahead!!!"

The shadows are standing high, overlooking the battlefield that is gradually reaching the summit. Those roars have been lingering between the rocks and the peaks for a long time. They have not dispersed, but they will not continue. The raw material of the war machine is blood, and There will always be a time when the blood runs out.

The wind blew his body, bringing up a shiny black silk robe, and the sunlight seemed to be absorbed by an invisible black hole in an instant, and the metal under the robe did not have a trace of reflection.

Suddenly, he nodded and turned around.

Behind him, thirty men in black robes were half kneeling on the ground, waiting for his instructions. Among the three at the front of the team, there was Nutans.

"Everyone, follow me, don't let the enemy chief escape."

"We, go with you like a shadow!"

From the command post of the third battalion to the command post of the regiment, there was a rugged mountain road in the middle, but Shabal did not worry about what Xiami could resist.

In his eyes only the battle flag of the human boss, as long as it is cut off, the shrimps will know that their plan is completely finished!

They pushed forward quickly, but didn't notice the piles of rubble around them, and some kind of soft hissing noise.


Suddenly, a pile of rubble exploded violently, shocking all Ok, and then more piles of rubble exploded, although the power they created was not enough to threaten the life of the Black Fireman, But it also succeeded in causing Shabal to fall into a certain amount of confusion.

Immediately afterwards, there was a large number of grenades falling from the sky. On the high **** in front, Yushkin stood up abruptly. He raised the command knife in his hand and shouted:

"Warriors! For the empire!"


Soldiers armed with war knives rushed out, sandwiching Shabal from the front and back. It turned out that there were already many soldiers lying in the dug pit waiting for them to walk past where they passed. They even used it to cover up the smell on their bodies. Apply gunpowder to your skin.

The piles of gravel were also stuffed with grenades, because time was too short to prepare the mines, and this simple method could only be used to create chaos.

Seeing the shrimp rushing up, Shabal also raised his warhammer, but when he noticed some explosives tied to the chest of some shrimp, his eyes immediately stared.

"Disperse! Disperse all!!!"

These shrimps are crazy, this is the only thought that flashed through Shabal's mind at this time.

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