Orc Tyrant

Chapter 369: Crazy Mountains (2)

"We believe that we were attacked by demons."

In a makeshift tent in the wilderness, Liya said to Gu Ke.


A group of Batka who bit the grilled steak also nodded and echoed.

Guk took a sip of his wine with slight irritation, and looked at the mountains shrouded in the night again. Even though it was late at night, he could still see the dots of fire and endless gunfire.

This place is really weird. Those vines can't be killed. Just clearing out an area, it will be filled up in the next second. It was the first time he felt the feeling of difficulty.

Although there is no real threat to those things, the boys get bored after playing for a day. Chopping shrimps can still be heard. Chopping these things is like pure manual labor, which is both boring and boring, and there is still so much. It's dangerous.

At least during this day, nearly 10,000 Oukes disappeared in the bizarre and crazy mountainous area of ​​Biltevere. The killing efficiency was not worse than that of guns.

Now many Oukes have retreated from the mountains, large and small camps appearing like mushrooms in the wilderness, they are all waiting for Guke's further orders.

"Sabal, how about lighting up the whole mountain?"

Hearing these words from Guk, the warlord who had just taken a sip of wine spewed out immediately.

He wiped his mouth and quickly explained:

"Head, this...not so much oil."


With a murmur, Guk could only find another way. Glak, who was sitting next to him, shook his right leg, which was fixed by steel bars, and yelled loudly.

"It doesn't matter whether it is a devil or a devil! It's over if you cut it! Tomorrow I will take the kid and cut all these ghosts away!"

Gu Kequan thought he was farting.

"Generally speaking, it is very difficult for demons to exist in this world for a long time. Their shape and power will fade over time, unless there is a rift in Hanan."

As Freya was talking, she sewed the thumb-wide wound on Guk's left arm with fine cotton thread. This was the only scar left by him after fighting with those magic vines for a day.

"Fade? Explain clearly."

"Like the ebb tide, Your Majesty, the existence of demons requires continuous support. They are like a furnace, so those who are possessed by demons will continue to create evil deeds, not only because of their evil nature, but also because of their evil nature. Because of their own hunger and thirst."

"You mean, someone opened a hole here and let the devil out."

"It should be so, otherwise I can't think of why the devil suddenly appeared here, and still exists for so long."

"Those vines are puppets, or irrelevant parts."

Liya also expressed her opinion. Although she was not as knowledgeable as Freya in demonology, she also learned a lot of secret knowledge in the Sky Temple.

"Generally speaking, the present forms of demons are related to their conceptual composition. I have seen a similar thing in the secret scroll. It is called the Lord of Strangulation. It is the embodiment of natural anger and comes from the deepest hearts of hunters and loggers. The fear of the place, its body is constantly changing between decay and luxuriant, it will prey on all the creatures it encounters, until it forms a basis of balance."

"How to deal with it?"

Guk's eyes lit up and he put down the bone bowl in his hand.

"Master, you know better than me."

Looking in the direction of Liya's fingers, Guk saw his demon killer, and he nodded suddenly.

"But you have to find it first!"

"Look at the tracks of those vines, this demon is mostly underground."


Guk thought for a while, then greeted the three warlords present:

"Tomorrow, I will bombard it for a while, and then let the boys dig every hole for me, understand."


The next day, in a deep cave, Duolun could hear the muffled explosion from the ground.

Dust fell from the top of the rocking cave, and he heard the agitation of flamethrowers, the roar of light weapons, and the roar of artillery.

He is a nervous boy and a guard. He is leading a team to execute the order of Guk [Digging a Hole]. The team is composed of ten guards, two burning boys, three big jumpers and one Pain kid.

They walked slowly along the dark passage, which was a natural tunnel with rugged twists and turns, sometimes sideways, sometimes bowed, and sometimes bent over. In short, it was very troublesome.

But these are just the beginning.

When Duolun had just turned a fork in the road, something hiding on the other side suddenly screamed and rushed over.

A whole circle of teeth grows on its huge mouth—like a rotting and broken rock, the mouth is big enough to swallow him whole, and the leg joints under the plump body are bent backward, like a bird.

"Go away!"

Doren pierced its huge mouth with a battle axe, dividing the upper and lower jaws into two.

Then he threw two bullets into the saliva-splattering throat.

A burning boy rushed over to support him, spraying flames at the enemy, and the thing was already neighing and twitching, splashing foul-smelling slime on the surrounding rock walls.

As the flame enveloped it, it began to twist frantically.

"and also!"

A guard shouted a warning behind them, and the second demon came out from the shadows, with spider-like legs and bifurcated antlers growing on its fluffy body.

It grabbed him before the opponent could react, split his torso in half along the spine, and peeled his armor like tin foil.

The guard howled, and his weapon fell to the ground.

"Ugly! Hacked you to death!"

Duolun swept this boundless roar and rushed over, and instantly cut off the two legs of that thing. They were like black willow branches, tough and rough.

More slime splattered, and the demon waved at Hill with another leg, which had many legs.

The guard who had been caught before had stopped howling because there was no trace of his head.

The thing that ripped him apart spewed a cloud of acidic liquid on his head, making it easier for him to digest, and the originally strong upper body turned into a cloud of soft tissue that was unrecognizable and smoky.

This demon has only one eye, and that huge white eyeball pulses with an abominable weird light, and a bunch of forked antlers grows on top of its head.

Da Da Da Da Da~~

The guard armed with a big toss gun opened fire, and he kept sending bullets into the shriveled body of the creature.

The bullet exploded under the skin, shaking or tearing the loose muscles apart, spraying out masses of ground meat and pus.

Another guard joined the battle. He came to Duolun and smashed his limbs with the warhammer in his hand.

He banged the demon's body angrily, and the heavy blow of the weapon split the chitin apart, turning the organization into meat sauce.

The demon leaned back, dropped the guard's ruined body, defensively waved its spider legs, some of them drooped down, already broken, but it had dozens of legs.

"Eat my bullet!!"

The big gun guard fired at the exposed abdomen again, something burst open, and the entire passage was suddenly filled with poisonous stench.

The blood was flying all over the sky, and the demon swooped down. Doren avoided a slashing limb and pierced the bone stick into the vicious eye, twisting vigorously with the green electric current until the unclean light in it finally extinguished. .

The burning kid stepped up and incinerated the trembling body.

"What sound seems to be coming?"

Doren pressed his ear to the rock wall, and he could hear the knocking and rubbing sound, and it became louder and more frequent.

"In front, go and see."

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