Orc Tyrant

Chapter 370: Crazy Mountains (3)

Guard Homar retreated all the way, without a chance to breathe.

The enemy pursued them all and vowed to kill them all.

Two grotesque demons climbed all the way along the rock wall, carrying unquenched fire on their bodies, and the wet rocks were scorched into black.

He could smell the smoke from burning bones, burnt flesh, sparks, and the smell of explosives.

The demon rushing forward spit out its withered tongue and killed the slasher with a hammer. The tongue hit his back and shredded his spine and crotch.

The eyes of the other demon shot a burst of light, and the other kid who was retreating was swept down with a scorching spear-like laser.

After Hema loaded the bullet and decided to turn around to the enemy, he rushed out from the other side, holding the gun tightly in one hand, and waving the battle axe in the other.


The battle axe once belonged to his boss. He was torn to pieces after he chopped down the fourth demon. Horma picked up his weapon and continued to fight.

The angry bullet hit the face of the demon who fired the laser, and the opponent's face was blown to pieces in an instant, and he fell heavily backwards.

The tongue of another demon first brushed Homar's shoulder, then hit his left leg firmly, and the huge impact threw Homar on the hard ground.

He rolled on the spot, swung his battle axe, and broke the legs of the long-tongued demon.

The enemy suddenly howled and lay down on the ground, Homar raised his hand to the opponent's head and hit the opponent with another heavy blow.

But his own leg was also broken. Although he could feel the bones trying to repair themselves, the injury might have been too serious.

He turned his head, just to find that the first demon was not dead.

The guy was standing up, Homar's bullet opened its skull, but there was no expected brain tissue inside, only countless rolling eyeballs were exposed.

That or this is not a serious scar to it, but in Homar's eyes, the horror in front of him is far from that.

The enemy’s face is tight, like gangrene after being bitten by poison. Its mouth is tilted to one side, but it looks like this, instead of the tragic consequences of kinetic energy impact. Blood flows down the broken face and neck. .

There are also disturbing yellow protrusions on its forehead, like horns that have just grown.

Suddenly, it jumped again, and its right hand turned into a razor-like shape, which seemed to be made of obsidian or polished black stone.

He Ma straightened forward without thinking, using the most basic close combat skills to resist the opponent's blade.

He half-leaned up to face the enemy, swinging his left palm through behind the piercing short blade, twisting the enemy's right wrist and forearm away.

At the same time, he raised his right arm, blocking the direction of the opponent's face and chest.

This is a fight between beasts. The key lies in size and speed, as well as the use of enhanced strength and reaction time.

And Guk’s overlord guards happen to be the best among them.


He Ma's swift block hit the demon's face, and the opponent's short blade was also twisted aside.

However, the demon is very stubborn and possesses the intent to kill with rage. It turned its arm in an unnatural posture, and stabbed Hema's side and left arm backhand.

The guard slammed out with the right arm that was blocking, and hit the enemy's throat with an iron fist.

The devil's throat shattered under the impact, and the many eyeballs in its skull burst suddenly, and blood flowed from its mouth and nostrils.

It attacked again violently, and the blade formed by the arm pierced Homar's right arm, piercing the armor and flesh and blood, reaching the bones.

The Guards didn't intend to let the advantage let go, he continued to throw a second punch to the opponent's throat, and then hit the deformed jaw with a third punch.

The demon's head slid back, and Homar noticed a sharp crack, and for safety, he punched again.


As the enemy collapsed to the ground and turned into a bubbling pus and blood, everything finally came to an end.

The boys who followed him were stunned by the fierce battle, and it took a while before they came around, but none of them wanted to disturb the current Hema, because after the battle, Oke, the blood is always the easiest to boil.

"Damn ghost stuff!"

He Ma took a deep breath and drew the broken short blade from her arm. What was strange was that the demon had disappeared, but the weapon that its arm turned into still exists.

Suddenly, he felt a numbness in his hand holding Broken Blade, and the wound on his forearm began to pulsate.

He wanted to speak, but he froze in place for a moment.

In his mind, it seemed as if a dark door had been opened. Although the surroundings were very hot, everything felt cold.

A cold blue light shrouded all around, something was pulsating, He Ma could hear the deep and ancient heartbeat, and he could smell the toxins and acid.

Although he couldn't see much, he could perceive something huge and pitch-black slowly coiling. It was covered in smooth scales and a thick layer of mucus.

He could feel the existence stretching his body, emerging from the abyss that was older than time, passing through the darkness of the ancient long night and the void between the sky, rushing straight to this place, and coming straight to him.

It can smell him, it can hear his thoughts.

Getting closer, getting closer, getting closer...

He was panting and trembling, the blood flowing from the wound on his forearm.

He understands that he needs to remind the other Oaks that it doesn't matter whether they have the time or opportunity to stop, what he needs to say.

If there are other guards, if any kid can hear him, they need to know his experience.

They need to understand.

They need to understand what they are going to face...

Suddenly, a malicious wind swept over his head, and Hema regained control of the body, and he yelled for the first time:

"Go! Go with me!"

Although the boys were inexplicable, they immediately followed his pace.

He walked all the way out along the passage, trying to return to the ground from the original route, but when he walked for more than ten minutes, he was surprised to find that the previous road was gone. He walked in a completely unfamiliar underground passage.

"Head, what...what's going on?"

"How do I know!"

The guards who were getting more and more disturbed began to become impatient, and he led the team for a while, still the same as before, unable to find the way before, and didn't know where he was.

The underground space was claustrophobic and dark. Although this wasn't a big problem for Oak, the feeling of the tip of the knife behind his neck made Homar almost crazy.

"Head, that seems to be moving."

A kid suddenly spoke. He Ma didn't pay much attention to him, but just looked in the direction of his fingers and found a faint light at the end of the passage.

"Go and see!"

Without thinking more, he led the team over, but he stopped just a few steps away.

He turned his head and glanced behind him, his face becoming more weird.

The boys are at a loss and don't know what's going on.

But Homar knew that there were six surviving boys, and he remembered it, but the boy who spoke just now seemed to have no influence at all.

Where did this seventh one come from? Why is it missing now?

When he hesitated, a strange rubbing sound slowly came from the top of his head...

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