Orc Tyrant

Chapter 417: The Great Crash (7)

Ul, a veteran of Ouk, hidden on the edge of the jungle, was watching the small village at the end of the stream through the downpour, carefully counting the number of sentries within his sight.

The four shrimps are standing in the open area on alert, but their loose discipline and distracted attention are about to kill them.

Whenever the enemy showed this unforgivable stupidity, Ur always had joy in his heart. The cold raindrops passed through the thick and low-hanging wheat stalks, and the sound of dripping on the rocks was enough to cover all the suspicious noises and the rushing streams. The noise just made Ok's concealment to the next level.

He is a true veteran. In the past, when the Guk dynasty was still called the Baishou Tribe, he had already fought under the command of the overlord.

He is strong and cunning. He has survived countless life-and-death fights. He could have been a boss, but his character is particularly weird. He doesn't like agitated groups, and he doesn't like killing enemies noisily. He likes Quietly, quietly, complete your own harvest.

He chose to become a maverick special warfare kid who did not belong to any war gang or legion, just to satisfy his desire to cut a thousand heads.

Now, 121 shots are short of the target.

The crystal water drops on the shoulder armor were dripping from the rough totem ornaments. He quickly and quietly left the hiding place, moving unconsciously in the majestic raindrops, and he tried his best to avoid his own footsteps. Any murmur.

As he progressed, even knowing that it was unnecessary, Ur gently took out his combat knife and tried the blade.

This action is driven by habit, a habit that has been engraved into the mind as early as the birth.

Some of the blades of this long-edged weapon are triangular, and its edges are so sharp and deadly that it is cast to easily slip between the enemy's ribs and break them effortlessly.

It was born as a tool for killing, just like itself, nothing more.

Thanks to the heavy rain, the visibility of the guards was reduced to less than 30 meters.

In the same way, because Ur's vision is far beyond that of human beings, the outline of the unlucky soul that will become his dead soul is already clearly reflected in his retina.

He has no regrets about the death of these dried shrimps.

The weak never deserve the slightest bit of mercy and tolerance. These creatures are destined to be eliminated in front of Oak, and now they will also pay the price for their wrong choice.

Ur remained inconceivably quiet and secret for a big man like him. After sneaking to a reinforced pillar of the wooden bridge of the stream, he found that he was so close to his future victims that his hearing could tell. They have their own different voices.

Just like ordinary soldiers, they were complaining loudly about their current missions and their brain-disabled superior officers. Although Ur could not understand them, he believed that they would not speak again soon.

At this time, Ur was close enough to allow his senses to smell the body odor of these shrimps in the mud, as well as the stench of the moist sweat that was deeply rooted in their bone marrow.

Ur tensed and relaxed his muscles, making sure that his steel body was ready for the next move.

With two faint red lights flickering in the darkness not far away, Ur made a soft reply representing that he was ready to act. This was a secret sign agreement he made with another kid. He was responsible for killing and the other was responsible for observation. Although he rarely cooperates with other Oaks, today's situation is special.

Finally, he waited for the sound of the first target to turn around, and then turned around from behind the pillar, rushing towards the figure with all his strength.

Before the first victim died, there was no time to make any noise. Ur's combat knife pierced his head from the bottom with a fierce blow.

The moment he fell, Ur squeezed out the blade sharply, lowered the blade, and stabbed the second guard into the groin.


Seeing his own blood pouring out, all he could do was give out an extremely painful gasp.

"Enemy attack! Enemy"

The other sentry raised the gun in his hand, but before he pulled the trigger, Ur rushed forward and hit the opponent's face with a punch.

Ouke’s great power smashed his head into countless fragments. At this time, another bayonet struck Ur. He immediately turned his wrist and blocked the attacking bayonet with the armor at the base of his palm. At the same time, he shot the bayonet with lightning. He smashed his elbow to the chin of the last guard at the same speed, almost removed half of his head with one blow, and splashed his face with blood plasma and broken teeth.

After finishing all this, he quickly squatted into a lurking position, and by the way, he pulled out his combat knife from the corpse beside him, and wiped the blood off the blade with the coat of the corpse.

It only took him less than five seconds to resolve these sentinels. He quickly looked around the situation, from the outpost in front of him to the firepower spot piled up by sandbags across the bridge.

The two firepower points on the opposite side are staggered by dried shrimps to provide a cross firepower range, and further afield is a huge undulating outline. Several protrusions covered by the tarp are emitting dim metallic light. Ull calculates that there is at least placed there. Cannons with more than three digits.

The sound of rain and the roar of the stream did not make people notice what was happening here, but there was only an open area from here to there. What could cover his next attack?


He made a gesture in the dark, and at the same time took out the prepared explosive from his waterproof pocket, then waited with bated breath...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ! ! ! !

In the harsh clamor, twenty heavy rockets soared into the air, Ur immediately ignited the explosive in his hand, and then threw it at one of the firepower points.

Boom~~! !

The explosive was detonated.

The piled sandbags exploded inward, and the powerful kinetic energy brought by the explosion lifted it from the ground and tore it into pieces, causing a lot of choking smoke to gush out.

Ur didn't even wait for the shock from the explosion to completely disappear and was ready to kill. At the same time, he heard the sound of shooting and explosions coming from nearby, and knew that it was the other Ouke who also launched the attack.

By now, most of those dried shrimps have stepped into the grave.

He tumbled dexterously into the smoke-covered entrance and assumed an aggressive posture.

He drew the pistol from his waist and fired it from left to right.

In the next second, he saw the outlines of the two heads flashing behind another firepower point, and then squeezed the trigger twice. The two heads burst in response, and the owner of the head also twitched and fell backward.

The other soldier knelt on the ground, blood gushing from his broken limbs-the sharp metal fragments created by the blast just hit him.

A bullet hit Ur's chest armor, and he twisted his body while kicking towards the back of the shooting.

His iron-clad feet smashed into the chest of a soldier, his ribs shattered in an instant, and the shrimp screamed and fell and released his weapon.

At this moment, the rest of the people all reacted and rushed up and surrounded Ur, shouting and poking around with bayonets, but the rainy night lowered their sight to the limit, and they were so confused that they didn’t even know what the enemy was. position.

Ur dexterously turned his body and counterattacked with deadly force.

Wherever the fist goes, there are always bones shattering and the enemy dying tragically.

When the last soldier fell, Ur's senses had long been occupied by the smelly blood plasma and broken and dirty internal organs. Looking down, the breastplate and shoulder armor were all blood stained.

His sharp eyes scanned every dark corner of the artillery position one last time, but he found nothing and everyone died.

Hearing the fierce exchange of fire around him, he bowed his waist and walked cautiously towards the cannons, while carefully avoiding the bullets that swept around him from time to time.

Through the rain curtain, he watched with pride as the Ouk boys' assault overwhelmed the enemy. Their swords and axes were unstoppable to harvest the enemy's heads and limbs, but the dried shrimps could only be slaughtered at will because of chaos.

The outskirts of the camp are now dilapidated, and the sandbags that have been nearly torn to pieces by the explosive bullets have also been thrown aside by the attacking Oukes. The lack of training guards in the firepower point are already frightened in the face of such a powerful attack. In addition, Oak has surrounded them, and they have no way to escape at the moment.

The roaring boys quickly killed them one by one with a powerful slash, and the battle became a massacre.

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