Orc Tyrant

Chapter 418: The Great Crash (8)

The whole world is shaking.

In the first few seconds, Enuman thought that his troops plunged into a **** of fireworks festival, twenty rockets with shining trajectories fell into the camp from the rain and dusk, and were in mid-air. Detonation, like a raging fire from the sky, or a burst of meteor shower.

Many tents exploded into fiery fireballs after the burning fragments landed. The huge impact shook the soldiers to the ground. The flames exploded in all directions like grenades, making it unstable to stand in the hot wind.

He was chatting with the deputy company commander while smoking, so he reacted faster than the others, but before he could sound the alarm, he saw three tents in his company being hit by a hot and strange green lightning. , They trembled, and then turned into a strange bonfire.

Soldiers covered in fire rushed out of the tent and threw themselves into the muddy water to try to extinguish the flames on their bodies, but some people were burned alive in the tent before they had time to run.

At this time he realized that the enemy had launched an attack on them.

Although scouts and scouts were dispatched, although they were equipped with secret guards, and although they conducted a cautious search for the enemy when marching, although the wizards had omnipotent monitoring capabilities, the enemy successfully raided them.

It is said that Oak's technological level is several grades lower than that of human beings.

Although they have guns, they prefer blades. They should have been smoothed easily.

But this war has shown from the very beginning that Oak has some other things, some things that humans are completely unaware of.

And now is the first time Enuman has directly tasted the suffering of this mysterious power.

All those terrifying rumors spreading between regiments and regiments are obviously true. Ouke also possesses mysterious knowledge, far beyond ordinary people's understanding.


A shock wave made Enuman fall to the ground. His mouth was full of blood and mud was in his nose, but he quickly propped up his body, but he saw a soldier lying curled up beside him, his scorched body. Is smoking.

In a string of bright explosions, he saw many bodies scattered around, and the sand under them had melted.

The deputy commander rushed out from the flash of light. He was yelling at Enuman. Enuman could see Lang's mouth moving, but he couldn't hear anything.

He stomped and stomped, ran over and pulled their company commander up.

Enuman's hearing is gradually recovering, but all voices are intermittent.


"What? What did you say?"

"...Many...all...to...that... **** idiot!"

Suddenly, the thunderstorm in the heavy rain stopped suddenly. Enuman blinked and looked at the surrounding mess. In this sudden silence, he heard a lot of noises—the crackling of flames and the screams of the dying, but Everything is interrupted in his half-deaf ears.

"Oh shit!"

The deputy company commander yelled, and his voice was suddenly terribly clear.

Oak rushed over.

The enemy who had always existed in the imagination before appeared from the rainy night, gushing out of the shadows, and swept toward this muddy land.

Their skulls and banners were dancing, their metal armors reflected the light of fire, and they wielded various weapons of extraordinary size.

Some of the flags are particularly conspicuous, with a pattern of a blood-stained Okker skull painted on them, which is the emblem of the Blood Skull Legion.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! ! ! ! !

Countless Ouke rushed out of various dark ravines. The soldiers who first encountered the enemy were harvested like corn by the rotating saw blade. The enemy quickly stepped on their corpses and went straight to the center of the camp.

Arms and heads flew up into the air, blood was ejected from the arteries, and the broken corpse fell to the ground.

Although a few guns fired, it is not a resistance at all...

"Wake up! Wake up!"

He shouted at the company soldiers who were still at a loss:

"Leave them down! Take your guns! Don't let them rush over!"

But they have rushed over.

The muddy ground soaked by rain was full of soldiers' corpses and remains, and there was a fine mist of blood floating in the air that Enuman could taste.

His hearing was restored, and his ears were filled with the hiss of the massacre, the sound of weapons slashing, and the screams of his soldiers.

This night was really terrible. With the darkness and heavy rain, everyone's vision was blurred, there was no lighting and no markers. They could only shoot blindly, causing some people to be knocked down by friendly bullets.

Oak seems to have no such worries. They can see things in the dark, and their combat goals are extremely clear-to kill everything that is not Oak!

The camp area of ​​several kilometers was like a dam riddled with holes, and was instantly washed down by the green torrent. The enemy came from all directions, dismembering the entire Seventh Army like a sharp knife.

Everyone was yelling, all running, but they didn't know where to go. Soldiers couldn't find officers, and officers couldn't find their own soldiers.

The shortcomings of the recruits were also revealed at this time. They could not bear this kind of unorganized fighting, their morale began to drop in an avalanche, and all the training they had received was forgotten. In order to survive, they began to run into the wild, but they were hungry. The thirsty jumpers have been waiting for a long time.

The worst undesirable situation in all wars was met by the Seventh Army.

"Everyone move closer to me!!!"

Enuman did not stop.

He fired with a gun in one hand, drew his sword with the other hand, and tried his best to gather the surrounding soldiers with his throat.

At this moment, an Ouke emerged from the rain curtain and leaped towards him.

"Damn it!"

Enuman fired several shots in the face, and the guy slipped and turned somersaults and flew back.

But another blood-stained battle axe swung over, and Enuman drew sideways. A soldier beside him did not respond in time. He was chopped from the shoulder to the crotch by the axe, and the scream made Enuman almost collapsed.

There are more and more Ouke, they are like the legendary evil spirits that only appear at night, constantly grabbing the lives of single soldiers, and dealing with those who get together with grenades and bullets.

The pale faces fell into the quagmire, and those were the faces that Enuman had been very familiar with.

"Head! Head! Here!"

Suddenly, Enuman saw his captain, who was running with a group of people on the chaotic battlefield.

"We are in the second battalion! We need help! There are a large number of enemy troops here!"

"No support! It's all over! Run for your life!"

The other party's words made him chill from his head to the soles of his feet, but when he was about to speak, he saw a huge mechanical claw suddenly stretched out from the darkness, picking his head in midair.

"Father Almighty..."

Enuman staggered back a few steps, stunned by the huge beast stepping out of the darkness.

This is the biggest and most terrifying thing he has ever seen in his life. A monster made of steel and muscle, more than three meters high, stands like a hill on the chaotic battlefield. The moisture caused by the rain makes it look like It's some kind of sea monster that came out of the sea.

As soon as it closed its paws gently, the screaming officer fell into four parts and fell to the ground.

Then it went to other places, with a group of steel monsters.

"Goddamn thing!"

Enuman scolded, then said loudly:

"Everyone! Follow me!!"

At this moment, a soldier next to him suddenly fell down, his body was split in half, and blood suddenly sprayed in all directions.

Enuman turned around and saw a guillotine-like ruthless Ouk turning it preparing for the next attack.

Enuman swung his sword and tried to parry the enemy's weapon.

But the weapon was very heavy and fast, and it was just a blue phantom in the dark purple rain curtain.

In the blink of an eye, the blade passed through the base of his thumb, cut off all his fingers and upper half of his palm, and knocked his sword into the air.

The knife was so swift that Enuman didn't feel any pain at first, he staggered back, watching the tiny blood flow out of his ruined hand.

The moment he raised his head, the guillotine swung back again, leaving a shining trail in the air.

This night will be called the Night of Blood Rain in the future.

This night, the Seventh Army, which was rushing to the front line, encountered a large-scale night attack by the Oak Blood Skull Legion. Because of the failure of the chain of command, a plate of scattered soldiers was crushed by Oak's heavy hammer.

This night, the Tianlong outside the village of Kuska was filled with 62,113 broken corpses. Only 15,634 people fled back to Cardillon. Thousands of others did not know their lives. Commander George Brett was martyred with his head. Picked on the battle flag of the Blood Skull Legion.

For the New California Republic, the situation in the Western Theater has taken a turn for the worse because of this night attack.

It's the end of the month, everyone supports ()!

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