Orc Tyrant

Chapter 419: The Great Crash (9)

"I don't understand, why are you staying here?"

Argynes listened to his words melted into the silence that enveloped the station hall.

Naz's red eyes, deep in the sockets, looked back at him. On both sides of the warlord, the guards stood motionless, with the motorized battle axe held in front of them.

Only the perverted kid stood beside his boss, and he was the only white helmet guard who appeared here.

Sutanu swayed behind Algonis, the black metal lock ring on her robe rustling against the floor, her spirit whirring as she refocused.

At the position after her one step, Bofei, who was wearing a light red silk robe, was motionless, breathing behind his iron mask with no eyeholes, making a low hissing sound.

They are envoys sent by the Blood Worship Sect to communicate with the warlords who have just slaughtered the Seventh Army, and guide the other side to make a more "reasonable" plan for the next step.

But Naz's silence continued.

Algonis struggled to maintain his gaze in the oppressive presence of the Lord of the Legion. Compared with the last time Algonis saw them, the warlord has changed a bit.

His patience has disappeared, and his temperament is more plausible than before. There are more dead skulls on his body, and the bright light attached to the back of his skull makes Argonis' eyes unable to identify its source.

The warlord’s armor was almost submerged by pistons, black iron struts and brushed steel.

"Are you questioning me? Messenger."

Naz finally spoke, his voice felt like steel rubbing.

But Algonis did not flinch.

"I am helping you and winning more victories for you."

"So that's why they sent you here to ask why I am here?"

Algonis heard the sharpness in this sentence, and he lowered his head, half obedient, half confessing.

"You stand high on the enemy's corpse and pour the power of your legion into its hinterland. You might have had the opportunity to tear the heart of this corpse in one fell swoop. Why should you stop and waste time?"

"Xia Mi, who gave you the courage to be so presumptuous?"

The guard who symbolized the supreme authority of Guk spoke up here, and he raised a finger covered with armor and pointed it at Argonis, as if it were the barrel of a gun.

"It's up to us to decide what to do! You better shut up."

"We have had a friendly deal with Maharaja Guk, I believe that is enough to reflect our goodwill."

Algonis looked up and looked at the bronze and ruby ​​eyes on the top of the black flagpole in his hand.

"Here, I am his voice."

The guard replied.

Naz turned his head slowly, his gaze rested on the darkness in the corner.

"As far as I know, there are at least two complete legions of Xiami in the place called Cardillon. There are still more than 200,000 horses. We fought a battle yesterday and lost a lot of boys. It's not suitable to hit that place head-on."

The Lord of Blood Skull paused for a moment and turned his gaze back to Argynis.

"I will hold the neck of Xiami here, and wait for Ya and Bal Zhijin to get rid of the pile of shrimp on the other side of the river, and then concentrate on taking down the last city of Xiami."

"They are already scared—"

"It's required."

Algonis met the gaze of the Ouk warlord, but shuddered. It felt like being submerged in ice, it felt like standing in front of a hungry beast.

A second later he lowered his head low, carefully making sure that the flag was still upright.

"I will stay here, my lord."

Algonis said, pay attention to let your tone show alertness, respect and strength at the same time.

"And pay attention to the results of this... war."

Naz tilted his head slightly.

"it's up to you."

Argonnis straightened his body and walked out, holding the banner of the blood worship in his hands.

Sutanu and Bofei followed closely. When the gate of the station began to close behind, he used telematics to connect with the two companions around him. Something had been interfering with their connection in that place, and now he finally got rid of it. .

"Greenskin is really a strange creature, sometimes stupid, sometimes cunning."

Algonis walked without squinting, and the nearby Okers watched him walking by, making provocative roars from time to time.

"Cadillon has already begun a planned evacuation."

After a second he replied:

"If it succeeds, the significance of this war will diminish."

"I think the overall goal has been at least half completed. The destruction of the two legions, and the three legions waiting to be destroyed, is enough for the mediocre people in the presidential palace to be busy for a while."

"Not enough. People are not angry enough or desperate enough. If we need to advance the goal we envisioned, one million residents of Cardillon are the best sacrifice."

"I don't think they will be able to evacuate everyone before Oak arrives."

"Look, after I go back, I will sort out the information on Oak's side. Obviously, as expected, besides us, there is a force supporting them. The bishop is very concerned about this, so we must find out what force it is. Assisting Oak."


After the envoy of the blood worship left, Naz was led by the mechanic to the freight unloading point of the station, where the transformed train was stopping on the rails.

Said to be a transformation, in fact, it is just adding a lot of thick steel plates to the front of the car, and many weapons are installed in the carriage. Most of them are weapons left over by humans, including heavy machine guns and light field guns, because Naz did not bring too many Equipment, so it is directly collected on the spot.

Mortars and several heavy howitzers were placed on the top of the carriage, which looked like a thorny caterpillar lying on the rails.

Most of the occupants in it are farts, because human weapons farts are easier to use, and there are more than two thousand kids among them, they are mainly responsible for managing farts.

As for where they are going, it is the Sik Bridge, the lifeline of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Klein City.

At first, Naz wanted to blow up the bridge, but after another thought, the two Ork regiments over there still needed to cross the river. Without the bridge, it would take a long time, so he changed his mind and decided to take the war train directly. That bridge, or blocking the west side of the bridge, prevents humans from crossing the river, but also prevents them from doing anything to the bridge.

As a result, the mechanics worked overtime overnight, and finally finished the war train after he returned from the night attack.

"Okay! Let's go now!"

Nodded with satisfaction. As soon as Naz's words fell silent, it came from the front of the car, and then thick smoke came out of the chimney. Driven by the steam engine, the wheels began to turn faster and faster... …

And finally turned into a long dragon, rushing towards the direction of Klein City.

At this time, the three legions that were still waiting for the arrival of the Seventh Army in Klein City had just learned the news of the fall of Ximu Town...

I have to go to work tomorrow, plus change to 10.1

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