Orc Tyrant

Chapter 423: Crisis

The terrible bad news smashed the commander of the Western Theater Command, General Craig. When the information came, he thought he had misheard.

Three armies, two hundred and forty thousand soldiers armed to the teeth, almost all fell on the ground that was their homeland in just three hours, and only less than forty thousand people survived.

For the New California Republic, this is an unprecedented disaster, even more terrifying than Oak's first invasion.

For Craig personally, this was also the darkest day of his long life. He had never experienced such a tragic failure, and even locked himself in the bedroom for a time, unwilling to see anyone.

On the other hand, the residents of Cardillon also learned about the tragedy on the front line through various channels. They were all puzzled. It was obviously a triumphant victory at the beginning, but how suddenly it turned into a fiasco of the destruction of hundreds of thousands of troops. ?

In this case, the panic spread uncontrollably. Everyone knew that there was nothing to stop Ouke and Cardillon. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, those green-skinned monsters would appear in the city. outer.

Cardillon’s railways and the outskirts of the ferry became busy, and residents fled the city in large areas. The resulting chaos caused an explosive increase in offending incidents and busied the soldiers stationed here.

But Cardillon is not a small city. It is the capital of Essex. It has absorbed a large number of refugees in the previous few months. Now the population of the entire city has swelled to more than one million. The railway and a wharf were unable to transport everyone in a short period of time. At this time, on the Skasen River to the west of the city, dense ships had already blocked the river strictly.

When Oak's scouts appeared within the guard range of the Rangers, the senior officers finally couldn't sit still. They dragged Craig out of the bedroom and worked with the city's administrative officials to resolve the evacuation problem.

The general government's express order was delivered here a day ago-to ensure the citizens to evacuate safely at all costs!

"Commander! According to the latest intelligence of air reconnaissance, Ok's main force has been assembled near Ximu Town, and there are at least two legions!"

Hugh Drum, the commander of the Fourth Army, pointed to the location of Westwood Town on the map, and then moved to Cardillon.

"They may attack at any time. Ximu Town is less than two hundred kilometers away from Cardillon. According to Ouke's mobility, it will definitely be able to rush under our noses for a day and a half at most!"

Admiral Craig sat slumped in his chair, just staring at the map blankly. At this time, he was more like a dying, dying old man, rather than a warrior.

"General, we must act!"

He still looks the same.

Everyone sighed helplessly, this situation couldn't help but make people feel desperate.

Mountbatten walked to Craig without saying a word, then squatted down, pulled the opponent's face to face him, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Admiral Craig! Please look at me! Look into my eyes! Tell me, do you plan to surrender to Oak!"

Craig shook his head slightly and replied in a very low voice:

"Do not……"

"Then, please tell me again, as a soldier, what should I do if the enemy is coming and the people are still behind."

"How to do……"

While talking to himself, Craig's scattered gaze gathered again. He gently pushed Mountbatten's hand away, then walked to the basin near the door, took some water and splashed it on his face, and then used force. Rubbed it.

"Sorry, I lost my mind."

When he returned to the chair, the confusion disappeared, although his temperament was still very gloomy.

"Sir, can you tell me how many days it takes for the people to evacuate?"

Craig looked at the anxious Mayor Cardillon sitting in his chair.

"According to the current speed, it is estimated that... it will take about ten days to basically complete the evacuation. The time for the evacuation of materials has not been included in this, if"

"Think about people now."

Craig raised his hand to interrupt the other party, then stood up, bent down and scanned the map on the desktop, his gaze moved back and forth between Cardillon and Westwood.

"It's all plains, what should I do..."

The west bank of the Dulong River is a well-known agricultural area. The terrain here is basically a flat river. There are few terrains that can be defended. This is why the Dulong River has been hit before, because once the enemy crosses the river, Kadillon is like The prostitute who took off her clothes was tortured by others.

"Sir, there is a place here called Kuiyuanling."

Suddenly, the mayor was interrupted before to speak. As a native of Cardillon, he knew the surrounding terrain well.

The place he was referring to was an area 100 kilometers northeast of Cardillon.

"How to say?"

"There are a lot of small hills in that place, not very high, just one hundred meters away. Farmers like to plant sunflowers where they have better sunlight."

Craig hurriedly looked at the map and found that the place was just between Simi Town and Cardillon, which was a natural blocking area.


"Of course, I worked as a child laborer there when I was young."

Craig raised his head, looked at Hugh Drum and Ben Lier, and said:

"Ten days, okay?"


The two commanders looked at each other, then shook their heads together.


Craig sighed, knowing that what the two men were telling was the truth. The Second Army relied on the strong city to defend, but it lasted only four or five days.

Now letting the two armies resist the impact of the Occitus current on the almost plain terrain, it still has to persist for ten days, which is indeed an almost impossible task.

"Everyone, on behalf of Cardillon's one million people, I beg you..."

The mayor of Cardillon stood up, and then bowed deeply to the two commanders. This scene made Mountbatten's heart hurt like a knife.

The duty of a soldier should be to protect the people, but now the people are in turn asking the soldiers for protection.

what is this?

"General, the president secretly telegraphed."

Suddenly, the chief of staff walked in and handed Craig a piece of paper.

He opened his eyes and looked very ugly.


He slapped the secret telegram to the table heavily and roared.

"What a fool!"

The others are all at a loss, only Craig himself knows what is written on it-the presidential palace requires him to immediately withdraw all the troops across the river, leaving only a small number of troops to defend Cardillon, that is to say.

This is actually very easy to understand. Now the entire western part of the Republic is empty. After the five main forces were annihilated, the only two armies became the only armed forces in the three states adjacent to Essex. If there is an Ouke troop that crosses the Skassen River by chance, then the situation will be eroded.

In order to ensure the safety of other states, the presidential palace can only make such a response.

But this kind of thing can't be put on the surface, only Craig, who has been regarded as ruined, can come forward and carry the black pot.

Many people present vaguely guessed a certain possibility. Only Mayor Cardillon, who did not understand the military, was still in the dark. He kept asking Craig to stop Oak's footsteps, even for four or five days.

Craig never said a word. At this time Mountbatten glanced at Simon Buckner, the commander of the First Independent Division, and found that the other person was also looking at him. After making eye contact, the two stood up at the same time.

"Let's go!"

Happy National Day everyone! Don't forget to vote after you read it! The second one is at three o'clock in the afternoon! !

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