Orc Tyrant

Chapter 424: Kwai Yuan Ling

Since leaving Cadillon, Garparson Lahn has been busy, and he will only have a chance to rest during the march. The heavy ammunition box almost crushed his shoulders, everyone is like this.

Although the citizens donated almost all of their cars and formed a huge accompanying convoy, the commander Mountbatten ordered everyone to bring enough ammunition before they set off, because this would be their last replenishment.

"Focus on, kid!"

As Rahn watched the cars passing by, Sergeant Vermeer's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Don't let it fall to the ground, hit your foot."

Sergeant Vermeer is a medical soldier in 5 companies and 2 platoons. His head is round like a melon, his gray hair is so thick that he can strike a match on the top, and the moustache hanging on his chin is of the same texture, only on the end. Some wax.

When he first saw this man, Stavin noticed that his left hand was missing two fingers. He tried his best not to stare at them. The few fingers didn't seem to affect the work of the sergeant at all.

"I'm not accusing you, boy, but you have to focus on fighting, it will make it easier for you to live."

Perhaps because he was the same age as his son, Sergeant Vermeer took good care of him in his daily life, although he seemed a little nagging from time to time.

In the early days of enlistment, in order to let him realize the cruel reality of the military career as soon as possible, the platoon commander asked Rahn to help the sergeant.

Rahn didn't mind this arrangement at all. The wounded fought bravely against the enemy. They deserved to survive. If he could do something for them, he would do it without hesitation.

However, he still feels a little embarrassed if he becomes a wounded in bed instead.

The wounds of the soldiers who retreated from the battlefield were terrifying. He still remembered the sergeant carefully pulling out a long black shrapnel from the stomach of a soldier, which was as long as his index finger!

"Rookie, are you tired!"

Ferrom Teja, who likes to tease him the most, came over, and he also carried an ammunition box, which was bigger than Skaven's.

Here again, rookie...

Rahn wants to know how long they plan to call him that? This title didn't bother him, but it was undoubtedly another obstacle to his integration into the company.

So he thought again, I don't expect them to accept me, I don't belong here at all, I want to go home.

"Don't waste your energy! Save a bit of saliva and scold Ok for a while!"

The platoon leader interrupted the meaningless nonsense chats among the soldiers, and also made Rahn's heart tighten, and it was inevitable that he would finally go to the battlefield.

Strictly speaking, his luck was actually good. Although he entered a combat unit, his unit stayed in Mud Town most of the time and enjoyed the rare stability. If it were to go to the Second Army, then he is probably already Become a bone.

The series of disastrous news made him fear the enemy, but this fear could not be expressed because it would be laughed at by everyone.

The group was the last to evacuated from Mudtown. Before they left, they blasted the railway bridge behind Mudtown. At that time, Oak was roaring on the other side of the river. The dim light in the evening made him unable to see clearly, but the sound made him scream. His memory is still fresh, and he once became his worst enemy in sleep.

I heard that there are hundreds of thousands of such monsters, and they are rushing towards Cardillon like crazy animals. It sounds unbelievable. They must build a barrier to stop these animals with everything on their hands.

It was a suicide. He wanted to run away and return to the safe and warm home, away from the monsters that eat meat and the weapons of murder.

But he was also afraid of shame. He didn't want his relatives to bear the name of a coward. Although the comrades who got along with each other day and night were not so pleasing, they were not bad guys, and there were fellow villagers in them.

Let's fight.

Rahn encouraged himself inwardly, his undeveloped spine supported the heavy ammunition box, staggering and following most of them step by step towards where they were going.

"This ghost place..."

Mountbatten first arrived at the area they were about to deploy-Kuiyuanling.

This place, as the Mayor of Cardillon said, has many undulating hills, but due to long-term crops, farmers have dug and dug the land, leveled and leveled, and at a glance, it is generally full of dirt. The average height is only 70 or 80 meters, and the highest is more than 120 meters. There is no difference between such a terrain and a plain.

"Just count the number of these highlands and mark them on the map. Be fast."


Simon Buckner, the commander of the One Division, was beside Mountbatten. He was also observing the terrain with a telescope, but he noticed a detail.

"The width of this place is longer than expected."

He put down the binoculars and smiled at Mountbatten:

"At least there is good news."

"The width is long, our strength is just that."

"Ok has already started pouring out of Westwood Town. We don't have much time. What do you think should be made?"

The two got off the horse, picked up the branches and drew a topographic map on the spot.

"The enemy has a lot of huge monsters. These ghosts have a strong impact on the plains. Or should we build three lines of defense? Use flexible defenses to block the enemy's fronts?"

Simon drew three horizontal lines on the ground, and then connected them with thin lines, meaning to fight the enemy in trenches.

Mountbatten looked for a while and shook his head.

"No, our forces cannot support such operations. The enemy is likely to directly penetrate our defenses. I don't think it can withstand the concentrated assaults of the enemy's elite forces."

The teacher of the Unique Division frowned and thought for a while, and agreed with Mountbatten's opinion.

"What do you say."

"I have an idea, but I'm not sure."

"what idea?"

"According to the battle reports returned by the soldiers, I found a problem. Oak has an instinctive stress to combat."

"Oh? Interesting."

Mountbatten immediately gave an example. He knocked on his knee and said:

"Hit here, we will raise our legs uncontrollably, and Oak's behavior pattern is similar. When we are attacked, we will turn our heads to fight back as soon as possible. They rarely have extra actions."

"It's true."

"Then can we do this."

Mountbatten drew a few circles on the ground with branches, and then drew a few arrows to indicate the direction of Oak's attack.

"We disperse our troops, use battalion-level and even company-level units as combat units, and establish defensive positions at various commanding heights. With Ouke’s character, they will never endure side attacks. Even if the number of attackers is small, they will swarm. Rushed past."


Simon thought about it, and Mountbatten's point of view is indeed very novel, because in the army of the New California Republic where Continentalism is rampant, this method of decentralized operations is very rare, or even unacceptable.

Based on the view that the closer the soldiers are, the better the command and the higher the morale. Few officers will do this.

Moreover, this tactic also tests the soldier's active combat capability, and there is another fatal flaw, or inevitable problem.

"...If that's the case, wouldn't it be impossible to withdraw?"

Mountbatten smiled, he straightened up, looked at the sunny sky, and said:

"Since I have come to this place, do you think I still consider being able to go back alive?"

Simon laughed too.

"You are still that bad temper."

Then he looked down at the sketch on the ground.

"But this is not enough. You have to build strong enough fortifications. It takes time."

"This is what I am most worried about. There is not much time left for us to build fortifications."

Suddenly, Simon put his right hand on his shoulder and smiled at him:

"Then let me buy time for you."

The third one is 8 o'clock in the evening

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