Orc Tyrant

Chapter 425: The blood is burning (1)

Balzhijin’s legion crossed the Sik Bridge before the buck teeth, merged with the Naz legion in Westwood Town, and brought enough ammunition and weapons, including hundreds of gates. The caliber was relatively small but the mobility was barely able to keep up. The pace of artillery.

When the two warlords met together, they decided to attack humans without waiting for the buck-tooth to arrive, because they felt that Xiami had been frightened and would not organize any decent resistance at all.

Although intelligence from the blood worship showed that two troops were fortifying on the road to Cardillon, Naz and Balzjin did not think that was a threat. On the battlefield of Yimapingchuan, even ten times as many enemies. They are also confident to defeat, not to mention that there must not be so many.

A city bigger than Arkham, what a splendid trophy!

The only enemy the two warlords have to face now is each other. The spoils are always limited, but the greed of an Ouke is endless.

It is impossible to make a detour. Only by walking the nearest straight line can you reach the target earlier than the other one. So in the early morning after the two armies converged, the mighty one hundred thousand boys rushed to Cardillon and killed him. , As for the two independent divisions on the Kuiyuan Ridge, they are like pebbles at the feet of giants.

When the great wheel of war had been rolled over, the Unique Division had built three three-dimensional defense lines in the northern part of Kwaihara. The crisscross trenches cut the flat farmland into countless pieces of squares, and the barbed wire fences were erected one after another. Inside the temporary bunker are machine guns ready to fire.

The entire single division was scattered on the front of a four-kilometer-wide defensive front. The division headquarters was only a few hundred meters away from the third line of defense. Simon had already told everyone their mission.

At all costs, buy time for the construction of fortifications of the Second Division!

The front was rigorously formed, and the second division in the rear was naturally not idle. Mountbatten divided the main force of the troops into more than two hundred small combat units, which were assigned to independent positions. Their fortifications were no longer linear, but Circular.

The mainstay of the defense point is the machine gun. In order to strengthen the defense capabilities, Mountbatten even broke up the wizard battalions and assigned them to various combat units, including some unique wizards.

At this time, the only reserve team in Mountbatten's hand was a reinforced regiment and his own guard, and even the military police battalion was sent to the front.

The soldiers are very uncomfortable with this method of combat, but they are all males from Marcel. Their ancestors are the remnants of the long-destructed Sikenia Empire. They are full of combative and combative blood, relying on them. Even though they are not accustomed to this way of fighting, they still do their best to do what they have at hand.

Such as building fortifications.

"It's really bad luck..."

Rahn perfunctorily turned the soil up from his feet with a shovel, and then threw it onto the piled soil **** on the right side. He is now full of complaints and sadness. The continuous high-intensity work has put him on his callous hands. There were several blisters.

Since arriving here, their company has been digging holes, digging holes, and digging trenches day and night, as if they were going to turn this one-hundred-meter-high mound into a bunker.

He didn't understand the meaning of this. Shouldn't they stay with the big army and use a whole line of defense to protect themselves?

But the order is the order. His complaint can't change anything. There is still a little time before lunch, but Rahn is already so hungry that he is fainted. He has only eaten a small piece of bread from morning until now, not even cheese!

"Hey! You can't do this job well."

Suddenly, a voice came from the top of his head, and Rahn looked up and found that his fellow Ferome Tejia was squatting on the edge of the trench, looking at him interestingly.

"According to the assigned work, you at least get that side now."

Rahn did not speak, but lowered his head to continue the work at hand.


When something hit his head, Rahn caught it quickly and found that it was a large biscuit, hard and thick one.

He raised his head puzzled, but saw the smiling faces of his fellow villagers.

"Eat, I guess you should be hungry too."

"Thank you……"

Lahn spit out two words, then tore open the paper packaging outside the biscuits, and gobbled up the slightly sweet dry food.

"Oh, it's not easy."

Ferome Teja jumped down, handed him a water bottle, and the two sat down against the ammunition box.

"I heard that the first division is ahead of us."

Rahn, who was bulging like a squirrel, nodded. He also knew about it. Maybe his good luck was blessing him again. At least here, they still have a **** to rely on.

"It sounds crazy, just two divisions...Rahn, are you afraid?"

Rahn swallowed the food, took another sip of water, held the kettle in both hands, and nodded gently after a moment of silence.

Ferome Teja seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and reached out his hand to pat the dirt off the opponent's shoulder, and said softly:

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It was born by parents. The bullet flew over the head and the shell exploded under the crotch. Who is not afraid of it."


Rahn hesitated, then said in a deliberately lowered voice:

"... Will we die?"

His fellow countryman looked at him and blinked.

"I don't know this question. Maybe only the old man, the Father, can decide who will die and who can live."


Suddenly, a roar from a distance interrupted the conversation between the two of them. They hurriedly crawled out of the trenches and looked at the place where the sound was made, as did the others in the team.

Because everyone is very familiar with this sound, it is the sound of a gun.

"what's the situation?"

There was a lot of discussion, including the three wizards assigned by the company, but they only talked in low voices. Rahn, who was closer, vaguely heard the words "receiving the enemy" and "Ok", which made him very uneasy. Vocabulary.

Finally, another rough voice confirmed everyone's guess.

"The First Division seems to have been engaged with Ouke!"

Their company commander was standing at the highest point of the position, holding a telescope and staring at the direction of the sole division, where a lot of rising smoke could already be seen.

"Guys! We are running out of time! Have lunch right away, and immediately fix the unfinished work!"

The battlefield quickly became busy, and the soldiers began to work together to cook. Although it was cooking, it was actually hot liquid food and bread, but Lahn lost his appetite.

He clasped the wooden handle of the shovel tightly, staring at the smoke-filled other side, and countless thoughts rolled through his mind.

Then he returned to the trench and began to wield the shovel vigorously.

The Father is here, he wants to live, he wants to return to his hometown and his relatives!

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