Orc Tyrant

Chapter 426: The blood is burning (2)


The rocket hit the side of the machine gun position, and the huge impact force knocked the heavy water-cooled machine gun to one side, and the barrel hit the ground and broke immediately.

At the same time, the mortar behind the position weakly fired a shot into the sky, as if firing a signal flare.

Company Commander Magna Bernon could see the soldiers on the machine gun position staggering outwards. They stood up and ran away before the second rocket fired at the exposed bunker, but the speed of the rocket was even faster. .


There was another loud noise, and a mushroom cloud rushed straight into the sky, and fragments of the fortifications were scattered on the line of defense like hail.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! ! !

The Oukes uttered a loud and incoherent cheer, while holding their guns high in the air, and then charging towards the gap.

Hundreds of huge and heavy green muscles swarmed towards the Magna's position. Their blood-stained axe gleamed maliciously in the sun. The weight of the impact made the ground rumbling, and the air was filled with roughness. The tone of voice, the fearful battle cry.

No one can guarantee that the new line of defense built by the sole division will be effective. From the command position, Magna Bernon can see the fear on the faces of the soldiers, but just as the captain thinks they are going to turn around and run away. At that time, they opened fire.

Bullets flew between the defensive line and the furious orcs. Heavy machine guns and 75mm rapid-fire guns fired at the advancing greenskin. Even though many boys and farts were knocked to the ground, thunderous rumble fangs and The muscle-built storm is still approaching, crushing everything it passes into powder.


Under his order, the soldiers threw a grenades and flew into the crowded green skin in a parabolic shape.

Boom boom boom~~~~~

The sound of the explosion was mixed with the cry of the fart, and blood and green flesh fell like a rain of blood and green flesh between the still alive green skins, but their charge was not interrupted in the slightest.

The vanguard of the offensive force was composed of several huge orcs, each wearing armor made of riveted metal plates.

They wield an evil machete or battle axe in one hand, and a heavy gun in the other. A trophy rack made up of three pinned skulls stood behind their rickets.

Even at a long distance, Magna Bernon recognized that one of the skulls was human. These savage creatures made him involuntarily fearful. As for the other two skulls, they could barely be regarded as human.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! ! !

The greenskins in the charge fired several shots from time to time, washing Magna's company's defense line, and the people who were hit were taken off the ground by the huge impact.

The stick bomb whirled across the sky, exploding in the crowd, spraying deadly shrapnel.

The defensive force only quickly lost a dozen people, and most of the alive suffered punctures and lacerations. The green skin got closer and closer, and the gleaming blades and greedy fangs flooded the line of sight.

"too close!"

"The bullet is useless! Where's the machine gun!?"

"Grenades! Give me two more!"

Without waiting for the enemy to approach, the line of defense had begun to shake, Magna could see the fear and hesitation of the soldiers, they could no longer move.

The captain drew his sword, pointed it at the sky, took the pistol in his other hand, and started rushing towards his soldiers.

"For the motherland! For the people! For freedom!"

He shouted, his voice faintly audible in the screams of the offending Green Skin.

Several soldiers turned their heads to see who had made this noise. When they saw the officer fighting with them, they couldn't help but let out a faint cheer.

But more people just stared blankly at the front, watching Green Skin rush through the barricades and barbed wire set in front of the position.

The several big guys in the front line began to check the fire-breathing device for them, and experimented with the range.


Soon, a group of flames rushed toward the human line of defense, engulfing a row of soldiers.

The soldiers screamed and threw themselves to the ground, slamming the flames on their bodies, and the people around them were also trying to put out the fire, but this was impossible. They could only be burned to death.


When the boys saw that the distance was close enough, some of the gunner boys threw away the grab when they were hundreds of meters away from the human position, holding the machete and giant axe in both hands and preparing to get close. war.

"Holy Father Bless, Holy Father Bless..."

When the green skin approached, Private Larry could see saliva dripping from between their fangs, and deep malice and endless greed burned in the tiny red eyes.

Larry even smelled the suffocating smell of sweat and blood emanating from the pores of these unstoppable giant beasts. Larry looked down at the rifle in his hand, and then looked at the fighting side by side with him. Comrades in arms, everyone is holding a gun and shooting a round of bullets into the crazily approaching green skin.

He saw the enemy who was roaring at him like a thunder.

"Hold the line!"

The chief's voice came from behind.

"We will fight to death!"

Another burst of slight cheers came from between the front lines, and at the same time the distant gun group also fired at the enemy group, tearing a row of green skins that were leaping over the last tens of meters from the human to pieces.

But it still doesn't help.

Larry turned around and started to escape. He had never done it before, but at this time he was driven by humble fear in his heart.

The arms that had already discarded the rifle swayed frantically, and he just wanted to run faster.


A dazzling sting suddenly came, and Larry fell to the ground, his hand automatically covered his chest under the action of the reflex.

He lowered his head to observe, blood seeping from between his fingers, dripping down the blue-black uniform.

Carefully raising his hand, he saw the wound caused by being hit from a strange angle. With the loss of consciousness in his leg, he knelt on the ground, and for the first time in his life saw the polished leather boots standing in front of him.

He exhausted his last strength and raised his head, and the firm and sorrowful face of company commander Magna appeared in his vision, and the pistol in his hand was still smoking.

Then, he spit out the last words Larry heard in his life:


Larry's thinking fell into endless darkness.


Magna shouted at the soldiers who turned around from the front line, and then fired a few precise shots at the backs of these deserters. They waved their hands in vain and fell down, kneeling on the ground like humble bugs waiting for death to come. .

"You can fight to death, or you can go to death, make your choice!"

He shouted to the group of people in front of him who had just turned and tried to flee the battlefield. These people were making hard choices with unspeakable panic on their faces.

They hesitated tremblingly, the enemy behind them made them tremble, and the man in front of them made them deeply ashamed.

"You guys who have no eggs! Don't turn around and fight!"

One of them, Ufric, the heavy machine gunner of the company, suddenly gave a simple and powerful military salute to Magna, then turned around and raised the machine gun that was tilted to one side, roaring and firing wildly at the chaotic battlefield. .

Others immediately followed suit under the heroic actions of their companions and the steely gaze of the officer, but by this time Ouke was already very close to them.

Thank you for your reward! ! ! Thank you very much for your support!

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