Orc Tyrant

Chapter 430: The blood is burning (6)

In the interval of the armistice at dawn, Mountbatten patrolled the various strongholds. As he thought, the biggest advantage of fighting the greenskins is that they are easily tempted. This recognition proved to be effective last night. Their battles There is no clear purpose, at least for the time being.

The casualty statistics were submitted to him after rough statistics. It was not a very optimistic figure. On such a night, he lost more than 3,000 capable soldiers. Although he absorbed some of the remnants of the Seventh Corps on departure, it made the independence. The number of the Second Division has risen to more than 30,000, but the enemy also only launched a tentative attack.

A total of 27 strongholds were breached in the night raid last night. Fortunately, all the nails were pulled out, and the "pillars" were firmly controlled by humans.

Among the 27 defensive strongholds that were breached, 13 strongholds were lost until the last of the battle, and the other fourteen were voluntarily given up by soldiers after suffering a certain amount of casualties or the death of their officers.

For those deserters, Mountbatten decided to adopt an ancient punitive measure-eleven smash.

After letting them execute one-tenth of the people personally, Mountbatten broke them up and reorganized them to form a new company, and once again sent them back to the strongholds that were breached. This was the last kindness he gave them.

Oak did not occupy those high grounds, which was the only good news to be happy that night.

Every soldier must use it to the extreme, and everyone must fight like a hero. Mountbatten has always conveyed this idea to soldiers and officers, because this is the only way they can stick to it. Mountbatten is not a hard-hearted man. General, but for the sake of the people moving from the rear, he can only do this.

"General, a group of militiamen and ammunition have come."

As soon as he returned to the command post, the deputy commander found him and brought a few people.

"General Mountbatten, hello, my name is Antikis"

The speaker was a middle-aged man with a half-bald head and a rosacea on his face. He was dressed in the costume of a militia, followed by a few young people.

"Hello there."

Mountbatten shook hands with each other, and then said gratefully:

"Are you transporting ammunition for us? Thank you very much, how is the evacuation situation now?"

"There are still many people crowded in the piers and stations. There was a mess in the city a few days ago. It is said that some people wanted to blow up the railway. There were police officers everywhere. It seemed that people from the Tribunal of Kaimon Church were also active. disturbed."

"That's the case, you should evacuate as soon as possible. It may not last long here."

"Of course, the key is..."

Antikis rubbed his nose, then turned and pointed at the young men.

"I heard that you are fighting the **** Greenskins, my nephew, and cousins, and a large group of good guys, they hope they can do their best."

As they were talking, the young men saluted Mountbatten a standard military salute, and Mountbatten smiled back to them, but he did not accept it.

"Thank you for your support, but it's dangerous here. I can't let non-combatants--"

"Sir! We have been trained!"

A young man interrupted Mountbatten. He straightened his body and lifted his head up slightly.

"Boy, what's your name?"


"Louis, you had a few weeks of military training."

"About... seven weeks."


"Uh, no, no, during the slack season, about once every six months, starting from the age of 14."

Mountbatten smiled and walked to his side, put his hand on his shoulder, and said:

"If an Oak rushes to a position twenty yards away from you, what should you do at this time?"

"Report sir, aim and shoot!"

Louis answered confidently, but Mountbatten shook his head.

"No, at least it's not right here."

Louis glared at him, not knowing what to say, but Mountbatten reached out and took the jug on the side, and then stuffed it into his arms.

"The soldiers here have only one choice, holding a grenade and rushing over."

For a while, the command post was terribly quiet.

Mountbatten turned around and picked up a pen and a telescope from the side table, came to the rosaceous Antikys, and smiled:

"Thank you very much for sending us ammunition despite the dangers. This is a little gift from me."


Suddenly, Louis took a step forward, still holding the kettle in his arms.

"Then give me some grenades!"

The smile on Mountbatten's face disappeared, he turned around and walked in front of him step by step, his expression becoming serious.

"If this is the only thing I can do, give me a few grenades! Sir."

"Do you know what you are talking about."

"Very clear, sir!"

"Don't say death so easily. No one wants to die here. We are dying here so that you can live!"

Mountbatten's tone was harsh everywhere, but the young man didn't mean to give in at all.

"I have died once in Arkham, sir!"

This sentence immediately made him stunned, he looked at Antikys, the other party rubbed his hands, and said with a sigh:

"They are all militiamen and refugees who have been withdrawn from Arkham, and their families have died on the hands of Greenskins, alas."

Mountbatten took off his hat in silence and walked to the edge of the long table step by step, with his hands resting on the edge of the table, his head drooping and making a hoarse voice.

"Are you sure? Once you go up, you can't come down again."

"Sir, assign tasks!"

"How many of you are there."

"Two thousand...less than three thousand."

"Understood, Kells, divide them according to standard companies, and then assign them to combat positions, giving priority to replenishing companies with more than 30% losses."


After the deputy commander took away these people, Mountbatten suddenly slammed his hands on the table top, and the placed water cup immediately bounced and fell. The dripping water quickly wetted a large piece of map and paper.

Mountbatten ignored these, but slumped into a chair beside him, with an expression of annoyance and helplessness.

"Damn war, **** green skin, damn..."

Painful curses overflowed between his teeth, and Mountbatten had never disgusted himself like he did now, because he had deliberately ignored one thing.

Louis and the boys behind him are mostly only sixteen or seventeen years old, but he does need additional troops now, and he feels as cold as a bastard.


In the distant sky, the rumble of gunfire sounded again, and roars and gunshots mixed with noise began to be heard from the radio station. Mountbatten specially configured radio stations for the more than 20 key nodes.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! !

When the roar concealed by the gunfire entered the command post, Mountbatten stood up and became the steel soldier again, knowing that the time for self-pity was over.

Ok's large-scale offensive has come...

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