Orc Tyrant

Chapter 431: The blood is burning (7)

"Support! Support!"

Rahn heard the platoon leader yelling, even on this noisy battlefield.

A **** green skin was rushing towards them, holding a man's wide axe high, over the rain of bullets, like a green afterimage, that **** was really big.

They opened fire.

More than a dozen hot bullets from the rifle hit the troll, violently hitting the dust-covered armor, they slowed its pace, but they couldn't stop him.

It has a **** axe in one hand, and a broken flag with a terrifying totem in the other.


It broke into the position almost alone, and used a flag to pierce Rahn’s classmate Fubu, a transparent hole appeared in his chest, and then he chopped down Rocas.

That moment turned the young soldier upside down, spinning like a dancer, spraying blood like a red cloak, and then falling down.

Then it killed Yakov again, and while Lahn was still loading the second magazine, his world suddenly turned upside down.

He was knocked to the ground. The green-skinned soldier did not stop. He was rushing towards the heavy machine gun position. It knew that was the real threat.

Rahn rolled over, spitting out blood and dust, and when the green skin hit him, he accidentally bit off a small piece of tongue.

"Kill it! Kill it!"

Other platoons also rushed to support, those people were firing, some of them knelt on the ground to take aim.

But the green skin is still striding forward, waving that **** flagpole!

Suddenly, it paused, as if hitting an invisible barrier, widening the red eyes hidden deep in the eye sockets, as if looking for something that was not in reality.

A wizard was chanting a spell not far from him. He was a rare fox wizard, and Ok was caught in the hallucinations he created.



More than a dozen grenades immediately fell under the green skin's feet, and when he finally broke free of the shackles of the illusion, he found that he was already in the white smoke.


After the loud noise, Ok fell, and the battle flag he held was blown to pieces. The giant axe he held was lifted by the shock wave and hit a place no more than ten meters away from Ran.

"One more! Another one!"

Suddenly, their company commander screamed again, and Rahn crawled to the edge of the bunker to take a look and found that a more difficult target had appeared.

It was a larger monster, covered in reinforced armor. Although it looked rather bulky, it was as solid as a locomotive.

Its layered giant shoulder armor is higher than a helmet with a single horn. The thick neck guard is half an iron cage and half a roaring mouth. The leather strap and chain armor covered with copper nails protect the relatively fragile joints. It's like a machine—whether it's wide shoulders and upper body, or thick legs.

Naz, who was losing patience, finally dispatched his most elite force.

The overweight boss slowly moved forward surrounded by a large group of boys, lightning flashing on the sharp claws of his left hand, and at the same time he opened fire with that huge dual-line gun.

The swish of large-caliber bullets tore the road open. They killed two soldiers who were shooting in a burst of explosions, and then knocked down the commanding platoon leader, flying fragments into his legs, and Then he gnawed off a large piece of meat from his waist.

Rahn turned over and hid behind the sandbag to find cover. He tried to fire back. The aim was not bad, but the enemy's armor easily absorbed the bullet damage.

Even the flames caused by the impact of the grenade could only lick the reinforced armor weakly.

Da Da Da~~~!

After being attacked, the boss focused his firepower in the direction of Rahn.

Suddenly their bunker suffered more serious damage, and a bullet opened the sandbag and rolled up the soil like butter.

Rahn’s fellow villager was injured and his leg was penetrated by fragments. Although the bleeding had stopped, the pain kept him inhaling.

"Come on!"

Rahn heard the company commander's voice, he turned his head and saw that the other person and another person were pushing the only rapid-fire cannon.

He rolled over and got up. He had the unmatched speed of that cumbersome man. He turned the muzzle back, and Rahn began to run wildly, the bullets chasing his footsteps.

There was a sound of metal tearing and a soft sound of screws falling off. It was the sound of bullets tearing the iron plate from the bracket.

In the morning, they dismantled the cars left by the citizens according to the order, and then used the iron plates on them to reinforce the position. The effect was not bad, at least the enemy's bullets were not so easy to threaten the heavy machine guns.

The company commander stood behind the bullet-proof baffle of the rapid-fire gun, exposed his upper body, stepped on the base with one foot, and stretched out his hand to drag him to the ground before Rahn could stand still.

"Come here!"

The bullet flew over his head, and Rahn glanced at the company commander gratefully, and then swiftly climbed behind the rapid-fire gun.


He opened the ammunition box, took the Huang Cancan cannonball from it with both hands, and stuffed it into the barrel under the command of the company commander.


Although Rahn is not an artillery soldier, he has never eaten pork or seen a pig cannon. He turned his body and covered his ears for the first time.



The field artillery fired, and there was a muffled metal sound from the barrel, like the sound of a bell being crushed by a stone, and a light smoke rising from the barrel.

The shell did not hit directly, but exploded at a position about one meter to the right of Naoke, and the flying shrapnel hit and tore the rifle's incapable armor.

Metal fragments were scattered like snowflakes, surrounding rocks exploded into powder, broken neck guards and helmets were blown away, there were broken leather strips, and broken chain armour rings.

In an instant, the boys crowded around the boss lay down, blood gurgling from the crater.

However, the overweight boss was not dead, it was still advancing, still roaring, and pointed its muzzle at the rapid-fire gun group in the distance.

Da Da Da~!

"Get down!!!"

At the moment before the metal storm came, Rahn was pressed to the ground by the company commander. He heard the terrible sound of the metal being torn, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

After more than ten seconds, the sound disappeared, and he raised his head slightly, but he felt some warm liquid on his body.

"stand up……"

The company commander's voice was a bit weak. Rahn got up and saw that the opponent's thigh was bleeding, while the other gunner was directly separated from his head. He didn't know if his head was beaten or he flew to other places.

The original intact rapid-fire gun was almost destroyed as scrap iron. The baffle was like a long-used rag, full of cave smoke. Fortunately, the barrel was not damaged.

"Company commander, you, you are injured! I'll call Mr. Vermeer over!"

"Can't die! You come to fight! Hurry up!"

The company commander hardly propped up his body, aimed his eyes at the sight, and began to adjust the shooting angle.


Larne immediately opened the breech bolt, pushed the shell forward, and fumbled on the ground to find the drawstring.


Rahn swallowed nervously.



As he pulled back the rope in his hand, the rapid-fire gun shook violently, and the breech bolt hit the base with a sound, and the smoking crater bounced out.

Larne stretched out and looked down, pungent green smoke lingering in the air.

He saw the super-large green skin stand for a while, staggering back in front of the hail-like bullet, half of its body was completely torn apart, organs and blood dripped all over the floor.

Finally, it crashed to the ground, and the surrounding kids suddenly dispersed.

It feels good not to go out on National Day: -d

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