Orc Tyrant

Chapter 432: The blood is burning (8)

Oak retreated temporarily, and everyone finally had a chance to catch their breath. The wounded soldiers on the ground had no time to be transported, so Sergeant Vermeer had to simply bandage them.

Only the seriously wounded can lie down. As for those soldiers who don't seem to have been fatally wounded, they must continue to fight.

It also includes Rahn’s fellow Ferome Teja, but he was promoted because the platoon leader and deputy platoon leader were both killed in battle. He now succeeds the position of deputy platoon leader, and the platoon leader is replaced by their squad leader. , As for Larn, he was successfully promoted to squad leader, but he had no more soldiers under his hand.

In the whole class, only the three of them are still alive.

James Madson, a former teacher, was interrupted by a shrapnel. He stopped breathing without waiting for Vermeer to arrive. Kriberg Yard, who often taught him to play cards, did not notice that one flew With the grenade at his feet, Rahn used a sandbag filled with mud to condense his body, but his right hand was nowhere to be found.

And Crimei, Thorne, Eleksa...

Rahn, who once vomited after seeing a corpse, has become accustomed to organs and various body tissues in this short day. The power of Ouke’s weapons determines that the target they hit rarely has a whole corpse.

As Rahn was sitting in the trench and reloading the magazine, the limping company commander suddenly found him.

"Hey, how many heads do you have here?"

"Just me."

"The teacher sent some people over, you can take a look and choose a few."

Lahn tilted his head and looked behind the company commander, and found that there were more than 20 young people walking cautiously on the ground, yelling from time to time because of what he saw.

"What's the situation? The reinforcements are these rookies?"

Just two days ago, the rookie was still called him by others, but now, anyone who can survive can be regarded as a veteran, at least when Rahn has been able to find a face to Ouke, his hands will not tremble.

"Don't pick and choose, if you have one, it's not bad. You can take five."

Rahn stood up and walked to the young people.

Most of them seem to be under the age of eighteen, just like all recruits. When the blood retreats and they really face the horror of the battlefield, their hearts are not filled with anxiety, and they express their expressions unabashedly on their faces. .

Rahn is observing them, and they are observing Rahn.

A young man who seemed to be about their age, dirty, crooked hat, and smoky marks on his face.

The only difference between him and them is that there is not much confusion in his eyes, but a strange indifference.

"Just these five."

Ran randomly drew his hand in the crowd, the company commander walked over and said to the five people:

"This is your new squad leader, his name is Larn, you just listen to his orders, well, the others come with me."

The company commander quickly took the others away. Lahn looked at the young man closest to him and asked:

"what's your name."

"Louis! Just call me Louie!"

Rahn glanced at the rifle behind him.

"Do you know how to use a gun."

"I have been training for seven weeks!"



Rahn nodded, better than expected.

"what about you?"

"My name is Klund!"

"My name is Serapis!"

"My name is Gere!"

"My name is Demeter!"

None of them said their full names, which at least proves that they have all received military training, because few people in the army directly report their full names, and the short name is more in line with the standard of a soldier.

Among them, Keir impressed Rahn the most. He was a big man, bigger than all of them, and his arms were very muscular.

"where are you from?"

Rahn looked at Gere, showing his curiosity.

"I'm from Arkham, so are all four of them."


Larne knew that this was a city that had fallen, and most of the residents of this city did not escape.

"What did you do before?"

"I work in the mine."

Rahn nodded thoughtfully. No wonder this man's arms look so strong, it can compare with those green skins.


Bringing the five people back to the trenches, Rahn sat on the ammunition box and picked up the brown bread wrapped in greased paper from the side. After tearing it open, he sliced ​​it with a bayonet and distributed it to everyone, and then took out the canned butter.

"I will introduce myself again. My name is Rahn. I am from Blackburg, Marseille. I have only been in the army for three months."

Hearing that he had only been in the army for three months, all five of them looked surprised.

"Three months...just the squad leader?"

Louis glanced at the brown bread on hand, which was hard and astringent, so he took out the strawberry jam he had brought from his backpack.

"Are you going to have a picnic?"

Rahn laughed, but didn't mean to blame.

"Uh, no, I..."

"It's okay, I also like strawberry jam."

"Where are the others in the class?"

Keel is not picky about eating, he simply wiped it with butter, and started to eat bread, but when his question came out, he found that everyone was looking at him.

Obviously, he asked a stupid question.

Rahn used a bayonet to spread strawberry jam on the baker, and said:

"There are two more, one is now the platoon leader, and the other is the deputy platoon leader."

Rahn took a bite of the bread, and the fragrance of strawberry jam suddenly bloomed in his mouth, and even the **** smell that had been lingering on the tip of his tongue disappeared a lot.

Louis was about to eat too. Suddenly he realized that he had guessed something under his feet. He looked down and found that there were a few fingers in the soil.


He jumped up immediately, and the bread in his hand accidentally slapped Keir's face.

"What are you doing!"

"This, this..."

Louis pointed to his feet, shivering and saying a few words "Fusuo", Rahn walked over, took a look at the soil, and found that it was a severed hand.


He recognized the ring on his broken hand, picked it up, then turned and stuffed it into a blood-stained sack.

"That is……"

Louis also saw the sack and asked carefully.

"Kriberg, a...good guy."

Rahn sighed, then continued to eat his own bread, as if nothing happened just now.


As if he didn't want him to finish the lunch, a strange clamor suddenly echoed in the sky. Lahn's face changed and he immediately jumped up, lying on the edge of the trench and looking into the distance.

Seeing pillars of smoke rising from the horizon, Rahn immediately turned his head and shouted:

"Rocket!! Oak's Rocket!!!"

The other five people sat in the trench ignorantly, not knowing what was going on, but Rahn rushed over and knocked them to the ground one by one.

"Get down! Get down all!"

As soon as his voice was uttered, a strong tremor descended from the top of his head accompanied by a huge roar, exploding a huge mushroom cloud on their position.

A huge amount of mud poured down from all around, almost filling the trenches instantly. After a while, a figure stood up in the mud pile, followed by the second, third...

Louis and others felt like their brains had been hit by a heavy hammer. Not only did the eardrums roar, but the footsteps were also shaking, but Rahn was better able to adapt to such shocks. He was the first to stand up, and also the first. One back to the shooting point.

"Don't be stunned! Ok is coming up!"

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