Orc Tyrant

Chapter 437: The blood is burning (13)

Baz rushed along the **** into the position that humans had been holding on. It was the same position yesterday. The enemy used three precision artillery to repel him, but today he will not be anymore.

The bunkers here have been smoked to black, the wood is burning, the smoke and flames are rolling, the charred corpses torn to pieces by the impact are all over the battlefield, and some bodies are tumbling and screaming in the pain of being swallowed by the flames. With.

Suddenly, three grenades flew over in an arc. He dashed forward quickly, slid along the **** of the trench for a while and then crashed into the fortification.

Then he jumped up and activated the roaring teeth on the battle axe.

The shouts of the wounded echoed in the crackling of flames and the roar of bullets. Baz grabbed the damaged fortification with his other hand and jumped over from above.

When he hit the ground, a burning soldier happened to run out of the smoke. He immediately chopped down with an axe, splitting the opponent's chest in half.

He roared in a rage, and pierced another person's chest with the axe handle, completely denying the opponent who was shocked by his sudden appearance a chance to recover and regroup.

In front of his newly acquired battle axe, the enemy's flesh and crude armor were as fragile as paper, and the serrations on it roared when he killed.

Zero-range shots bounced off his armor one after another, a group of figures surrounded him, and the last defenders knew nothing about the deadly power of Oke boss, so they gave them the courage to make themselves beyond disaster.

Baz even used his elbows and fists in the killing, smashing his head and exploding his chest with every blow.

In less than a minute, all this was over. As his boys approached him along the edge of the trench, Buzz lowered his **** battle axe.

His armor was covered with blood, and the corpses of nearly thirty soldiers lay all around him, being torn apart or hit to death in his fury.


Suddenly, a liquid mercury-like energy bomb hit Baz's shoulder armor and shattered the steel on it, making him stagger.

He looked up and found that it was a shrimp kneeling on the ground, wearing a black robe, surrounded by purple electric currents, covering his abdomen that was dripping blood.


Baz angrily pulled out his big gun from behind, fired several shots at the opponent, and beat the dried shrimp into a pool of rotten meat.

"Boss! Be careful!"

At this moment, his adjutant howled suddenly, Baz turned his head and found that behind a collapsed fortification, a shrimp was hiding behind a rapid-fire gun that had ceased fire, and the **** bodies of the two previous artillerymen were there. Nearby, the third person is operating the artillery.

Rahn breathed heavily, trying to stop his hands from shaking, he had only one chance.

The wound on his forehead was bleeding, his sight was gradually dyed red, but he didn't have time to wipe it.

An Ok had raised the rocket launcher in his hand, but Rahn turned a blind eye. At this time, his eyes were only the target in the sight, the monster that killed everyone.

"Damn it!"

As soon as the muzzle fire flashed, Baz immediately drew the adjutant next to him in front of him, and at the same time a cautious rocket dragged a long tail flame away from the launcher.


The difference between the two explosions was only a few seconds. When the boys gathered around, Buzz, who was lying on the ground, just threw the half-dead adjutant aside.


After spitting, Buzz touched his face and found that he was missing a tooth. Then he glanced at the cannon and found that it had been blown into scrap iron, presumably the dried shrimp could not survive.


Without a goal, Baz lost any interest in this **** place, and turned around and led the boys down.

But Rahn didn't actually die, he just fainted, although the actual situation was not too far away from death.

He was in a coma for a long time, and in a dazed dream, he returned to his hometown.

But the original familiarity with everything was left in ruins, the old farmland was overgrown with weeds, there were only bones left in the pastures, and the wooden houses that grew in Sri Lanka were only slightly ruined.

He stood in the wilderness in confusion, looking around, but didn't know where to go.

There was only one voice that kept calling his name, a scalp tingling whisper like a snake whisper.

A certain greasy feeling made Rahn lower his head, and then he discovered that he did not know when a long, silvery-white snake was wrapped around his neck. The diamond-shaped snake had only a single pupil on its head, staring at him.

When he opened his eyes, the sky was already starry.

When recalling the last scene, he finally realized what kind of situation he was in now. He subconsciously wanted to stand up, but found that his legs kept calling.

It was a moonless night, and he couldn't see his fingers, and he couldn't confirm whether his legs had been abolished, and he could only lie weakly on the forgotten battlefield.

There was a stench in the air, it was the smell of death, and Rahn was not sure if he had the same smell on his body.

The body of loss of temperature was helplessly shrouded in darkness, and his dry eyes still stared at the night sky, trying to read some omen from the cold stars.

However, the stars are silent, and the night sky is gloomy, which gives no comfort.

He thought he was about to die, but he couldn't help but blame God, why did he wake up and accept the fear and suffering of death approaching again.

"How long has it been?"

This meaningless thought leaped into his mind.

"how many hours?"

He couldn't find the answer, so he looked around again, hoping to see some signs of rescue.

But there is no movement in the darkness, let alone hope, only the cold desperation quietly extends, the giant hand of the dark night hides the surrounding scene, and draws a shadow on it.

He couldn't find hope from it, or even his own equipment, so he was left alone in the dark world, hopeless to be saved.

For a while, he even felt that he was the last person in the world, and because of his horror, he hurriedly pushed this idea out of his mind.

He still refused to die.

When he fell into the memory, a figure in the deadly position suddenly squirmed, little by little, and fumbled to Rahn's side.

"Squad leader, squad leader?"

Pushing his shoulders with both hands, Lahn turned to look, barely able to see that he was alone by his side.


He heard this voice, somewhat surprised.

"Yes! The monitor is me!"

"I thought... you were dead."

"Almost, almost, I was knocked out."

"Really, then you go quickly..."

Rahn felt that death was gradually stripping life from his body. Although it lasted a full day, it seemed that it had only begun to attack now.

"Squad leader! I can take you back alive!"

"Alive, I..."

Rahn touched his wound and gave a wry smile.

The bullet hit the bottom of his spine and left a fist-sized wound in his abdomen when he passed it out. He did his best to deal with the wound, but it was too late.

"...I can't go."

"No, that!"

He couldn't see Louis' face in the darkness, but the opponent was so cold that there was no warmth and he fumbled for something out of his arms.

Even in such darkness, Rahn could clearly see the snake pupil, exactly the same as in his dream.

"This one……"

"Promise it! Become its voter! You can live!"

The two sounds overlapped, like the hissing of some kind of reptile.


Rahn's consciousness gradually blurred, and he could not even distinguish the other's voice from the past.


In a daze, Rahn nodded, and then a cold purple light spread from his retina, drowning his senses and vision, and embracing him completely.

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