Orc Tyrant

Chapter 438: The blood is burning (14)

On the fourth day of the start of the blocking battle, the Second Division was driven into desperation.

Although the soldiers were very brave and tenacious, and even many companies were killed in battle, they still couldn’t make up for the large gap between the enemy and ourselves. A small number of Ouke troops had already passed through the defense zone. Mountbatten was helpless and could only join together. Strive to block Ouke’s main force.

This is the last line of defense. There are only a dozen strongholds. They are reinforced with those leftover cars. After the divisional artillery fires up all the artillery shells, they blow up all their life-like weapons one by one, and then add them all to it. The position is in defense.

Cooking soldiers, military police, order soldiers, communications soldiers...all the people who can use weapons have joined the battle, and the last person in the battle is no longer a slogan, but a fact that is happening.

Mountbatten's only guilt was the only teacher. He originally wanted to keep the only fire, but the form did not allow him to do so.

His suicide note was written long before he came. Just like what he said to his friends, he didn't consider going back alive when he came. This is a mortal situation and a duty he must perform as a soldier.

Although he did not understand the evacuation situation in the rear, it is fortunate that it is said that the Wizards' Federation urgently mobilized thousands of wizards and frozen the river with witchcraft, which greatly accelerated the process of evacuation of the people. It was a blessing in misfortune.

At the forefront, all he can do is just buy more time.

In the west, the dense fog-covered plains of the undulating ground have drawn gray margins, and the naturally formed hills show broken spine in the slowly surging mist. The famous Kwai Lin in the past is now only bare. The soil bag is like a piece of scattered mane.

In the telescope, he would often see an object dragging flames from the sky, crashing into another unreachable distance, and shaking the earth.

"Report from the first task force aviation division, sir."

Grevas, his deputy commander, walked up to him and handed over a piece of paper.

He clamped the helmet in his arms, his face and hair were covered with dust, making him look like he was declining before he was old.

Mountbatten took it over and took a look, and as expected, as he had guessed, due to the threat of Oak, the aviation division was about to switch, and they would lose all air support.

In the past few days, the first task force aviation division has been able to withstand Ouke’s offensive. They have to undertake the task of dispersing the harpy, and they have to perform ground support. From early morning to evening, every aircraft The fighter jet has to fly back and forth between Kwaihara Ridge and Cardillon Airport at least ten times.

The cost is also heavy. Although Ouke lacks air-control weapons, more than 30 fighters crashed during the mission due to mechanical failures and other reasons.

This war has pushed everyone to the limit.

"Sir, something is happening."

Anthony Fask, the commander of his regiment, brought forward the discovery of the sentinel.

"Two kilometers to the north, approach here."


Mountbatten raised his head and found that the opponent's eyes were bloodshot, his face was haggard, and he obviously hadn't rested for a long time.

"Unable to confirm."

"That unit is defending."

"The second company of our regiment."

"Sarah, you defend the Eastern Front, Spaatz, the West will be handed over to you, and the others will follow me."

After making arrangements, they walked towards the front position and stepped through the neat flower fields of the past.

The soldiers were ready in the foxhole dug out in a hurry. Mountbatten noticed that the few artillery and mortars were arranged very properly. Obviously, the commander here has sophisticated defensive experience.

They passed by the rapid-fire gun, across a deep trench, and on the diagonally right side, a road stretched between the bushes. From there was the vast Essex plain, but the black sky and heavy fog Make the scenery in front of you at a discount.

"They are using thick fog as a cover."

Fask gloomily looked out of the battlefield and whispered:

"This is not a good thing."

"How many soldiers did you receive from the front line yesterday?"

Mountbatten suddenly asked a somewhat irrelevant question, Fask froze for a moment, and then replied:

"Sixty-seven, mainly on the 107 highlands and 113 highlands."

"Where is 104 Heights?"

Fask shook his head.


The second company commander on the battlefield yelled loudly, and at the same time pointed his finger at the front of the battlefield. Mountbatten picked up the telescope hanging around his neck and took a look, and immediately understood why the opponent was so awkward.

Outside the trench, on the edge of the bleak thick fog, a group of figures slowly appeared, and the faint sunlight reflected on the dim scarlet armor.


Mountbatten did not hesitate, and immediately issued the order, and then quickly moved to the rear command post.

Although he also wanted to imitate the legendary generals of the empire, Yushikin and Oke, in a hearty catch and fight, but he thought that commanding troops alive was more valuable than dying on the front line, at least allowing the defense to last for a while.

To be a hero is not his goal, but to enable more people to live is his goal.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! ! ! !

Under the cover of artillery fire, the extremely swift scarlet figure sprayed out from the dense fog. It was an assault team using rocket backpacks.

Like a missile, they crossed the wide trench with the momentum of thunder and plunged into the line of defense. The swift offensive left the main body of the unit far behind.

As soon as they landed, they immediately began to kill with pistols and machetes. Large groups of soldiers were harvested like mature grains, and their angry, neighing weapons split the screaming soldiers in half, splashing flesh and blood, and flying across the stump.

"Knock them off!"

While shooting, Fars gave orders to the wizards in the regiment.

The exhausted spellcasters immediately took action, first using a precise witchcraft missile to shoot down a storm boy from mid-air.

The green skin tumbled to the ground, dragging a stream of black smoke.

But one was shot down, but four fell on the position, facing the machine gun position that was providing fire support to the front.

They slammed the soldiers stationed here unstoppably. The roaring chainsaw cut the sandbags, the barrels, the armor, the flesh, the bones, and the weird howlings of the soldiers who could not fight back. , Marking the almost frenzied and violent pace of the Ouke warlord is approaching.

The position of a group became the main direction of the enemy’s attack. The Oukes launched an offensive in a very chaotic manner. Without the previous rhythm and planning, it was completely like a spontaneous activity, one that best reflected their violent instincts. activity.

119 Heights was already at stake half an hour after the war, Mountbatten could only send his only mobile force, a commando of 80 badger wizards.

When they came to the defense line of 119 Heights, there was already a river of blood flowing on the ground. Those soldiers who suffered severe injuries and shed blood used their frantic heartbeat to push the slight pulse of overflowing blood, and the red stream followed the groove. Gurging down, the dark red turbulence poured into the trench, like rusty water in an iron pipe.

Together with the remaining soldiers on the battlefield, with their swords and bullets, they drove Oke down on the high ground, but a new wave rushed up immediately.

Oak is like a monstrous flood, constantly beating on the dam that is already full of cracks, everything is only a matter of time.

But what Mountbatten couldn't think of was that what they had been trying desperately to block had already left here a day ago.

Naz and Bal Zijin, with the elite old David team, passed through the gap between the positions at night, and went straight to the already scared Caddy.

They made an agreement that whoever comes to Cardillon first, then whoever has the priority to plunder.

Now, they are only less than twenty kilometers away from Cardillon...

The bosses are about to start to wave! Kids panic

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