Orc Tyrant

Chapter 439: Break the City (Part 1)

Ouke veteran Ur took the lead to go deep into the streets outside Cardillon, and a dozen kids who voluntarily followed him crawled behind him. This was his first attempt to lead the team. In the past, he had been alone.

The reason for this is also very simple. He has assembled a thousand heads and wants to try what it's like to be the boss.

Therefore, his newly formed battle gang is called [Thousand Heads], and only those who he thinks are the most suitable are eligible to join.

At present, they did not encounter any signs of enemies. The streets were quiet, and no living creatures could be seen even in the daytime. He didn't know if all the shrimps here had run out.

Just north of him, other scouts sent by the two warlords were also scattered searching for the enemy's tracks.

Although the main force is still on the way, the warlord’s minions have long been stretched out, and the two big bosses are determined to win the city, and the sooner the better.

Ur does not serve any warlord, and maybe he can accept the command of the overlord, but now he is working purely for his teeth.

He led the command squad forward step by step, watching the surroundings vigilantly. It is said that there are a lot of shrimps here. Ur doesn't want to be a victim of a trap, so he would rather slow down and be careful.

"There is movement ahead."

Ur's deputy stopped abruptly and nodded respectfully to his boss.

He was standing behind a rusty mine bucket filled with **** that was used as a shelter, while the other boys were scattered on each side of the intersection, crouching behind flower beds and corners.

The air was cold and heavy, and it didn't look like summer was approaching.

"There are enemies, ready to fight."

Ur is more keen than the other boys. He feels the shadows changing and moving, and the darkness approaches them like a low-temperature dream of horror and hunger.

He drew out his official weapon, a serrated curved steel blade.

Looking at the surrounding houses, he tasted the smell of copper in his saliva, and various biological hormones began to burn in his muscles.

He suddenly felt that the weapon was lighter, enough to cut a horse's scimitar, which was easily gripped in a pair of metal gloves.


Suddenly, something stepped on the gravel behind him, the sound was slight, and the timing was perfect to match the Oukes' breathing.

Ordinary kids will ignore it. But Ur is far from being an ordinary kid.


He turned and slashed, the machete roared to life, its fine gold teeth turned with the sudden anger, and when Ur turned his heels they shattered the cold air, and then with the blade of a rune sword A cluster of sparks was rubbed.

The enemy trailing behind Ur bounced back due to the impact, and even his force feedback armor could not absorb the power of the special war boss attack.

Ur immediately made another cantilever slash, that Xiami, or something wrapped in black leather armor, his own weapon was activated and blocked in an instant, and then the two weapons shook apart, and more sparks splashed. .

With a scream, the rest of the figures burst out one after another.

They once lurked around the edge of the street, hiding along the walls and roofs covered with cobwebs, and now they lit their anger and cried out with hatred.

Without exception, they were wearing black leather armor, and their postures were so flexible that they were not human-like. They attacked Ur from every angle, their claw blades piercing the air, and their pistols roared.

For a few seconds, Ur was in a state of isolation and helplessness, and the flashing electric light brought the battle into a hell-like black and white scene that flickered and flickered, just like a still image playing.

He stabilized his body and used a single spin to pick up a stab. Then a pair of hot claws hit the handle of the scimitar, and the other hit digs Ur's right shoulder.

The third sword shook the trophy holder behind him, and a flame-shaped sword almost successfully penetrated his throat guard.

"Cover the boss!"

His deputy got up from the bunker at the intersection and rushed towards him. If he didn't, Ur might be bloodied for the first time in his new identity, or it would be his last.

The roaring battle axe hit the first enemy to attack Ur from the back and bottom. The unknown black metal sawtooth cut open the guy's leather armor, cut off the spine and let the blood spray out like a fountain.

Ur finally got a chance to breathe. When he deflected a pair of claw blades, he stabbed the scimitar with his backhand, and then a limb rolled on the ground, spewing black blood.

When the four paws slashed at his helmet, Ur managed to lean back in time to avoid them.

He blindly slashed the weapon into the shadow around him, his senses were sharp, and the desire to kill made the pure fighting anger in his blood activated.

The Ouke veteran seems to be able to draw energy from the combat technique itself, and every blow is just right, releasing a sudden, cruel force, even many huge bosses are hard to come by.

When the other Ok in the team came to Ur, he had already brought down another nightmare with claws.

After a while, Ur realized that the rest of the enemies had disappeared, and the street was suddenly empty, cold and deadly efficient.

"What are they?"

The adjutant panted and walked to Ur, his battle axe pointed at the corpse lying on the ground.


"Not very much."

Ur shook his head, bent over and lifted the black hood on the opponent's face.

In an instant, a thick gray smoke sprayed out of the other's exposed skin, forcing Ur to stagger back, and because he inhaled some of this gas, he felt his vision a little blurred and his head a little dizzy.

"Ahem, what the hell!"

It took several minutes for Ur to relax. When he looked at the corpse again, he found that only a pair of shriveled leather armor was left inside, but the contents were missing, as if it were just An empty shell.

Other boys have also discovered this problem. As long as the skin of these corpses is exposed to the air, they will immediately decompose, and there will be no residue left, and the gas ejected is obviously toxic.

"Write this down, I thought something was wrong."

After a brief tidying up, collecting these scattered leather armors, Ur led the team to go deeper, but until they reached the central square of Cardillon, they did not encounter other living things.

There he met other reconnaissance teams, and everyone found the same thing, but only his team encountered the attacking enemy, which also made him quite concerned.

But soon, Ur let go of these unnecessary thoughts, because there was a more important thing waiting for him to do.


You can take as much as you can. This is an order from Ur to the boys. The accomplices are also looking for or making trailers. Before the warlord came, the entire city belonged to them.

To be rich, you need speed.

Just when the Oukes had begun to plunder around the city, a group of shadows watched them from beginning to end.

"Just imagine nodding and bowing at those filthy creatures, and I feel sick."

A rough voice was full of anger.

"Ok is just a tool, my lord, nothing more."

With a smile in another soft voice, he added a few seconds later.

"A very efficient tool."

"But I don't like to provide our intelligence to such unpredictable aliens."

"Master Farrow."

A cowering voice whispered.

"Ok is not unpredictable, the opposite is true."

"Huh, isn't it, but your Dead Fly Guardian can't even solve a small group of Oak Scouts. Your prediction is not accurate."


The voice paused, then fell silent.

"The task here has been completed. A few people are left to continue contacting these disgusting things. The others are preparing for the next step. That day is coming soon."


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