Orc Tyrant

Chapter 454: Interrogation

"What happened at that time."

In the enclosed metal compartment, Guk’s voice echoed through the walls like a dull bell, but there was no sound outside.

Because of the new armor, he can no longer sit on the metal chairs of the past, and can only stand and talk to each other. Various weapons can be seen everywhere in the spacious room. There are swords and axes as well as firearms. In the Ouke society, this is the same. Yu wealth.

"In the morning, the smelly guy came over suddenly, the number was very special, the sky became darker, and there were sandstorms..."

"Wait, you mean sandstorm?"

Guk frowned.

"Why is there a sandstorm in the forest? Don't tell me nonsense!"

"I didn't lie, the boss, it may not really be a sandstorm... It's similar things, all over the sky, rolling around with the stinky guy, and the pressure is too low to see anything."

Guk took two steps back and forth, then waved his hand to the opponent.

"Go on."

"Yes, afterwards, some of the villages in the east couldn't hold it at first, and the stinky guy rushed to kill us all the way. By the way, there is also a red-skinned one, which is bigger and more fierce than the average stinker.

Guk also heard Jinfang mentioned before that a strange breed appeared among the lycanthropods, like the skinned jackal, which can beat more than ordinary lycanthropods, especially the big swords in their hands that wield their power. It's huge, it can cut off a kid's head with one blow.

At first, Gu Ke didn't pay much attention to it. Now it seems that they are not that simple, because Gu Ke can remember clearly that many of the demons he slaughtered were redskins.

"How much is this red."

"I can't say that, probably... one-third of it."

"There are so many? You continue."

"Uh, behind, behind... the two guys behind are on."

"Why didn't you go first?"

Guk suddenly raised a question that made it difficult for Namath to answer. His eyes were dodging, and he couldn't talk about everyone for a long time.

It wasn't until Guk got impatient and lifted him from the ground that he said loudly:

"Old, boss! I thought something was wrong at the time!"

"What's wrong!"

"I think nothing is right! The stinky guy has no reason to rush out at this time. They have no guns or guns. They come out to find death. If they win in a short time, it is a death. There is no reason why they didn't know this! His head is not a scumbag, he can't do such stupid things! So he didn't move right away..."

"You are smart."

As the mechanical claws suddenly released, Namath suddenly sat down on the ground.

"Since you are so smart, why don't you tell the other two."

"I said it, but they didn't listen."

Namat stood up, twisted his sore neck, and the moment the cold claw blade was attached, he really thought he was going to finish.

"Then they deserve to be done too, what happened later? What did you find out again."

"I didn't find much, I just felt that things were getting more and more ancient. It was obviously morning, but the sky started to darken, and the wind was getting bigger and bigger, and..."

Namat hesitated for a moment, and finally continued under Guke's gaze:

"...A kind of cry."


"I'm not sure if it's a scream, or it might be the sound of the wind hanging on the leaves of a tree, which was uploaded from the sky.

"Have you heard the other guys too?"

Namath shook his head.

Guk stared at him for a long time, staring straight at Namath, all hairy, not sure if the moody overlord was thinking about something to torture him, or what one of his words inadvertently offended him. .

However, it was not anger that shrouded Guk, but the deeper emotions that had always been deeper.

"Are you a nervous boy."

Namath's shoulders shook, but he didn't answer immediately, but took a step back a little.

"Old, boss, this is a joke..."

"I'm not kidding, I'm asking, are you a neurosis."

Namath wanted to cover up his embarrassment with a dry smile, but when he saw Gu Ke's face, he couldn't laugh immediately, and could only nod silently. This was his deepest secret.

He didn't know when his nerve talent appeared. From the moment he first controlled the bones to fly into the air, he kept silent about the matter, and rarely used such power.

In the Ouke society, although neuroboys have strong powers, they are not a popular group. Their disordered thinking and out-of-control abilities are always creating all kinds of chaos, and many war gangs even now refuse to accept them. Any neuroboy.

The case of a neuroboy becoming the boss is very, very rare. Mogdrogen may be considered one, but he is a special case.

Namath wants to be the boss, he wants to be a warlord. He doesn’t want the kids to know that he is actually a nervous boy, but Ouke’s ability is mostly not related to the word “control”, even if he forces himself to play. Without using mental power, it is inevitable that there will be leaks inadvertently.

Therefore, he always takes a few abnormal boys or nervous boys on the trip, and the purpose is to prevent such a situation from traveling. He can have an explanation for the boys.

Unexpectedly, he was seen through by Gu Ke.

"Interestingly, a nervous boy can actually be a handsome boss."

The smile Guk showed, the deep shadow also receded from him.

"Uh, it doesn't count, I have never..."

"I don't ask you this."

He interrupted the other party's explanation.


"Later, the scene was really terrifying. The sky was completely dark, the wind was blowing like a knife, the boys couldn't see the way at all, and there were all kinds of strange sounds. Anyway, it was messy."

"Didn't the smelly guy chase you?"

"This... it seems that the stinky guys behind have been fighting, but the number is not large. It is estimated that they have been bombed seven or eight, and they are almost finished before the wind blows."

Guke thought for a while, then stomped his left foot hard, the closed door slowly opened amid the hiss of steam, and the original dark room suddenly became brighter.

"Order your boys, three days later, we will meet these stinky guys."

Namar nodded and walked away. At the same time, Grak walked in. At the moment they passed by, their shoulder armors slammed into each other.

Compared with Grak, Namat’s head was a bit smaller, and he was stumbling a few steps. Fortunately, he didn’t fall. He looked back angrily and found that the other party was also looking at him. The huge and protruding iron jaw slightly opened Open, as if smiling, but not with a kind smile.

Knowing that the other party was provoking, Namat gritted his teeth, speeded up his pace and left here quickly.

"Boss, this doesn't seem to work."

Glak came to Guk, smiled, and touched the crack on his shoulder armor. The metal at the impact point had sunk in.

"I'll look again, if you have to deal with those weird things, you won't be able to rely on your strength, his kind works."

"What if something goes wrong in his mind?"

"Oh, since he's not crazy now, he won't be mad easily in the future, isn't Batka alright?"

"Boss, don't you think Batka is not crazy?"


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