Orc Tyrant

Chapter 455: Ironclad Torrent (1)

Zgapor, the first ironfang, is reviewing his troops.

They are all from the Iron Fist gang, all of them, wearing dirty armor stained with mud, waiting for orders on the west bank of the river, half a day away from a safe camp.

The organization of the Iron Fist Gang is weird, the kid thinks so.

Namat divided the war gang into fifteen parts, named after "Ya". Each "Ya" is commanded by Yashou, which is the boss in a general sense. Their trusted guards are called "Ya".

The fang of the first iron tooth is Zigapor, a big man nailed all over with steel plates, both grumpy and brave.

The boys are busy. The horrible experience a few days ago has been driven away from their bodies. Many boys no longer believe in the fact that they have failed. Their faces show that they are ready for revenge. ‘’

Zi Ga Por turned his back to the riverbed. The water here was originally as deep as two boys, but now only a shallow layer remains.

Looking at the huge war machines and the river bank that was almost crushed by the tracks, his expression was a little angry.

The mechanics knocked and beat, and they couldn't understand the sentence except for muttering.

His dental soldiers had no other words, because they all regarded death as home, because death waited quietly behind the river bank, in the swamp that can swallow people, in the thousands-meter-long front on the other side, those guns The fire coverage of the guns was carefully planned, the tortuous lines of defense were formed into a deadly star, and any surprise attack was greeted with ruthless fire.

According to the intelligence of air reconnaissance, the lycanthropes assembled a large number of troops at the fortress that they spent a lot of life regaining, and built a complete set of defense facilities in the fortress, including a large number of machine gun bunkers and forts. The specific location is due to the red sand. And can't be sure.

No one knows where the lycanthrope suddenly got so many guns, but the fortifications comparable to a meat grinder must be broken through by infantry assault, and a war gang from the abandoned city has already tried. Did it.

They launched an assault five days ago, but did not succeed, leaving only a lot of blood and corpses.

Commanding in the dense fog has become a big problem. The boys can easily get lost in the offensive direction, and the enemy only needs to fire at the place where there is movement.

Even more bizarre is that some guys claim that they have encountered something that is not a stinky guy in the fog, and they can't describe what kind of guys are.

Zi Gapor knew all these things, and he focused his attention on his subordinate boss.

They were cheering up the boys, and Z Gapor could see that it was just a performance, an expression on his face.

However, they are still facing the mouth of death, and those leaders who may never look back at their kid's second glance are constantly looking back, checking the soldiers they lead time and time again. They didn't feel anxious, but felt that time flies too slowly, and everyone was impatient.

Compared with his subordinates, Zigapor has many advantages. His body is very strong, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a head taller than ordinary bosses.

At the same time, his armor is much cleaner than his colleagues, and the mechanical claws in his hands are the most obvious symbol of the boss’s status. Therefore, Zigapor is considered by his men to be their natural leader, which means just worrying about his own Worry is enough.

The front line was very quiet, and the battle flag carried by Zgapor's adjutant El Ge was fluttering in the biting evil wind.

Somewhere in this endless swamp, some unknown flying creature screamed like a fart, as if nothing had happened.

He had a hunch that the war here would be extremely bloody, because the stinky guys over there would receive the most severe, merciless, and extremely cruel sanctions after the fort fell, so they would definitely resist desperately, in order to Resist this inevitable fate.

Every day, the bombing of artillery fire will start at the same time.

Every day, a new war gang will start from their camp and arrive here.

Every day, they will climb over the top of the river bank, compete with their enemies meter by meter for the soaked land, and then retreat back to their respective fronts until the next morning.

Before Guk arrived in the abandoned city, this kind of thing continued repeatedly. The boys took pleasure in this, and they were not affected by the failure of the past. The beasts did not take the next step, as if they were also happy to do this with Ouke. The tug of war.

But this will not last forever, the overlord has come, and he brings anger and punishment.

Hundreds of thousands of Ouke boys gathered under the banner of Guk, and the number is still increasing. No one wants to miss this grand "waaaaagh". After all, being able to follow the overlord to fight is something that can be boasted in the tavern for a long time. A long time.


The large-caliber artillery in the distance was the first to open the curtain of war. Although the target was hidden in the fog, Ouke’s artillery did not need such accurate beacons.

Every five minutes, the air was torn apart by deliberately created thunder, and the earth trembles.

Zgapor stretched his hand toward his pistol, and he turned up the pistol holster with his thumb, and the mud on the outside came off his weapon.

The Waka Rainforest is a muddy world, and there is no way to keep anything clean.

The artillery's firing marked the beginning of the day's action. As a revenge, the artillery on the beast man began to fight back. The roar of the artillery made the boss think that he was in the center of the thunderstorm.

"Attention! You idiots!"

Zigapor yelled at his team. The closest to him were Robz and Mihe, the experienced veterans and big players who had been promoted before.

Nervous boy Corns carried a skull stick, while Burning Boy Silly Kid carried a flamethrower.

The last member of Zigapor's pro-family team is the Pain Kid Orpor, a medical genius who is said to be able to save breathless **** with jumping feet and spiders.

A strange murmur came from the mouth of the corns, and it was obvious that he was receiving some information.

After half a minute, Namath's order came.

After the shelling stopped, a large-scale assault was carried out. The same pattern as before, all the boys rushed into the line of fire and saw what would happen.

"Very well, today's order is given! Boys, check your weapons!"

Zi Ga Por's voice was accompanied by a messy ruffling sound.

Then he turned to the other side of the river bed and waved his arm at the big guy blocking the way.

"Boss! You are here!"

"I'm here to take a look."

Zigapor glanced at the behemoth roughly, it was as big as his own big tent.

What he sees is the main armored force of the Iron Fist Gang, which is the big dirty car made by Aghem. In the case that most bosses don’t like this heavy machinery, Namat very foreseeably acquired one of them. Most of them, and formed the first iron tooth.

Zigapor took a step back and took a better look at the machine. This guy's track was a little tall, and the big one made him a little short.

The raised control cabin occupies the front superstructure of this machine. The twin heavy guns protrude from the front of the command cabin. Heavy flamethrowers are also installed on the side turrets of his head, and two The barrel of the daka cannon protrudes from the top of the side turret.

From where he was standing, he couldn't see the huge open-top loading and unloading cabin, there was one that was the size of Skug.

"When will this thing be opened."


The mechanic said proudly:

"We have a dozen dirty cars. Well, those scumbags can't stop our iron riders from rolling forward, not at all."

Suddenly, the trumpet sounded in the distance, and Zi Ga Por raised his head.

The shelling stopped.

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