Orc Tyrant

Chapter 459: Ironclad Torrent (5)

Zigapor made his kid move from bunker to bunker until he reached the side of the predetermined location.

The Ironshoe has been driven away, and it is cutting down the courageous stinkers like cutting grass, and at the same time preventing the enemy from reinforce the area, and the Battle for War is also using artillery to dismantle the enemy's defenses little by little.

They concealed in a broken fortress, ignoring the meat sauce of the previous defenders in the fort, and then did everything they could to observe the situation of the multi-barrel gun positions.

The current battle is focused on two points, one is on the side of Born for War, and the other is the attack of the second rage tooth on the flanks against the defensive line they had broken before.

"It looks like they are going to finish the fight"

Elder brother can't stop his complaining.

"We have nothing to do with hanging out."

Zigap looked out from the observation hole of the bunker, then looked at the right side of the bunker facing the exit of the main fort, and said:

"No, we have a good opportunity. As long as those cannons are destroyed, other guys can come in, and then join the boss’s main force to flatten the stinky’s nest. We can wait for the battle to go from one direction to another. The other direction is over, or we can do something to finalize the situation."

His boy looked at Zigapor, his body covered in blood and mud.

Zigap didn’t need their consent, he just looked around, and then their people nodded.

He asked three boys with heavy weapons to stand on top of the bunker, and then divided the remaining people into two teams, the second group led by Mi He.

He waited until the other group reached the other side of the trench, and then ordered them to use a small rocket to give the bad guy a hard hit.

The second team moved very quickly. They came to the predetermined position and then fired a rocket into the fortress at the end of the line where the cannons were deployed. Whether to kill all the members in the bunker is not a question worth considering. Just let them be suppressed long enough.

"It's now!"

Zi Ga Por roared, and the remaining kid followed him to the open area in front of the enemy's machine gun bunker, and three big toss guns poured firepower into the bunker.

The bullet pierced the air and hit them, killing the two boys, but fortunately there were no more enemies-his deployment firepower team successfully suppressed the opponent's firepower.

Then Zigapor squatted behind a low wall for a while, then climbed into the trench behind the bunker, and shot a stinky guy with a handgun, hitting the opposite chest.

So they came in.

The boys quickly dispersed in the trenches, using pistols and machetes to deal with those weak enemies. The lycanthrope defenders saw Ork suddenly appeared, and they yelled in terror, but they didn’t have the fire support of heavy weapons. It's a dish in the body battle.

Zigapor took a deep breath, pulled down the grenade on his waist, ignited it, and threw it into the bunker.


The explosives were detonated, and the sandbags at the entrance of the fortress exploded inward. The powerful kinetic energy brought by the explosion unloaded them from the door frame and tore them to pieces. The choking smoke gushed out from the door at the same time.

Before he even waited for the shock from the explosion to completely disappear, he got into the round fortress surrounded by sandbags.

Because of the low bunker, he could only roll into the smoke-covered entrance and assumed an aggressive posture.

When he saw two circular outlines flashing in the shooting mouth, he squeezed the trigger twice, and the two heads burst in response, and the owner of the head also twitched and fell backward.

Most of the seven or eight inside have been blown up to see the **** of death. The broken corpses are lying all over the floor. The walls are full of marks after splashing with blood and black marks after the flames burned. The other has a breath, trembling. Holding a pistol in his hand, he was ready to fight the trapped beast.

Zigapor shot him without hesitation.

Another evil orc officer was leaning on the wall, blood gushing from his broken limbs, and the sharp metal fragments created by the explosion hit him.


Suddenly, a bullet hit Zgapor's armor, and he quickly twisted his body while kicking to the rear of the shooting.

His feet wrapped in iron armor slammed into the knee of a lycanthrope soldier, and his joints shattered instantly.

The guy screamed and fell while letting go of his weapon, tightly hugging his broken knee, rolling all over the floor, and the next moment he smashed its head with a kick.

"Kill it!"

At this time, the only remaining guards in the bunker rushed up and surrounded Zigap, shouting and poking with knives and spears.

Zi Ga Por turned his body dexterously and counterattacked with deadly force.

Wherever the fist goes, the bones are always shattered and the enemy dies tragically.

When the last lycanthrope fell, his senses were already occupied by the smelly blood plasma and broken and dirty internal organs. When he looked down, his breastplate and shoulder armor were all bloodstained.

With sharp eyes, he scanned every dark corner of the bunker last time. He found nothing, and all the enemies were dead.

Hearing the fierce exchange of fire outside, he arched his waist and slowly walked towards the entrance, while carefully avoiding the grenades and explosives scattered on the ground.

He walked through the wall full of bullet holes, watching with contempt as a group of storm assault boys joined the battle.

The rocket backpacks behind them are flying above the main bunker. These disciplined weirdos fall on the ground like eagles wrapped in flames, and their swords and axes are unstoppable. Limbs.

The first commanding high firepower point is now dilapidated. The lack of training guards in the firepower point are already frightened in the face of such a powerful attack. In addition, the Occan army has surrounded them, and they have no way to escape at this moment. Up.

The members of the assault squad quickly killed them one by one with a powerful slash, and the battle became a massacre.

"Clean up!"

The second team that had been assigned returned to Zigapor, and there were basically not many enemies in the trench network - in fact, the number of enemies they encountered the most was only fifty.

They successfully reached a place only a hundred steps away from the enemy's cannon position, and the air was full of pungent smoke.

"It's too quiet, it's a bit wrong."

Zigapor's intuitive instinct suddenly became vigilant, like a sharp knife quietly touching his neck, the cold touch that seemed to seem to make him frightened.

"It's an asshole! There's one more! It's on the top."

Suddenly, the nervous boy's corns screamed, and Zhong Ouke looked up and found that in the original fortress of the main fortress, another multi-barreled cannon appeared and aimed at them.


All the boys who gathered together dispersed immediately, and at the same time, the intense firepower began to pour down from above. Zigapor threw a grenade in the direction of the enemy, but it flew halfway and hit the wall and rolled back to the ground. . .

"Big Tutu Gun!"

He can only call for heavy weaponry, but the enemy's blast has caused a lot of casualties. More than a dozen dental soldiers have been knocked down, and the large-caliber bullets ripped their armor and bodies.

The next moment, the enemy's firepower became denser, and it was another multi-high cannon. Obviously, the enemy deliberately hid some firepower.

They were forced to hide behind a wall of sandbags, and the heated sand came from the heat from the bullet hit on the other side. Zigapor didn’t know how long the bunker could last. They couldn’t stay in the trenches, and the enemy could be defeated if they stood on high ground. From any position, the heavy weapon hand that hurriedly fired several shots at the shooting hole that was firing at them at this time, but there was no effect.

Then he got a shot in the head the second time he raised his head and tried to fire, he was dead before he fell to the ground.

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