Orc Tyrant

Chapter 460: Ironclad Torrent (6)

At this time, the roar of the engine came, and the Ironshoe crushed the trenches as if they didn't exist at all.

It smashed sandbags, crushed stone and chalk, and used a huge body to lie in front of Zigapor, blocking the fire from the shooting hole above.

"Hurry up!"

Zigap slapped the dazed Elder brother, and the opponent immediately woke up and grabbed the battle flag that fell on the ground.

They ran towards Ironshoe, and then hid behind the safe hood.

The tank fired at the remaining multi-barrel guns with its overweight deadly guns, breaking them into parts, and washing every inch of the ground with hail-like firepower.

The exploding high-explosive bomb shook the ground, and Zigapor and Elge climbed to the top of the ladder, and then leaned out of the battle deck full of blood and mud.

The enemies who ran out of the bunker realized that those people had climbed into the vehicle, and it was too late. They ran to the place where they ran out before, and as long as the tank continued to fire, they would drive them out of the fortress and let them Exposed to fire.

"Bake these bastards, guys."

"Yes, it's barbecue time!"

The captain's voice came from the horn, looking a little crazy.

He kicked the accelerator directly, and the Ironshoe rushed towards the main fort. The multi-barrel gun group was crazy and tilted a large amount of ammunition on its armor plate, but it did not cause any substantial damage.


The mechanic captain roared and directly stuffed the nozzle of the flamethrower into the enemy's shooting hole, and then activated the fuel valve.


In an instant, the screams of the enemy and the raging flames ejected from the shooting hole, and the heat wave even rolled onto the rear deck, and almost burned the hitchhiker Zgapor and Elge from the car, but luckily they jumped off in time. car. There were three shooting holes at the same height above their heads. They watched these shooting holes vigilantly, but none of them dared to open fire.

Zigapor glanced into the distance, and the main force of the First Iron Fist finally passed the enemy’s shelling zone. It seemed that they had lost an overweight armor, but he couldn’t see which car had dropped the chain at such a distance. Up.

Most of the enemies have been killed, and a few enemies are running. He can't see more specific signs of fighting, but Robz, covered in blood, ran to the side, yelling like a madman, and knocked down the enemy with his butt. On the ground.

The Pain Kid Orpor stood in front of a beastized man begging for mercy and took out his "surgical tools." Zi Gapor turned his head before the other party started torturing the guy, not wanting to see this disgusting sight.

The enemy’s remaining machine gun group has now become a pile of burning ruins, and the shells are smashed and crackled in the flames.

The sound of the battle weakened. From the thick smoke, he could see many lycanthropes running away from the front line, chased by garbage carts and the kid who followed them and fleeing.

Outside of the machine gun fortress position, the Battleborn is turning to the bloodied number that was besieged by the enemy, and fired continuously to smash the enemy forces that were still trying to destroy the overweight armor.

Facing the breeze blowing on the battlefield, Zi Gapor heard a vague celebration.

He took the blood-stained battle flag from Brother Howard and let it fly high in the damp wind. He hoped to use this as a signal so that the boys could gather.

"The smelly guy in front is over, the road is clear."

Five seconds later, the hatch of the Ironshoe opened, and the head of the mechanic captain popped out, and at the same time brought the information ahead.

"Tomorrow's tyrant is mainly focused on attacking the largest fortress. Now he can rest, temporarily.

At this moment, a roar came from the camp several kilometers away, quickly approaching the trench that they had cleaned up.

The engine screamed, and then dashed over the top of Zigapor's head, and went straight to the towering rock fortress one kilometer away-Holy Spear Fort.

There was a burst of explosion, then a sharp sound, thick smoke coming out of a destroyed turret, and the other two rockets disappeared from view as they flew over the top of the fortress.

In a short period of time, continuous explosions and broken sounds came from the fortress.

Ironshoe fired one last shot, and the loud noise passed through the swamp, and then there was complete silence. After a few more seconds, the upper horn rang.

"Take this down, let's call it a day!"

Zigapor and his remaining boys climbed the boarding ladder of the chariot, the chariot made a round, and then drove slowly away from the still smoking ruined fortress.

Harpy scouts screamed in the air, recording everything that happened below.

A team of boys came over, stuffed a lot of explosives into the rest of the bunker, and left quickly.

A few seconds later, there was an explosion and a dull sound from the depths of the bunker. The flames ejected from the shooting holes of the bunker and spread quickly to the top. A huge fireball was exploded on the top, with three layers. The building was high, and fragments of metal and stone were scattered everywhere.

The original very strong defense facilities were overturned, and then heavily plugged into the ground.

The lycanthropes gave up here for a while, and was later snatched by Ouke, but they took it back. This time, Guke is determined to destroy everything on the path, including the stockades and fortresses they built.

The core goal of Guk’s expedition is that the grass does not grow, and the tiles do not remain.

The battle lasted until the evening before it was completely over. The strongholds and bunkers on the outer defense line of St. Spear Fort were all uprooted. The land they had regained at a great price was lost in a short period of time with more sacrifices.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the Oukes directly established the camp on the flat land that is only five or six kilometers away from Sacred Spear Fort. This is completely an expression of not putting the enemy in the eyes, and their combat effectiveness today is indeed worthy of this. The performance, although they suddenly possessed many advanced weapons.

The First Iron Fang was stationed on the spot in the ruins of the bunker captured today. This was not Zigapor's choice, but Guk's request. He also asked all the heavy armor to be assembled together to prepare for the offensive tomorrow.

The Ironshoe stopped by the destroyed bunker. Rows of captured lycanthropes passed under Ooke’s contemptuous eyes, holding their heads in their hands, and ropes tied to their feet. These "lucky guys" Will enter each **** arena and become the object of fun for the kids. Generally speaking, the survival time of a slave in the arena is three days.

Zi Gapor sat on an ammunition box at the corner of the battle deck of the Ironshoe, holding a small bottle of wine that he didn't know where he was brewing from.

His relatives circled him, those uninterested guys were using their guns to practice with dying stinky guys, and the pain boy Orpor helped them deal with minor injuries, and at the same time distributed all kinds of weird medical supplies.

The loss of the first iron tooth was not great. The only big dirty car that was damaged was the Rage. The reason for its loss of combat effectiveness was not the enemy, it was just a simple engine failure that caused it to break down.

Only the tooth soldiers who went deep behind the enemy with Zgapor had a greater loss. The battle deck that seemed to be crowded before now looks a little empty, but he does not regret doing this. An opportunity to penetrate the enemy's heart can be missed. Not his character.

The big dirty brim must have appeared from the other side of the chariot, and the boss of the Fourth Flaming Fang came over. He was in charge of attacking the position north of the center of the battle line, not far from Zigapor, before flying to the top of the fortress. Those Storm Boys above were the people under his hands, but most of them were folded, some were killed in battle, and some were accidentally injured by fire.

He boarded the chariot, and his shiny leather boots rang on the metal deck.

"I heard that the boss lost a bottle of wine? Huh?"

Zigapor shook his head in disdain.

"The boss has a lot of wine, not bad this bottle, now I am a little tired, and then this thing can help me a little."

He picked up the bottle in his hand, looked at each other mockingly, and then shook it deliberately.

In fact, this wine is very poor quality, not the kind of taste that a good wine should have, but now, this thing tastes great.

"I heard that the overlord also praised your big dirty car unit."

The boss in a tattered black army coat shook his head and walked to him, grabbed his wine from a kid on the side, and drank it cleanly.

"Bah! This thing is filled with engine oil!"

As a result, he spit out half of the bottle and sprayed the opposite boy's face. However, because of his identity as the boss, the boy was so angry that he could not say anything, so he could only get out of the car and go to find a fart or a scumbag by himself. fire.

"Go back to your side to make trouble!"

Zigapor lazily kicked the opponent's calf, just when the mechanic captain finished his maintenance work and climbed out of the command cabin.

"What is noisy!"

"I think your wine is awful."

The mechanic walked over and grabbed the wine bottle in the hands of Huofang boss, poured all the remaining bits into his mouth, and then smashed it and said:

"What does it drink, what do I drink, there is a problem?"

Obviously he was referring to the iron hoof under his feet.

The boss of Firefang stared at the other party, apparently he didn't expect his guess to be correct, this damned mechanic actually poured engine oil into the wine.


He jumped out of the car and left in a curse, while Zi Gapor was still lying on the back deck, drinking lazily. The violent factor in his blood had been released in today’s battle. Good time to rest.

In the distance, the boys of the first iron teeth have gathered and organized a temporary arena, ready to use the lycanthrope captives to carry out various "friendly" activities, including "see who cuts fast" and "see who kicks far." ""Turn off the lights and touch the blind" and other fun games, kids always have no shortage of creativity in this area.

But Zigap didn't have any interest in participating in these activities today, no matter what kind of battle to be fought tomorrow, he is already very satisfied now.

The only thing he wanted to do was to think nothing, lying on the hood, feeling the residual warmth underneath, sleeping with these giant steel beasts, listening to their pulse in a dream.

Occasionally, he would think wildly.

When the mechanics put the behemoths to sleep, are they sleeping? Do they dream?

If so, what are their dreams made of? What kind of secret do you have in your heart?

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