Orc Tyrant

Chapter 466: Beast of Steel (6)

"Confirm three goals!"

After Miviman finished speaking, he waited quietly, and the microphone hissed in his ears.

"Only three?"

A dry voice asked, the captain of the Razor hadn't recovered from the tension of escaping from the dead.

He turned his eyes to the sight glass again, narrowed the angle of view, and scanned back and forth from left to right.

The fog began to thin again and gradually dispersed, revealing the blasted metal debris surrounding the flat ground, like broken teeth lined up around the rotting tongue. The enemy attacked their convoy more than once. The mist acts as a cover, trying to wipe them out one by one.

But they failed.

Miviman adjusted the button of the periscope and turned it into an infrared viewing angle. The fog, ground and ruins became a dim environmental heat curtain, but now the fog is so thin that people can see a hundred meters without the infrared viewing angle. Outside place, but this is not important.

Infrared viewing angle is the daylight in this war, and Miviman is once again thankful that this delicate thing is not damaged.

The heat dissipation of the three flesh and blood machinery that are passing through the flat ground is highlighted in the green field of vision, and the yellow bright spots indicate that the components are running to generate heat and radiate heat.

They dragged the gradual cooling exhaust gas, and the chest showed a nearly white stain.

Miviman squinted his eyes and adjusted the focus, trying to see if there were more enemies advancing behind what he could see now.

No, there are only three, one huge and two smaller ones.

The larger one looks more like a large piece of pig iron than a piece of flesh and blood. The azure laser cannons are hung on both sides of it, and its feet seem to be larger than the armor of its own vehicle. thick.

"Confirm that there are three enemy forces, two small, and the other... big, it looks a bit hard, and there are two sets of guns on the side."

"Hammer, hammer."

Another voice cut in.

"This is red eye."

Another tank in the team appeared. It has a unique weapon combination. The main gun has only one medium-caliber rapid-fire gun, but it carries ten rocket launchers and two small laser launchers. The firepower density is instantaneous. Is the highest.

Miviman nodded, finally there was good news.

"Where are you dead?"

"The fog was very thick and it was gone. We had some trouble, but it was over."

"To understanding."

Miviman nodded, although no one could see it.

"All units, fire at will!"

The microphone fell silent, but Miviman could already hear the sound of the shells being loaded.

He took a deep breath to drive away the messy thoughts, and looked into the eyepiece above the steering rod.

The infrared camera is new, but for Miviman, this angle of view is already familiar.

"Fuck, look at that thing."

The main gunner Udo murmured, shaking his head, holding the sight of the main gun.

The internal microphone lengthened Udo's tone.

"I can hit the rubbish, it's going too slow."

"If your hands can be more stable."

"is it?"

Udo shrugged, looking at the advancing two-legged monster exposed, the chain links clicking on the heavy armor.

A precise blow can break the connection between them, making the guy stop like a stranded sea monster.

After a long period of silence, Udo snorted.

This time Miviman did not reply. He knew that most of what Udo said was best not to reply. The gunner was a bit unhappy about being assigned to this car, but Miviman felt that even if he was thrown into the tavern in Udo Can also find something to complain about.

"They are about to enter the shooting angle."

Miviman said quietly.


Udo growled at the loader on the side.

Miviman watched the leading mechanical demon run over a protrusion on the ground. Its two main guns swayed to keep it level. After it, the two small machines also crawled forward.

They look like some kind of dog, with a protruding snout on their head, moving forward with four mechanical feet, and carrying a main gun that flickers with electric light on their backs.

"Aim at the leader."


"One shot killed."

"I know, I know, can you shut up, mechanic? Just do your own thing."

Miviman grabbed the start lever of the vehicle's engine, he could hear Udo's breathing through the microphone, and the approaching enemy gradually grew larger in his field of vision.

He heard Udo taking a deep breath.


Suddenly, he shouted.

There was a thunder in Miviman's ears, and he closed his eyes at the moment the fire flashed from the muzzle, and his eyes were full of white.

The shell hit the lower part of the enemy, burned through the armor of its feet, and melted a side cannon.

The monster's oval head continued to turn, rattling in the molten metal, and then fell to the ground.

Inside the car, Miviman heard the heavy blow of the shell hitting the target and the sound of explosion, and the enemy disappeared in a rapidly spreading flame with black smoke.

After that, the two small ones rushed up quickly, pushing the burning wreckage of their companion aside.

The second one turned to the side while turning the turret.

Miviman opened his eyes. Fire light came in from the observation slit, and the infrared angle of view was also full of beating heat signals. Udo was yelling, tapping the top of the sight with his hand.

He pulled down the starter lever, the hammer's engine started, and then pushed it back vigorously, connected to the reverse gear, and the hammer began to reverse from the low ground where he had hidden before.

Miviman can't feel anything, really.

Part of him was controlling the tank, but all he thought was a sharp grumble in his ears.

The moment is about life and death, the enemy now knows where they are, and he will see the laser beam pointing at them like a finger. If the action is too slow, then they will die here.

The huge armor accelerates the reverse.

Go back thirty meters, then turn around.

As he felt the vehicle trembling and leaping in his hand, a bunch of thoughts occupied his brain.

In front of him, Udo was still cursing the enemy, cheering for the kill.

"Hammer, they see you."

The sound of the Razor number came from the phone, as plain and ruthless as a machine.

"Hit it."

Miviman growled.



The main gun of the Razor is a specialized gun, with a very long barrel, and the accuracy is one of the best among Ouke’s weapons.

As the entire tank shook backwards suddenly, one of the flesh and blood machinery that had been aimed at the Hammer instantly evaporated in the rising flames and storms, and the huge aftermath of the explosion even overturned the other.

But it has no chance to stand up.

"Red eye, confirm, launch!"

Two red lasers hit the monster, and it immediately burned, struggling to dissolve, emitting a strong stench.

The third one is 8 o'clock in the evening!

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